Happy Solstice, everyone! It’s day 21 of 31 Days of Pandas, and the end of the days getting darker and shorter, could not have come at a better time. Here in the Pacific Northwest, it is raining buckets and dark by 4:15. Now that we have reached the Solstice, the days will slowly start to get longer and longer. Huzzah!
45 has been impeached, Chrispmoss is coming, and Mr. Wu has run away with the panda kindergarten to join the circus! What could possibly go wrong? Read on after the ‘toons for a brief announcement about the felty emotional support panda project coming in January on Kickstarter!
But now…it’s time for …Bears Under the Bigtop!

episode 5

episode 6

episode 7

episode 8
So…About those felted Pandas…
In early January, I am going to do one of Kickstarter’s January projects called “Make 100”, the idea being that you make a limited offering of something and agree to have no more than 100 backers. Within those guidelines, I have a bit of leeway, I started making these needle felted pandas a couple of months ago, because I felt (get it?) the need to take on a new activity to deal with all the nervous energy the current political climate engendered.
I’ve been thinking about how to structure this project, and what specifically to offer. I decided that in order to be responsive to which versions of pandas are the most requested, I would roll the rewards out in small groups. This will be a fairly fast and furious funding period, and I am going to keep the initial funding goal fairly low, because it really doesn’t matter how many people (up to 100) want one of these pandas, since there is no minimum order that I need to make as with the pins and patches.
The first group will get posted on the opening day (projected as Thursday, January 9th) and then on both Mondays, I will post new, more complex offerings, and all will be available till the project closes on January 24th. (If they haven’t sold out!)
Now, you CAN change your reward choice, and Kickstarter makes that fairly easy to do. Because of the limited nature of the rewards, it’s important that you change your choice within the Kickstarter website, so that someone else has a chance to get what you no longer have selected. I will help walk anyone through the process if they are having a hard time figuring it out. I will have step by step instructions on my project page as well. It will be way too confusing if I get half a dozen requests outside of Kickstarter for off the record changes.
Not to sound all hey you kids get off my lawn about this but because of the way people pledge on Kickstarter, I can’t take requests for changes on other platforms (like Facebook, email, or here) and change them for you on Kickstarter. I mean, if I could change things within someone’s pledge, I could make them all say you pledged $1000, and head off to the south of France before you saw your credit card had been charged.
To this end, it is important that you use an email address that you regularly check when you sign up to pledge, as that is the best way to communicate right from the Kickstarter website.
It seems like there are always 2 or 3 people who don’t respond to messages or requests for information and I really want you to get your panda! And when you want to make changes, it’s really important that I know you’ve gotten messages from me.
So! Get ready to welcome a little felt panda into your life! Huzzah!
Panda On!
Bob T Panda