…so who am I to say “no?”
Stay tuned for the next 31 Days of Pandas installment. Tomorrow, the Twinkies model their paper panda attire!
Be The Bear!
Bob T. Panda
I hope you are having fun with Princess Pinky and all her new outfits. Wait! All, you say? Yes! Here is another new outfit for Pinky, inspired by my recent tour of 19 Art Museums (yes! 19! really!) on the East coast of the US of A.
Since my return, I’ve been attempting to catch up on new pandas for you, oh loyal fans of panda satire! Just to give you a few hints, more of your beloved pandas will get their own paper dolls (move over Babette de Panda!), Mr. Wu will finish his current adventure, and then appear in a short holiday special (It’s a Pandaful Life) and who knows WHAT the panda kindergarten is now getting up to, except that it might involve operations at the North Pole AND cuppycakes!
And without any further delay, we bring you Princess Pinky’s next outfit!
Inspired by one of Pinky’s favorite artworks, a sculpture by Edgar Degas, which seems to be in every art museum on the east coast.
And for those of you who are technically challenged (like my self), here is pinky in her new outfit!
And because it’s Fabulous Furry Friday, there must be an encore presentation for the folks playing along at home!
Stay tuned through the weekend for MORE 31 Days of Pandas! And don’t forget, The Panda Chronicles book make EXCELLENT holiday presents!
Be the Bear!
Bob T. Panda
OK, not really, but a Princess Pinky Paper Doll is the next best thing..um…isn’t it? The dedicated pandologists at the Institute for Contemporary Panda Satire are committed to bringing you the best in panda satire, not to mention all the fun that pandas can bring. Many (OK, three) of our fans have already had fun bringing Babette de Panda paper dolls along with them on trips near and far. Just think how much fun you can have with Princess Pinky!
Your Princess Pinky Paper Doll has been scanned at a higher resolution than most of our cartoons, so it is suitable for printing. To print, click on the image and then save to your computer. You can glue pinky to cardboard and make a thingie so she can stan up. then you can dress her in her new outfit. There will be additional outfits added during the month of December.
You know the rules: Pinky is for your own non-commercial use, so don’t make me send the panda kindergarten after you. ‘kay? And if you are inclined to take pictures of Pinky at her holiday parties, be sure to post them to Bob T. Panda on Facebook, or @pandachronicle on Twitter.
Huzzah! Be the Bear!
Bob T. Panda
Surely you didn’t really think I made Princess Pinky’s mom go >poof< last Monday. A little princess panda needs guidance, no matter how big a girl she already thinks she is. The eyes of a nation are watching you, Princess Pinky.
Is there anything cuter than a princess panda throwing a little tantrum? No, I didn’t think so either.
Oh geez it’s Monday.
Be the Bear
Bob T. Panda
Here we are on a glorious Monday morning, perhaps the last glorious Monday of the year. There are still brightly colored leaves on the trees and the sun is shining. What could be better?
Some one has sent Princess Pinky a present, one that might just be a little advanced for a bear so young. It wasn’t YOU, was it?
What is it with moms and demanding all these baths, anyway?
Welcome to all our new readers, some of whom we met at the Whidbey Island Writers Conference last weekend. A great time was had by all, and some of us might have even learned something. Huzzah! Stay tuned for possible good news about Pandamorphosis, my epic, wordless picture book starring…um…pandas.
till next time…
Be the Bear!
Bob T. Panda
Oh my, despite the fact that we missed two weeks of Princess Pinky’s formative …um…weeks, she is still small and cute. She is starting to assert herself as seen in the recent exam video shared by the National Zoo panda cam. I can relate. If someone was measuring my …um…girth and then broadcasting the numbers across the web for all eternity, I would squawk too. Just sayin’.
Today, the little princess is making a play for power from the Wu-self, to be recognized as the only panda worth watching. I just don’t know what his reaction will be.
Mr Wu is probably going to have something to say about this. Will the twins side with Mr Wu in boy panda solidarity, or will the panda kindergarten step in? I guess you’ll just have to come back to find out!
Be the Bear! (All Hail Princess Pinky!)
Bob T. Panda
Okay, okay, let’s not get spoiled and expect that Princess Pinky is going to have a new cartoon every Monday, but she really wanted this one to be posted, and with the National Zoo pandacam still down, I felt compelled to provide this public service to the nation. And don’t think there will be a Twinkie Tuesday every week either! The young pandas of this nation are just going to have to share Mondays for a while.
Meanwhile, if you didn’t already know, the third book in The Panda Chronicle series, Nobody Expects the Panda Kindergarten, is now available on Amazon. Just click on the handy button over there on the right hand column! I know that not everyone has book buying in their budget and that’s why I share my panda satire here and on Facebook and Twitter for free, no subscriptions needed. But of course, writing and drawing take time and buying my books is an excellent way to support panda satire. And while you’re at it, buy them for your friends too! Okay, commercial over. Now go out there and be the bear!
Bob T. Panda
Huzzah! Just because the government felt the need to go to their room and take a nap, doesn’t mean that we ever rest here at The Institute for Contemporary Panda Satire!
Now, there have been a few allegations flying around cyberspace tonight, and I aim to put them to rest right here and now. There is absolutely no proof that Mr. Wu planned and implemented the government shutdown, for the sole purpose of shutting down the National Zoo Panda cams. Mr. Wu has called a press conference to clear up any misunderstandings….
And now, back to our regularly scheduled feature: Episode 5 of the Wizard of Wu!
I definitely don’t think we’re in Kansas anymore.
Be the Bear!
Bob T. Panda
PS: Princess Pinky will be back in another Mini-Mei Monday episode next Monday!
Of course we are all so happy that the little princess is doing well and getting um…rounder by the day. It was time for her to get her first baby present, don’t you think?
Now, if she can just keep the panda kindergarten at bay!
Be the Bear!
Bob T. Panda