Category Archives: Animal Justice League

P-P-P-P-Penguins Like Sushi!

This story came to me from one of my alert pandas fans, who like to keep me informed about amusing animal stories that abound on the internet! There have been MANY stories about bears lately, so I have been collecting them and they will show up eventually! Frank and Mikey have been busy bears!

But meanwhile, today is Bubba’s Birthday, so I have to share this ‘toon once again!


Bubba flunks “cake”

Meanwhile, Put a Penguin on it!

Rogue penguins! Hahahahaha!

Panda On!
Bob T Panda

BTW: I’m expecting Mr. Wu pins et al tomorrow, so stay tuned! If you supported them on Kickstarter, they will be coming your way soon, and if not, stay tuned on how to get yours!

Oh Sure, Deer are SOOOOOOO Cute!

Yeah, you may think all those big eyed deer that you see in Disney movies are so sweet and adorable, but here on Whidbey, the deer are totally cheesed off at people and aren’t afraid to let you know what they REALLY think! I read of several instances in our local paper, where deer attacked both cats a dogs, and killed at least one dog and a cat.

Seriously, Bambi! get a grip!

Don’t get mad. Get even.

I don’t know. Maybe the average rate of one deer a day getting hit by a car was starting to make them mad!

Panda On, Deerie!
Bob T Panda

Look Out!!!!

So… when I work on my ‘toons, I pretty much schedule them in the order that I drew them, and if there is a time sensitive subject matter (like the ‘toon I’m going to run on Thursday), I try to draw them in that order. in my obsessive compulsive way, I even write the date and day on the page in my sketchbook where I write the ‘toons.

But this ‘toon cracks me up so much that I couldn’t wait for the whole two and a half weeks till its turn to run came up in the ‘toon schedule.

Because, when it comes to fierce animals, you don’t mess with grizzly bears!

Don’t (*snorf*) look like food!

And then there was the news that HWMNBN was going to get his way in regard to tanks in his military dictator parade. Oh….um…did I say that outloud? 


Do we HAVE to go?

Don’t forget to go check out the Mr. Wu Pin Kickstarter! I have a really great stretch goal that I’m just dying to tell you about!!!

Panda On!
Bob T panda

One last post from The Animal Justice League

Somehow I got out of sync with my ‘toons, and left the tail end of this story (that was a pun, get it? Tail end?) hanging while we wrapped up the second Panda Pin project! We’ll be doing a third one this summer, to celebrate that cubby among cubbies, the one true Wu Self!

But first, I have a bunch of organizing to do, along with the making of lists, the ordering of pins, and the gathering of information. If you missed the Bubba and Ping Ping Pin projects, hold on to your cuppycakes. after I get all the Kickstarter pins sent out, I can field requests from here or you can wait till the next project to catch up, sometime around late June.

Thanks again to all who participated!

Meanwhile, don’t turn your back on those lions!

If you go out in the woods today, you’re in for a big surprise!

Be the Bear!
Bob T panda

More from the Animal Justice League!

Sometimes the news does not disappoint.

Also, did you know elephants make 300 pounds of poo a day? *True fact learned at Pan Diego Zoo this weekend*

Look who’s here!

Only a couple more days till the end of our Kickstarter project! Now’s the time to make sure you are getting what you want or sign up if you haven’t already!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

You knew we were going to do a ‘toon about this, didn’t you?

I have to thank all my faithful readers, who are always on the lookout for actual news stories that might make for good ‘toon inspiration! You all did yourselves proud this time, by making sure that the news story about a rhino poacher who was killed by an elephant, was then eaten by lions. Several of you brought this story to my attention, and although it seemed outlandish, (I mean, who could make this stuff up?) a little investigating on multiple sources showed that this indeed had happened!

It was even mentioned by Trevor Noah on The Daily Show!

Way to co-operate, guys! Well done!

One might hope that people would know better…

Be the Bear
Bob T Panda

PS: Don’t forget! Our Kickstarter is still gong on! I’ve recently added a new reward, and rewritten the project home page to make it (hopefully) less confusing. Seriously, every time I do this, in some ways it’s like the first time! :-} Go Check it out! Do it now!

3″ embroidered patch with Bubba and his friends! only an additional $12! Don’t you want this?