Elephants have had it with being associated with the GQP

Pookie will be back next week! Don’t yell at me okay?
Be the Bear!
Bob T I never took any classified documents Panda
Pookie will be back next week! Don’t yell at me okay?
Be the Bear!
Bob T I never took any classified documents Panda
But really…who can blame the little piggy! Chips are really hard to resist!
I really don’t want to think about the clean up. I suspect the owner would be better off just torching the car.
Be the Bear (or piggy!)
Bob T Panda
Those groundhogs are pretty feisty!
Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda
I found several names, the first being a dazzle, but I also found they can be called a zeal! I love alliterations, so a zeal of zebras hits me just right!
A group of pandas, of course, is an embarrassment. No, I mean that’s what a group of pandas is called. I mean, pandas can be embarrassing! I mean have you seem them eat? Before you know it, their tummies are covered in bamboo pieces, or cookie crumbs, or frosting…
Yeas! It’s true! Book 9 of the Panda Chronicles is right around the corner!!! I’ve been working on it, procrastinating, working a bit more, some more procrastination, interspersed with some new technology frustration, but it is finally DONE!!!!
Proofs have been ordered, and should arrive by early next week, so as soon as I make sure they put in the pages in the right order and right directions, I can push the old publish button, and BOB’S YOUR UNCLE!!!
Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda
You might remember earlier this year there was a nooz story about some elephants that went walkabout in China. Well, they went here, and they went there, but apparently they are heading back home, wherever that is.
As you may recall, Bob went to interview them when they were on their journey! And now that they seem to be headed in the other direction, they made a stop at the ZooNooZ studios!
Be the bear!
Bob T Panda
Yet more animals in the NooZ! This time, a gang of swearing parrots were brought to the Lincolnshire Wildlife Park, only to have their cozy little group broken up! You can read all about it here!
I’m sure this is completely unfair to the parrots!
I know we’re all feeling a bit swear-y still! Who can blame them?
Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda
My alert friends and readers are always making sure I’ve heard of all the stories of animals misbehaving around the world. These stories almost never disappoint, and this one is no exception!
A herd of about 15 asian elephants have been running amok in towns and farmlands in south Yunnan province, where most of the endangered elephants live. They don’t know why these elephants have gone on walk-about, and they are trying to find a suitable place for them to settle.
Of course, the intrepid roving reporter at ZooNooZ is on the scene!
We are in the midst of a heat wave here in the upper left coast! Temperatures in Seattle and Portlandia hit over 100, but here on a small island off in the Puget Sound, we have managed to stay below 100 (at 99) I hear there is not a fan to be found, or an air conditioner, so I am getting up close and personal with every ice pack in the freezer! Temperatures are predicted to drop over night, which will be a welcome relief!
Till then,
Keep Cool
Be the Bear
Panda on
Bob T Panda
Animals have been in the NooZ again! Elephants rampaging in China, bears cavorting in streams on bear cams and bears getting locked in cars! Where will it all end?!?!?
We did not make this story up!
Be the Bear (or whale)
Bob T Panda
It’s Day 4 of 31 Days of Pandas! The panda socks have arrived, and I’m going to spend this evening packing and organizing (and then watching movies and felting pandas!) Tomorrow there will be another new ‘toon and then on Friday, there will be more from Pinky in Wonderland.
The post about the lions that ate the rhino poachers showed up on Twitter this week, so I thought that today’s encore presentation could be this series from The Animal Justice League!
Ooooooo-oooo-oooo-we have food tonight…
Here kitty kitty…nice kitty…
“We just want to talk!”
What goes around, comes around.
You just can’t trust crocodiles.
Panda On!
Bob T Panda
Everyone knows elephants never forget, and if you think they are going to forget OR forgive being associated with the party of tRump? You have never seen an angry elephant!
I mean, elephants take care of each other, look out for the little ones, no matter who their parents are, and they have a pretty good sense of humor, even if Bob doesn’t think so!.
“You’re not going to let them sit on my chair, are you?”
“Ix-Nay on the Ample-Tray!”
Panda On!
BobT Panda
BTW: I finally figured out how to print labels using Pages. Geez. They do not make it easy for you. Why can’t they just give you the damn templates?