It’s Bubba’s actual birthday today, so we bring you one of my favorite ‘toons from Bubba’s first birthday!
“I flunked cake!!!!!!

Bubba flunks “cake”
Happy Birthday, Bubba Bear!
Bob T Panda
It’s Bubba’s actual birthday today, so we bring you one of my favorite ‘toons from Bubba’s first birthday!
Bubba flunks “cake”
Happy Birthday, Bubba Bear!
Bob T Panda
By the time this goes to press, the new twins of Zoo Atlanta will hopefully be one whole week old. I say hopefully, because as fabulous a mom as Lun Lun is, and as wonderfully dedicated and competent as the whole panda support staff is, baby pandas are incredibly fragile and many things can still go wrong. I’m not trying to be Debby Downer here. These are the facts and Nature is a hard mother sometimes. But today, when the cubs are not even 12 hours old, we in the panda community are rejoicing, and nobody rejoices like a panda!
There’s nothing on earth that I’d rather do….
Mehitabel gets even.
What makes a panda run? Cuppycakes, of course!!!!
What happens in the panda kindergarten, STAYS in the panda kindergarten
Legalize cake today! Prevent illicit cuppycake activities.
One panda’s disaster is another panda’s delight!
Escape! Come with me, little cake, so we can be alone together.
Be sure to tune in on Sunday for a special ‘toon from all the junior pandas of the Panda Chronicles!
Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda
It is my Birthday Season, and that means it is the season of cake! I love cake. Did I mention that? Frosting should be declared a national treasure. Just saying.
I don’t have one of those skimpy one day birthdays. No, I have a birthday season. My birthday season lasts one day for each year old I am, and while I’m not going to reveal exactly how old I am, let’s just say that my birthday season is very, very, very, long. Certain parties, who shall not be named here, think it is entirely too long, and that maybe I should cut back to a birthday week, or at the very least, a birthday month.
So today’s cartoon is about….
Inspired by a TRUE story!
Yes, It’s true! I heard about it on the internet, so it must be true. Mehitabel is such a spoil sport! I mean these guys are scientists!!!!!!
Well, I need to go…um…have some cake.
Be the Bear (and have cake!)
Bob T. Panda
PS: I finally got that pesky Pinky header off of my cartoon! Who knows what trouble she will get into next!
Because it is my Birthday Season, it is also the Season of Cake. so today, for fabulous Furry Friday I rounded up a bunch of cartoons about…
just in time for the upcoming onslaught…a visit to Bob’s First campaign!
All salute the sacred cuppycake!
There must be cake!
another cartoon inspired by real news!
Thanks again to Henry Nicholls for alerting me to this story
Good enough for a princess to eat! The Princess Pinky Cuppycake, Recipe by Vicky Vladic, Cuppycake portrait by me!
If it’s my birthdaycseason, there must be cake!
let there be cake!
Be the Bear! Let’s all have cake!
Bob T. Panda
Well, this may be a first for The Panda Chronicles.
You know how people who are born on holidays like Christmas or 4th of July always complain that no one ever really celebrates their birthday…MAJOR HOLIDAY!!!!!DUH!!!!
So, think about what it means to be born on what is probably the most infamous day in recent American history (and I don’t mean the day that the Supremes appointed George W. President) Yeah, I am talking about the ultimate conversation stopper. What if your birthday is on September 11th? Let me put that another way, in case you missed the reference.
Well, that just happens to be the case for one of The Institute for Contemporary Panda Satire’s most faithful followers, a young woman from my home town of Phillie PA. so in honor of your birthday, we bring you….
All salute the sacred cuppycake!
Thanks again to Henry Nicholls for alerting me to this story
Legalize cake today! Prevent illicit cuppycake activities.
Escape! Come with me, little cake, so we can be alone together.
One panda’s disaster is another panda’s delight!
Mini Bob Contemplates some cuppycakes from the famous London Bakery, Peggy Porschen Cakes
Well, apparently, much to my surprise, I could go on and on with cartoons of pandas and cakes, but I won’t!
Happy birthday, once again Cami….be sure to…um…have some cake. How did I know about this? Let’s just say that small pandas have big mouths. I’m looking at YOU, Emperor Pew! ( see article: When good pandas go bad!) Thanks for alerting me to the news that there is something to celebrate about 9/11. That Bamboo Psychic network is really something!
Be the Bear!
Bob T. Panda
what to do, what to do….why don’t I present some of the ‘toons from the way-back machine, when panda satire was young….
Oh those polar bears! What jokers they are! This remains one of my favorites!
And then there is um….cake.
All salute the sacred cuppycake!
What do you mean, “Other guests?”
can’t I have just one more cuppycake?
And love of cake is not limited to pandas….
Thanks again to Henry Nicholls for alerting me to this story
Have a fabulous furry friday!
Be the Bear
Bob T Panda
…but you can’t make them behave themselves.
You know the old saying, you can bring a bear to culture, but you can’t make them learn the ancient rites of the tea ceremony, but that doesn’t stop Bob from trying to bring culture and refinement to the panda kindergarten. I can hardly write that last sentence without snorting and giggling madly. Some how, “culture and refinement” used in the same sentence as “panda kindergarten” invokes the image of merriment and …um…Meihem.
You can lead a bear to culture, but….
Hmmm…Bob will have to call on his inner panda to recover from this learning experience with the panda kindergarten. As you may have noticed, Pinky and the Meihems are now full members in good (or is that bad?) standing in the panda kindergarten. Pinky was a first round draft pick.
I can’t let the Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday go by, without mentioning that it marks my 27th year of creative self employment. While I have had to be even more creative in the last six years in the making a living part, it has been an excellent ride, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. In fact, had the economy not gone sideways, panda satire might never have come into existence! And isn’t that a thought that would keep you up at night?
Keep Being the bear. I couldn’t do it without you.
Bob T. Panda
Alert reader Marie Lamb sent me this quiz via fezbook, because as a loyal reader of The Panda Chronicles, she knows that cuppycakes are near and dear to all the pandas here. Of course it inspired a cartoon. How could it not?
I have extra frosting!
(By the way, when I took the quiz, it turns out that I am a lemon cuppycake)
Be the Bear
Bob T. Panda
Wow, It has been wild around here this week. We are having a great response Pandamorphosis has been getting over at Kickstarter, and then all day yesterday, I thought the power was going to go out, because there was so much wind and rain.
But the show must go on, as they say, and the Pandalympics are no exception. Here we have the latest Olympic sport for the Panda Kindergarten!
hey, are dere any more cuppycakes?
And don’t forget, there are just 10 more days to have your purchases of all three Panda Chronicles books over on Amazon help to support Pandas International in their work with pandas. For each panda Chronicle book that is bought this month, I will donate $1 to Pandas International. Come’on. Be the bear.
It’s just like the panda says! Buy my book and real pandas benefit!
Bob T. Panda
…although it MIGHT be a good idea for the panda kindergarten to resolve a few things, and then the there’s Princess Pinky….how do you solve a problem like a princess?
Hey! here I am on Sunday afternoon, working on my new schedule, which is to bring you the Monday cartoon on Sunday! Huzzah! Of course, if you don’t check in until Monday, well, the pandas will be here waiting for you. Mr. Wu Wednesday will continue, although he doesn’t have any adventures planned for a while. I think maybe he should stay home for a little bit, don’t you?
Speaking of planning (who was speaking of planning?….Oh wait, it was me!) If you want to be the first to hear about what I have planned for the next year, you still have time to sign up for my once-in-a-while newsletter. (I’m sending it out on Tuesday morning) This month, not only is it chock-a-block full of news, I also have prepared a PDF of the entire Wizard of Wu adventure story. Huzzah! Buuuuut, the only way you’ll get it is to sign up for my newsletter. It’s the second from the top sign up form on the right hand column, just under the sign-up to get these posts delivered to your inbox.
And now, bring on the bears!
You say you want a resolution, well, you know, it is hard to change a bear….
Oh, that adorable Princess Pinky! What will she do next?
Keep Being the Bears,
Bob T. Panda