Yes, we are in the middle of Beary Poppins and I *MIGHT* have left him tied to a chair, thanks to a little bit of…um…high spirits from Six and Sebben, bless their hearts!
The holiday shopping season is upon us, and while who on your list wouldn’t want felty pandas, I have a couple of suggestions of some wonderful things being made by some of my artist/artisan friends here on Whidbey Island.
These are things I have acquired for myself, so I can definitely attest to their general awesomeness.
The first are the products made by Silly Dog Studio in Langley. We all are thinking more about creating less waste in the products that we use, and there are a number of shampoo bars on the market now. Silly Dog also makes a hand lotion bar, as well as some other products, and are about to release a dish soap bar, which I am very eager to try. I’ve been using their shampoo bar for about 3 weeks, and they are lovely. They are scented with things like mint and rosemary, and mint and lavender, which they grow on their small, just out of downtown Langley lot.They dry the plants and then extract the essential oils, and then make the soaps, shampoos, lotions, etc. Sounds like a lot of work to this panda, and I’d much rather have them do it. You can find their products here.
And who doesn’t love their logo, for all you silly dog fans!

Silly name, wonderful products! Tell them the panda sent you!
I moved to Whidbey Island in 1989, following in the footsteps of one of my good friends from graduate school, sculptor Georgia Gerber. She and her husband Randy had a daughter, Laura, who eventually grew up and went to art school and became a painter and a printmaker. After grad school, and meeting and marrying her sweetheart, Laura and Victor moved back to the island, had a couple kids of their own and moved down the road from mom and dad. In addition to her paintings, Laura also does some pretty cool prints on t-shirts, kitchen towels, table linens, kids clothes, etc.
She doesn’t have a website at the moment (it’s under construction) what with keeping up with her kids, her painting and production printing, and her husband Victor, but you can find her work on Instagram, and probably arrange to buy it there and maybe bug her a little bit about getting her website up and running. Ha ha. Don’t do that. At least don’;t tell her I told you to bug her.

An assortment of kitchen towels. She has all sorts of animals on her products. I happen to be fond of the chickens.
But enough with the shopping! What about today’s news about Biscuit’s official name and today’s ‘toon????
Wait no longer! Biscuit’s official Chinese name is Xiao Qi Ji, which means little miracle!

Bikkie has a name!!!!
Panda on!
Bob T Panda