Yes, today we celebrate Bubba’s Birthday Season! But first we must have a small bit of celebration that there is another panda birth to herald! Jia Jia and Kai Kai have just had their first cubby! All of Singapore is rejoicing tonight! (Well, I assume all of Singapore is, I mean, why wouldn’t they?) Not least of which, Aunty Lucilla, teller of tales about pandas, was thrilled to make the announcement! Congratulations Jia Jia and Kai Kai!
And now, some ‘toons about Bubba, with maybe a tiny bit of interloping by Pinky.
Okay, the next ones are going to be about Bubba…I’m almost certain!
Of course no trip down memory lane would be complete without one of my all time favorite ‘toons…
Okay…so maybe EVERY ‘toon had Pinky in it. what can I say? #ClapLouder
There is so much going on, most of which I really don’t even want to think about: the ongoing surge in coronavirus, brought on, at least in part by the unwillingness of a sizable portion of the population that could get vaccinated, but won’t. The cancer death of another acquaintance, the continuing (and escalating) dangerous lies about the election and subsequent attempted coup.
And MAYBE I did not acknowledge a certain little panda princess’s birthday on the actual day…
Meanwhile, it is now birthday month for the trio from DC, the offspring of the Xiang Tian Clan, so I guess all of the Sunday roundups for the entire month will have to be about them!
Gee…I wonder if I have any ‘toons about Pinky...#ClapLouder
And, of course, one of my personal favorites…
Maybe by the time this hits the cyber waves, Huan Huan will have gifted us with a pair of cubby siblings to BeBe Maurice! If not, this will give you some reading material while you wait!
It is also the birthday of the actual Princess Pinkie’s own little princess, Princess Pinky Junior, also known as Dou Ban, who has joined the family of Xi Dou, along with her brother Chao Tianjiao.
Since she is just turning a year old, I don’t have the deep archive that I have for Mr. Wu, but I DO have her introduction story for The Panda Chronicles!
So get some poppy corn, mebbee a bootini, and sit back to enjoy a little story we called “Pinky’s Dream!”
It’s Mr. Wu’s Birthday Season, so let’s all enjoy this encore presentation of Bears Under the Big Top. If you missed the first half of this feature presentation, just go back to last Sunday’s post!
Now, about that popcorn!
We hope you enjoyed this feature encore presentation! Maybe it took your mind off of, ya know, the republican attempt to disassemble democracy. Mebbee not.
One of the first long stories I wrote, was the one where Mr. Wu runs off to join the circus with the panda kindergarten. I think it was his first meeting with Bee, the Bear. Since it is Mr. Wu’s birthday season, I thought it would be fun to have an encore presentation of the whole story.
You can find this story, as well as other stories of the Wu Self in my 4th ‘toon collection, The Panda Chronicles Book 4: The Book of Wu. (available from that big online retailer who shall not be named)
Here we go with Part one of our story, Bears Under the Big Top!
This is so exciting!!!!
‘toon in next Sunday for the conclusion of our story, as well as on Tuesday and Thursday, for the further excellent adventures of Frank and Mikey!
Till next time, keep defending democracy, get your vaccination, and Be the bear!
I thought we’d start out with one of my favorite stories of the Meihems (which, of course, include Miss Pinky Panda!) Inspired by the real life drama that took place concerning a certain bridge between NJ and NY, and involves a certain governor…
WE call it: HIGHWAY GATE!!!
Oh that Pinky! (Plus you will notice how she managed to hijack this ‘toon series celebrating Meihem Month!)
Toon in this week to see if I actually get any new ‘toons done for this week!
Recently I’ve begun to invite friends of the Panda Chronicles to request specific encore presentations for my regular Sunday offering. This week, by request, I’m highlighting Bee the Bear!
I had to think for a minute about how Bee (the Bear) came into bee-ing! It all came rushing back, when I remembered that when I did my 2nd Kickstarter campaign to publish my first collection of ‘toons in printed form, a friendly bee-keeper here on Whidbey offered some local honey as an extra incentive to contribute to my campaign.
Of course I had to design a label!
Later I revised her a little bit:
and also…
When Mr. Wu came along, Bee (the Bear) appeared in many of Mr. Wu’s adventures, including the story when he ran off with the panda kindergarten and joined the circus, The Wizard of Wu, and It’s a Wunderful Life!
And while we’re on the subject, (what subject was that?) It’s almost birthday month for Mr. Wu, and the Meihem twins, so the Sundays of July will be filled with encore presentations with Mr. Wu and the Meihems! (Pinky Junior shares [NOT DAT WORDS!!!!] her birthday [July 29th] with The Wu Self!) The wizard of Wu always has an encore presentation in October and it’s a Wonderful Life, during the Christmas holiday season. I’ll reprise Mr. Wu’s entire circus adventure during his birthday month!
August, of course, will be full of the House of the Xiang-Tian clan! Definitely something to look forward to!
I hope you enjoyed this visit with Bee (the Bear)!
It’s been a year, hasn’t it? And that doesn’t even include the previous 4 years as we descended into madness of the former guy’s reign of terror.
Fezbook likes to sideswipe you with memories from years past, and so my post about the passing of the real life Mehitabel popped up, from January of 2017. She put in her time and then some, living almost to her 21st birthday. She managed to avoid coyotes, owls, and raccoons that call my woodland their home.
I will miss you forever, my beautiful kitty girl.
During that month, as we anticipated the incoming former guy, with a lot of trepidation, we also experienced a day of solidarity and joy as all over the world we marched to say, we are watching you. Even my little town of Langley had a massive turnout, despite many people (4 bus loads if I remember correctly) headed into Seattle for an even bigger march.
In the final year of the former guy’s assault on democracy (is it the final year? Seems like he is still assaulting us;) we lost over 600,000 to a worldwide pandemic, which, among TFG’s many crimes, the crime of letting the pandemic run almost unopposed was one of his worst. So many families were torn apart as their loved ones died in hospitals, unable to be together or mourn their losses with family members.
The panda community lost one of our own, not to Covid, but to a bad heart, which is kind of ironic, since Jayelle had one of the biggest hearts I’ve come into contact with on these interwebs.
I made this series of ‘toons in her memory:
2020 did have one bright spot…well, at least two that I can think of. The first was our own little miracle cubby born at the Smithsonian National Zoo in DC, who just made his public debut about a month ago, and is already wowing the crowds.
And the real life Bao Bao (Princess Pinky to her Panda Chronicle fans)had a cubby in her new home in China. alas, as an inexperienced mom, they decided her cubby would do better with an adopted family with an experienced mom and a brother. Fortunately for us, they have their own panda cam, so we can watch her antics.
It left me with a dilemma, since I have chosen to keep Pinky a perpetual teenager, living at home with her family. Hey. It’s fiction. I can do anything I want. I mean Charlie Brown was six for like 75 years, okay?
But there is more than one way… well, you know.
It’s been a very hard year for so many, and a hard lifetime for so many more. I’m not sure where we go from here when so many people are so insistent on denying the reality of the former guy’s loss. The events of January 6, 2021 weigh heavily on my brain. The centuries of racism and the continuing assaults on Black, Latin, and Asian people in this country hurt my very core. The GOP led states who are even now passing voter suppression bills to amplify the harms done, make me wonder if there is any hope for humanity.
Could we learn to be better people? It sure doesn’t seem like that’s the direction we’re headed in. I’m waiting for those who have the power to make laws, to practice justice, to do their jobs and use their power to help people and not just find ways to hold onto that power.
Sorry to be kind of down tonight.
Call your Congress folks, Get your vaccine, Work for social justice.
Well, it’s late and I don’t have a plan for today’s collection of ‘toons, so I’m just going to randomly make some selections and maybe a theme will emerge. Or maybe not. I can’t always be brilliant!
Well, I hope this will keep you entertained until I post a new ‘toon on Tuesday!
I thought I would be having a lot more fun by now: Biden in the White House, Covid Relief checks out to the people, majorities in the House and Senate…but no. Fascism still is rearing it’s ugly head and making me tired. And as we all know, it’s all about me!
Wait…was that Pinky talking in my ear?
This week we’ll have a report from Frank and Mikey as they travel to Alaska to spend some time with their family, and Mei Xiang checks in with her sister! I bet you know what (or who!) is coming next!
But now, let’s dive into the archives for a little of that debonair French panda cubby!
Did I hear the Bebe Maurice was going to be making a visit to the Panda House in DC? perhaps he will paint a family portrait!
Be the bear! Bob T Panda
Try to hold off the end of democracy for at least another week!