Category Archives: Beary Poppins

Beary Poppins: An ad is Written…

And now, for our next episode of Beary Poppins! But who will play the part of the Nanny Beary Poppins??? It’s a mystery! Hee Hee!

And now, on to the next installment! (With apologies to P.L. Travers!)

A spoonful of frosting makes the medicine go down, the medicine go down, medicine go down!

Tune in on Sunday for the first installment of our encore presentation of The Wizard of Wu! My favorite Holiday classic! 

Keep swimming!
Bob T Panda

Beary Poppins! The Magic Begins!

There is too much crazy and not enough time to comments, but I’m sure if you really want to know what I thinks, you can find it on Twitter. So much CRAZY!

Meanwhile, at the Pinksonian Zoo..

It’s a boy!!!!

Pinky: I could fix dat if Mommee would give me my magical wand back!

Ahem…anyway, get out the poppy cron! it’s time for…

Beary Poppins, Episode 2!

I can hardly stand the suspense! Who will play Beary Poppins???

Be the bear
Wear your mask
Keep your distance in public
Don’t go to Mittens’ parties!

Bob T Panda

oh yeah…AND VOTE!!!!