Category Archives: Bears, Bears, Bears!

Frank and Mikey Swear That it Wasn’t Them

I don’t know that you can ever believe Frank and Mikey when they say it wasn’t them, but on the other hand, given what the DOGE bros are doing to eff up the government, could you blame them if it WAS them?

Just a thought…

Anyway, here we are again, watching the nooz in horror as the DUI hires in the NatSec segment think it’s a good idea to use an insecure app to have their little chat because it wouldn’t be subject to FOIA requests, and that would outlay national security. More on this next week.

Anyway…here be bears!

Don’t mess with bears!

BE the Bear
Bob T better to eat than be eaten Panda

How are you BEARING up?

I can’t lie. It’s getting really scary out there. TR-usk are doing their best to wreck everything that makes our country work. Beyond showing up for protests and writing & calling our Congressional reps, I’m not sure what else we can do. But as long as I have ink and paper, and the internet and the electrical grid to get these ‘toons out to you, I’ll do what I do best: making fun of those evil DOUCHE dogs in ‘toons.

If only bears could really talk!

Did those bears….pants those guys?

Be the Bear
Bob T says always choose the bear Panda

Great Minds Think Alike …also… BEARS!

As I was erasing all the pencil smoodgies from today’s ‘toon, alert Friend to Bears Frances A. sent me todays Andy Borowitz Report, which, if you are Friendly to Bears, You should definitely read right AFTER you read mine, because I already thought of it without him. Really, I did!

TBF, this one kind of wrote itself, what with all the cruel and inept BS Muskwanker’s flying monkeys have gotten up to.

BEARS!!! amiright?

Frank and Mikey are gonna be pretty busy for a while, I think.

Be the Bear
Bob T is such a card Panda

Remember…Only YOU Can Prevent Fascism!

It really does seem like the true aim of Mittens 2.0 is the destruction of the government, the rule of law, and everything that could possibly bring joy, comfort, or sustenance to the American People.

But it is up to us to preserve what joy and purpose we have in this life and I’ll be damned if I’m not going to go down swinging.

So here’s to the JOY that pandas bring!
Here’s to finding humor in a very not funny situation!
Here’s to laughing at these oh so serious morons that are doing their “best” to ruin our lives!

And most importantly: Here’s to BEARS!!!!

Mr. Bun has the right idea!

Be the Bear!
Bob T is trying to be brave Panda

Be sure to read my new things on Substack!

Bear With Me

The bears with me, of course, are Frank, Mikey, Josie, and Pookie, and of course all the pandas. I recently changed the name of my Substack to Friendly to Bears, just because. I recently wrote a new thing there, which I hope you’ll read.

There is no truth to the rumor that Frank and Mikey have taken control of the ‘toons and are compelling me to write ‘toons about them instead of pandas. We will prove this by sharing today’s ‘toon…um…what happened? Where are the pandas?

The story about Frank and Mikey’s mom came from the keeper talk about the grizzly bear brothers who live in San Diego. Their mom really did get arrested and she really did get a “job” test garbage cans. I hope she doesn’t get fired with all the firings in the park system as well as the rest of the government.

The story about Josie..well, you be the judge if this is true.

There was a story on Fezbok about a little bear that was rescued by cows, until the Appalachian Bear rescue found him. Was it really Josie? We’ll never tell!

Keep being the bear
Bob T is friendly to bears Panda

The Family History of Frank and Mikey (and Josie) Revealed!

We know a lot about our panda families, as they have been well documented and recorded on Panda cams, but Frank and Mikey…they have been somewhat more of a mystery.

There have been way too many revelations in the Nooz today. I think retreating to a bear filled forest is just what we need. (Well, what I need, anyway)

Be the Bear
Bob T Friendly to Bears Panda

ZooNooZ Investigates: All the Nooz We Can Bear

By which, of course, I mean NooZ about bears. Speaking of bears, I changed the name of my Substack NooZletter to Friendly to Bears. While I am still searching for my Inner Panda, I thought a change was in order. Don’t ask me why. I think it was Frank and Mikey’s idea.

Speaking of Frank and Mikey, I was inspired by the story one of the zookeepers guides told us about their grizzly bear brothers that live at the zoo, and how they arrived there. Frank and Mikey (and Josie) had a similar story about their early days, and how they ended up where they did.

Who knows…it could be true…

The real NooZ is pretty scary and upsetting. If you can make the effort to call and/or email your reps in the House and Senate, it seems to be making a difference. Even if your reps are “Rs” they need to hear from you. Let’s make them nervous that they’ll lose their jobs if they don’t listen to their voters. You are their constituents even if you didn’t vote for them & you’re paying their salary.

Be the Bear
Bob T is friendly to bears Panda

Frank and Mikey are my Emotional Support Bears

It’s been a year, so far, these first 2 weeks of F45’s second reign of terror, hasn’t it? Meanwhile the Skipping Dipshit is up to his elbows in our personal information, along with his band of marauding incels.

I would much rather think about bears, so that is what I’m going to do.*

*I am writing my reps in the Senate and the House almost daily because they need to know what we think about all this insanity that is going on right in front of us.

So let’s bring on the BEARS!

A reminder that animals also suffer in devastating fires like the ones in and around L.A. in January.

Be the Bear
Bob T is hanging in there Panda

A big pandy thank you to ALL of you who alerted me to this story! Keep those bear stories coming! The community of friends of bears is mighty and we will get through this together.

I Don’t Know About You, But I Sure Feel Endangered!

I finally watched the movie “Cocaine Bear” and while I can’t say it was a great movie, It was…um…interesting, and the bears won. It was a little grizzly (ha ha ha…see what I did there?) but there were some great cameo appearances by a couple of Pookies, and there were certainly some people who got what they deserved, although there were some other people who did NOT deserve what transpired.

Frank and Mikey would like you to know that it absolutely wasn’t them, but they are not so sure that it wasn’t their sister Josie. She’s not telling.

But what does Cocaine Bear have to do with today’s ‘toon? Well, there was some very important Bear NooZ this week…

As we get closer to “D” day, I am more worried and depressed than ever. Frank and Mikey always cheer me up a little and I hope they’ll make you feel better too. Pretty sure they are more qualified than 99.9% of F45’s cabinet picks.

Be the Bear, Everyone!
Bob T we are endangered Panda

Attention Must Be Paid (to the Bears!)

Once again there is a tragic bear story* in the NooZ.

Fortunately, Frank and Mikey (an’ Pookie!!!!) are here to tell you the NooZ and what’s important to bears!

More next week, including an encore presentation of The Twelve Days of CrispMoss, starring Pinky!

Be the bear
Bob T it’s not nice to shoot bears Panda

  • tragic for the bear and their family, that is.