Category Archives: Bubba

In Which We shall Attempt to Celebrate Bubba, While Realizing that Pinky Will Attempt to Take Over

Yes, today we celebrate Bubba’s Birthday Season! But first we must have a small bit of celebration that there is another panda birth to herald! Jia Jia and Kai Kai have just had their first cubby! All of Singapore is rejoicing tonight! (Well, I assume all of Singapore is, I mean, why wouldn’t they?) Not least of which, Aunty Lucilla, teller of tales about pandas, was thrilled to make the announcement! Congratulations Jia Jia and Kai Kai!

And now, some ‘toons about Bubba, with maybe a tiny bit of interloping by Pinky.

PP: um, dis is not going to interrupt my presidential campaign, is it?
Mr Bun has a question, daddee.

Okay, the next ones are going to be about Bubba…I’m almost certain!

Feed me, Mama!
Really, Pinky….It’s not nice to tease your little brother.
What the well dressed panda cub is wearing this season!
You better watch out….
And then there was the day he had to figure out what to wear for his debut…
I didn’t THINK that Pinky knew the “share” word.

Of course no trip down memory lane would be complete without one of my all time favorite ‘toons…

See? I told you it was broken!

Okay…so maybe EVERY ‘toon had Pinky in it. what can I say? #ClapLouder

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

If You Think getting People…umPandas to pose for a Photograph is Hard…

Bebe Maurice will have his paws full trying to get everyone to sit still and pose for this Pawtrait. I hope he can paint fast! The birthday season is barely a week and a half away! And Bikkie is bereft of his Beary Poppins. Will the dashing duo make it in time for the party?

Stay ‘tooned!

Everyone smile! Now hold it….keep holding…keep holding…

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

Life in the Panda House continues…

I’m listening to a podcast story (What a Day!) and they are relating a news story about a guy who was so rude on an airplane (physically assaulting two flight attendants) that the flight crew duct taped him to his seat.

I have questions!

Did they gag him too? If so, was it before or after he yelled something on the order of “Do you know who my parents are?” And can we do this to certain members of Congress who insist on saying stupid things, while interrupting the legislative process?

Hey! I’m just asking questions!

But meanwhile at the Panda House…

For more about why they need a fresh set of sheets on the guest room bed, see Tuesday’s ‘toon!

Stay ‘tooned next week for the next exciting episode of The Panda Chronicles!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

Aren’t We Glad We Can All Gather Together Again?

Well, MAYBE we are…

So many moving pieces to figure out! A Mother Panda’s job is never done!

Sorry for the delay in posting. For the last mebbee…I don’t know, 5 years, I’ve done really well posting to a schedule. For some reason I am lately a day late and a dollar short. Yesterday there was a terrible fire in my neighborhood, about 3/4 of a mile from my house. Maybe less. It was really traumatic, because, as you might know, I lost a house to fire about 26 years ago. It is so dry here, and without the fast action of our local fire department (which has been stressed because of the dry weather) it could have been a lot worse for our whole community. All humans and animals are okay. The house not so much.

So, I might be using someone else’s disaster to excuse my tardiness, but then again, I did have to take a walk to see if the woods were on fire. (they weren’t.

So, anyway, Mei is having her own disaster. enjoy!

Be the Bear,
Bob T Panda

It’s time for our Sunday Round-up!

Have a favorite ‘toon you want to see again? If you can describe it to me, I’ll try to find and post for next week!

By popular request….

Well *bleep* and take your *bleep* and stick it *bleep*!!!!

It was Bikkie’s Debut weekend this week, so, even though I just ran this one recently, it’s always time for the Cute-o-Meter!

See? I told you it was broken!
I didn’t THINK that Pinky knew the “share” word.
Well, it is kind of funny, isn’t it?
My! You are quite the good looking fellow!

There’s gonna be a lot of Underbussing going on!

Our favorite grizzlies are driving “The Bus”!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

Our Story Continues!

You didn’t think I would leave Pinky in the middle of her nightmare, did you? Or just let her out of it…

So now, we return to Pinky’s Dream!

PPJ doesn’t know the “s” word either!

The dramatic conclusion is coming soon! Don’t forget to ‘toon in on Thursday for the next exciting installment!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

A Brief Visit to the Non-Dream World of Pandas

SOME of you have expressed worry that Pinky is being distressed by her dream. I can assure you that Pinky is fully committed to her dramatic roles and intends to see this little drama to its end. She is a professional, after all! (Pinky: I hopes to win da best panda in a dramatic role at next year’s Oscar fingies!)

But meanwhile, if Pinky was awake, this is what would be going on in the Panda House right about…now…

There is nothing like a nap!

Well, now that Frank and Mikey have emerged from hibernation, we can go on with Pinky’s dream next week! Stay ‘tooned!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

Hey, there’s a new bear on the block!

Calling Doctor Panda!
Of course Doctor Panda always remembers to wear his mask!

Doctor Panda is available for $65 +shipping

As the Smoke Clears (or doesn’t, as the case may be)

Wow, the smoke is still with us all up and down the west coast. Could this have anything to do with a sulfurous being visiting the left coast? I can’t help but picture “president” Swamp gaily skipping down through a forest, splashing gasoline in one hand, and tossing lit matches from the other.

I sure hope we survive till we get to vote.

Vote for Pinky! Vote Early! Vote Often!

Just so you know, I really appreciate your comments about how much my ‘toons help you get through these unimaginable times. Knowing that I am helping you helps ME. Every day brings a new assault. Not all of it is caused by “president”Swamp, but he shows no interest in helping anyone other than himself.

It’ a lot of pressure for a tiny baby panda. If this little ball of fluff knew that we are hanging on it’s every squeak and burp, I’m not sure what it would do. I am starting on a new story, which I hope to have the first episodes by the first week of October! Stay tuned for this, along with my regular Holiday Encore Presentations for Sundays, including A Halloween Carol, and everyone’s favorite, The Wizard of Wu!

Keep the faith, and like Bubba says, check your voter registration and make sure to vote early!

Panda On
Bob T Panda