Category Archives: Bears behaving badly

Great Minds Think Alike …also… BEARS!

As I was erasing all the pencil smoodgies from today’s ‘toon, alert Friend to Bears Frances A. sent me todays Andy Borowitz Report, which, if you are Friendly to Bears, You should definitely read right AFTER you read mine, because I already thought of it without him. Really, I did!

TBF, this one kind of wrote itself, what with all the cruel and inept BS Muskwanker’s flying monkeys have gotten up to.

BEARS!!! amiright?

Frank and Mikey are gonna be pretty busy for a while, I think.

Be the Bear
Bob T is such a card Panda

Frank and Mikey are my Emotional Support Bears

It’s been a year, so far, these first 2 weeks of F45’s second reign of terror, hasn’t it? Meanwhile the Skipping Dipshit is up to his elbows in our personal information, along with his band of marauding incels.

I would much rather think about bears, so that is what I’m going to do.*

*I am writing my reps in the Senate and the House almost daily because they need to know what we think about all this insanity that is going on right in front of us.

So let’s bring on the BEARS!

A reminder that animals also suffer in devastating fires like the ones in and around L.A. in January.

Be the Bear
Bob T is hanging in there Panda

A big pandy thank you to ALL of you who alerted me to this story! Keep those bear stories coming! The community of friends of bears is mighty and we will get through this together.

I Don’t Know About You, But I Sure Feel Endangered!

I finally watched the movie “Cocaine Bear” and while I can’t say it was a great movie, It was…um…interesting, and the bears won. It was a little grizzly (ha ha ha…see what I did there?) but there were some great cameo appearances by a couple of Pookies, and there were certainly some people who got what they deserved, although there were some other people who did NOT deserve what transpired.

Frank and Mikey would like you to know that it absolutely wasn’t them, but they are not so sure that it wasn’t their sister Josie. She’s not telling.

But what does Cocaine Bear have to do with today’s ‘toon? Well, there was some very important Bear NooZ this week…

As we get closer to “D” day, I am more worried and depressed than ever. Frank and Mikey always cheer me up a little and I hope they’ll make you feel better too. Pretty sure they are more qualified than 99.9% of F45’s cabinet picks.

Be the Bear, Everyone!
Bob T we are endangered Panda

This Bears Repeating…

My very alert friend sent me a video this week about some people who thought they were way more clever than they actually turned out to be. No, it’s not the orange fartwaddle, although these people have just increased their potential of cabinet members…

…just as soon as they take care of their little insurance fraud charges.

Of course, there world be “bears”

So… this time it really wasn’t Frank and Mikey’s fault! Also this story appeared on Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me. Everyone loves bears!

As you might imagine, I am still reeling from the election debacle. Hard to know how long this is gonna take. But as long as we have bears, maybe there is hope.

Be the Bear
Bob T I am not okay Panda

Bears Will Be Bears or I Bet You Can’t Eat Just One

Those fluffy, fun loving, frolicking Pookies residing at Seattle’s Woodland Park Zoo were in the NooZ yet again! It seems that they provided some “unexpected” science and nature lessons on the food chain for a group of elementary school age kids having a birthday party at the zoo.

What can we say, except that bears ARE at the top of most food chains?

Fun fact: This incident was a question on last week’s NPR Wait Wait, Don’t Tell Me! NooZ quiz show. Needless to say, I was jumping up and down yelling, “I KNOW! I KNOW! ASK MEEEEEE!!!” Are bears fun or what?

Fun Fact 2: Bai Yun was reported to occasionally grab a low flying Mallard duck out of the air, for a between meal snack.

Pandarella will return on Tuesdays, for more of our very exciting adventure story starring Bikkie!

Be the Bear
Bob T bet you can’t eat just one Panda

The Jig is Up!

Throne of Pandas continues!

Wouldn’t ya know…Six had a bad idea and Sebben knew a guy who knows a guy! What will those little pandas think of next? Um….better not to ask.

As usual, politics is making my head hurt. It should be more clear than ever that Mittens must not return to power. I just got my voter’s guide for the March primaries and I will be voting for Handsome Joe. He’s not perfect. Nobody is. But I can’t think of another person running who could even possibly get us out of the mess we are in. A world where I would willingly read a book written by Liz Cheney is a weird world, indeed.

Now WHY is it that Pinky shouldn’t be allowed to have missiles?

Be the Bear
Bob T I know a guy too Panda

DO Feed the Bears!

Once again, one of my faithful readers has come through with a VERY IMPORTANT Nooz story about…


Could it be part of a sinister plot, coordinated from afar by Henrietta (or the bear formerly known as Hank), who now lives at a luxury resort for wayward bears? Is there an army of bears going around the towns near Lake Tahoe putting up posters admonishing people NOT to use bear-proof receptacles for their garbage? Maybe leaving a double cheese, double pepperoni pizza on top of the garbage can sometimes?

But seriously, feeding wildlife is a bad idea. Especially bears. Would you want to wake up and have Frank or Mikey looking in your bedroom window, wondering where breakfast was?

In other NooZ, things are heating up in the trials of Mittens. Frank, Bikkie, and Pookie are STILL on their adventure, and I promise I’ll get back to it soon. I’m also doing my Year in Review over on Substack so go check it out!

Till later…be the bear!
Bob T pass the pizza Panda

Thanks and a Roll of Honor mention to my brother for alerting me to this important story!

There’s No Bears Like Holiday Bears!

Thanks to an especially observant reader, here at Panda Central, we’ve been alerted to another Bear Behaving Badly, HOLIDAY EDITION!

So of course we had to take a time out from out continuing story, to tell the tail!

Not only was this bear behaving badly, I found another instance from a few years ago of another bear behaving like the Grinch! Can’t you just imagine the conversation between the bears?

I can!

Frank: Whoa! look at that deer! He’s YUGE!!!!! I’m gonna take him down!
Mikey: um…I don’t think…
Frank: No! He looked at me in a threatening manner! This will not stand!
Mikey: That’s not a real deer…
Frank: CARABUNGA!!!!TAKE THAT!…oh…um…
Mikey: I TOLD you….
Frank: also, it wasn’t us.

Check it out and see if you can’t hear them talking…

Be the Bear!
Bob T in the holiday spirit Panda

Was That Actually a Bear or Was Ron Death Sentence Wearing a Bear Suit?

What better way to sneak into the World of the Mouse, than by wearing a bear suit? I mean, I wouldn’t put it past the absentee governor who would be dictator president to pretend to be a bear and reconnoiter your enemy.

Or maybe it was just a bear who wanted to go on the It’s a Small World After All ride. At least it wasn’t an alligator!

Bears just want to have fun!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

We Interrupt Our Feature Presentation…

…for this breaking NooZ

So many bears in the Nooz! I could not resist the story of a bear and her cubby breaking into a Krispy Kreme donut truck. I mean come on! Wouldn’t you? (gift link to the story)

Lordy! There are tapes!

Be the bear
Bob T pass the donuts Panda