Category Archives: All hail the Princess!

Pinky’s Cubpaign is in High Gear

Pinky has…um…drafted Bubba and Ping to help with her cubpaign. I guess they weren’t as fast as everyone else in their attempted escape.

What could possibly go wrong?

Darn that ear fluff!

Be the Bear
Bob T don’t make Pinky mad Panda

Okay, It’s Not Still Breaking Nooz, But…

Pinky had some thoughts she wanted to share about the (hopefully) arriving pandas to the Pandiego Zoo later this year. I say hopefully, because as we know, many things can go wrong between now and then, so while I’m keeping my fingers crossed and my thoughts hopeful, I’m not all in on positivity, if you take my meaning.

Isn’t it reassuring that Pinky is so consistent in her viewpoint?


Oh well.

Be the Bear!
Bob T trying to remain hopeful Panda

Pandas for President!

Will this be the last time Mommee Mei tries to get Pinky to improve herself?


She’s only letting Pinky THINK she is giving up trying to reform Pinky. Mommee Mei is relentless…kind of like Pinky.

Be the Bear
Bob T tomorrow is another day Panda

Panda Birthday Season

It’s the high season of Panda Birthdays. This week we celebrate the birthdays of the great Mr. Wu, the triplets (aka Pinky’s minions) and PPJ, Pinky’s real life daughter and supernatural apparition within The Panda Chronicles.

Let’s get this panda party started!

Remember when Mr Wu got a present from da panda kindy?

Will the panda kindergarten get it put together before Bai Yun gets home?
Mr Wu finds out that the Meihems were born in Pandalanta
Triple Trouble indeed!
What are Pinky and her minions getting up to?

And then, of course, there is Princess Pinky Junior, aka PPJ. Here, to celebrate her birthday, is the entire story of her arrival in the Panda Chronicles, “Someday you’ll have a cub just like YOU” aka Pinky’s nightmare.

This isn’t a dream…it’s a nightmare!

I hope you enjoyed our encore presentation of this segment of panda birthday season! Tune in next Sunday when we start our monthlong celebration of the most famous pandas anywhere (Pinky made me write that) Bikkie, Bubba, and of course…um…what was her name? Oh yeah! Pinky!

Be the Bear
Bob T Panda

BTW, I made a felty cake to celebrate Mr. Wu’s 10th birthday. It’s one of a kind and includes Mr. Wu atop his cake. The whole thing stands about 5 inches tall with Wu. It is available for $98 + shipping. Send a message via the Contact Us page.

Before there was Bitcoin, there was Pinky Money

Really, if you want to know the future, read The Panda Chronicles. Everything happens here first.

Proof positive of Pinky’s persuasive popularity!
Butter wouldn’t melt in her adorable little mouth….
Minion security: you can’t be too careful.
Thanks a lot, Leslie. I think you gave Pinky this idea.

Will Pinky’s minions testify at the next January 6th hearing? Tune in on Tuesday and find out. (We also might find out where Bikkie has disappeared to!)

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

School Days! (or was that “daze”?)

How is it May already? School seems like it just started and here we are rolling up to summer. Have the panda kids learned anything from Beary Poppins?

The Nooz continues to be grim. Mittens won’t shut up and go away. The Supremes are ready to take away the rights of women, and that doesn’t seem to be where they will stop. The rights of anyone who is not a christian, white, straight, male are being challenged everywhere you look. Abortion and the right to choose has been the law of the land since I became an adult. It’s time to raise our voices, show up and vote these jerks out of office. (I realize we can’t vote SCOTUS out, be we can vote for Democrats up and down the ballot.)

I wish Pinky would just poof the bad people away.

Be the Bear
Bob T Panda

Did Someone Say “Fraud on a Government Document?”

I couldn’t help but wonder what would happen to me if, for instance, I made up an important government document, signed my name to it, then turned it in to the National Archives. I mean, what if I said that the Presidential electors in Washington state all voted for Princess Pinky? Do you think I’d still be walking around free and easy?

I think not!

Then again, pandas can pretty much get away with anything!

Bikkie still has a lot to learn!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

July 29 is not only the Wu Self’s birthday…

It is also the birthday of the actual Princess Pinkie’s own little princess, Princess Pinky Junior, also known as Dou Ban, who has joined the family of Xi Dou, along with her brother Chao Tianjiao.

Since she is just turning a year old, I don’t have the deep archive that I have for Mr. Wu, but I DO have her introduction story for The Panda Chronicles!

So get some poppy corn, mebbee a bootini, and sit back to enjoy a little story we called “Pinky’s Dream!”

This isn’t a dream…it’s a nightmare!

We shall see what we shall see! Till next time!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda