Category Archives: announcements

While mini-Bob swans around London….

Here at the Institute for Contemporary Panda Satire, we always get very excited when we have more than 100 visitors in a day.  Does this mean that we are shallow bears and that we really need to get a life?  Probably so, probably so.  While Mini-Bob is away, I’ve been catching up on some classic bear stories.  My all time favorite of favorites from when I was a little cubbie is, of course, Winnie the Pooh and The House at Pooh Corner.  I still find these books amazingly profound.  No, really, I do.  Not, only that, but Ernest H Shepard’s illustrations have a lot of influence on my cartoon drawing style.  Just thought you should know.  In Case You Were Wondering.  (that was a Pooh-ism, in case you were wondering about that.) 

Meanwhile in Pandyland, a new panda kindergarten escapade is in the works, for all you fans of panda kindergarten, and a new hand drawn, hand printed lithograph is going on the on-line auction block at Pandas International this week.  The auction ends on April 29th so check it out!  Here is the print being auctioned:

"Hi There" // Hand printed Lithograph// copyright A. Belov 2012


Do check it out at the Pandas International website. (link on the right hand side of this page, under “Sites Pandas Love”

Till next time, Be the Bear!

Bob T. Panda

While mini-Bob swans around London….

Here at the Institute for Contemporary Panda Satire, we always get very excited when we have more than 100 visitors in a day.  Does this mean that we are shallow bears and that we really need to get a life?  Probably so, probably so.  While Mini-Bob is away, I’ve been catching up on some classic bear stories.  My all time favorite of favorites from when I was a little cubbie is, of course, Winnie the Pooh and The House at Pooh Corner.  I still find these books amazingly profound.  No, really, I do.  Not, only that, but Ernest H Shepard’s illustrations have a lot of influence on my cartoon drawing style.  Just thought you should know.  In Case You Were Wondering.  (that was a Pooh-ism, in case you were wondering about that.) 

Meanwhile in Pandyland, a new panda kindergarten escapade is in the works, for all you fans of panda kindergarten, and a new hand drawn, hand printed lithograph is going on the on-line auction block at Pandas International this week.  The auction ends on April 29th so check it out!  Here is the print being auctioned:

"Hi There" // Hand printed Lithograph// copyright A. Belov 2012


Do check it out at the Pandas International website. (link on the right hand side of this page, under “Sites Pandas Love”

Till next time, Be the Bear!

Bob T. Panda

People sometimes ask….

People sometimes ask, “where can I find the fabulous Babette (and friends) paper dolls? Are they in stores? In movie theaters?  Deserted, dark alleyways perhaps?”

And I say, “Oh no, they are right on my blog…why don’t you look through…um… say, the last 57 -85 posts…um…I think somewhere around early December, maybe…”  Well, of course, who is going to go to all that trouble to find paper dolls that they can cut out and play with and take pictures of in exotic places?  Well, actually a bunch of folks did do that, but it was when the posts were current, so they were easier to find.  so, while I was reading one of my favorite blogs, I read that she had special pages for fun stuff.  Duh…dope slap…etc.  So I thought I could do that! have a special page for the panda paper dolls!  Huzzah!  You can find it at the top of the main page! Have fun!

and don’t forget…Be the Bear!

Bob T. Panda

Another boring repeat!

Yeah, yeah, I know, this is from the FALL equinox, but really, the equinox thing…it’s really the same, except that the days are getting longer instead of shorter.  Alright…it’s not exactly the same, in fact, it’s completely different, but that does not matter!

spring back...fall's so confusing!


What’s important is that I can re-run this cartoon so that I can draw some new cartoons to bring you next week, and not have to work ALL day on saturday.

Don’t forget to turn your clocks… it forward?  I’ll find out if I’m late for yoga tomorrow.

Be the Bear!!

Bob T. Panda

PS…Did anyone hear about the cuppycake ATM on “Wait, Wait, Don’t Tell Me” this morning?  Huzzah! cuppycakes make National Panda Radio!

We did It!!!!

Just a brief update, to let you know that I reached my goal for my Kickstarter project.  I couldn’t have done it without the support and good wishes, and kind words of all of you who participated.

You will also want to know, that the panda kindergarten has released Mehitabel.  She will be back in the cartoon next week, as she needs a little panda-less time to recuperate. The panda kindergarten apologizes for any inadvertent trauma that they may have caused Mehitabel.

“Ha!” she says.

You are all the bears, but some of you are more the bear than others, and you know who you are.

Thank you again.

5 hours to go on my Kickstarter project!

Dancing in the moonlight with Pandas

Dancing the "red dot" dance in the moonlight with Pandas!

In honor of the last 5 (or is it now 4?) hours of my Kickstarter project, I thought that I would do the Red Dot Dance under the moon (with pandas).  For anyone who was in my neighborhood last night, I hope you were not shocked.  Apparently the dance is working, but we’re not quite done yet.  I still need $700 more to reach my goal and get all the funding.

Thank you for all your help so far.  I couldn’t do it without you all (and you know who you are!)

The panda kindergarten swears that they will release Mehitabel as soon as my goal is reached.  (They caught her again, as she was making a break for the front door)

You are all the bear!

Be the Bear!!!!!!

Bob T. Panda

Only 27 Hours to go….

I hate to be whiney in my posts here at the Panda Chronicles, but unless 101 more people pledge $25 (or more!) my kickstarter campaign will leave me kicked in the butt.  (and there is no telling what the panda kindergarten will do to Mehitabel!)  So, if you are at all inclined to do so, check out my project at:

Bob, Babette and all the other pandas thank you!  No matter what, you all are da bears!

Bob T. Panda

We weren’t surprised, were you?

And the envelope, please...


It was no surprise that Babette de Panda won the oscar for “Best Female cartoon panda in a movie of 2 minutes or less”  for her role in “Your Brain on Pandas:the Movie.”  We see her here, accepting her award, with the filmmaker and perhaps her paramour (?) Bob T. Panda.  A night on the town is certain to follow!  Hope the panda-razzi don’t catch her in any compromising situations.  A special thanks to her wardrobe consultant and designer of her fabulous gown, Sylvia C..  Well done!

Tune in to morrow to find out if Mehitabel can escape the panda kindergarten.

Be the Bear!

Bob T. Panda

We weren’t surprised, were you?

And the envelope, please...


It was no surprise that Babette de Panda won the oscar for “Best Female cartoon panda in a movie of 2 minutes or less”  for her role in “Your Brain on Pandas:the Movie.”  We see her here, accepting her award, with the filmmaker and perhaps her paramour (?) Bob T. Panda.  A night on the town is certain to follow!  Hope the panda-razzi don’t catch her in any compromising situations.  A special thanks to her wardrobe consultant and designer of her fabulous gown, Sylvia C..  Well done!

Tune in to morrow to find out if Mehitabel can escape the panda kindergarten.

Be the Bear!

Bob T. Panda

And now, to be completely serious….no, really.

Note: No cats were actually harmed during the making of this cartoon, although they definitely were offended.


Yes it’s true, I am not a cartoon panda (sorry if I’ve surprised or disappointed anyone)  and I really do have a Kickstarter project that still has a long way to meet my funding goals in only 7 days.  I usually don’t cross pollinate my blogs, or the different parts of my creative life, but I’m making an exception here.  Please check out my project at the following link.  Even if you can’t help, maybe the extra traffic will encourage the folks at Kickstarter to give me a little extra exposure, so please visit and recommend to your friends and readers, if you see fit.  Here’s the link:


We now return to our regular scheduled silliness.  You are all the Bears for following the Panda Chronicles.  It’s thanks to you all that I am about to reach 20,000 visits!  (or maybe my brother visited 20,000 times?)

Bob T. (not really a panda, but let’s pretend) Panda