Category Archives: Encore Presentation

Coming this week! 31 Days of Pandas!

2020 seems like it was million years long, didn’t it? As we get ready to enjoy the wonder that is 31 Days of Pandas I thought it would be good to look back at a ‘toon or two from each month this year, so that we can see the many splendored (????) year that 2020 has been.

You might have noticed I have not done any post election ‘toons. Call it superstition, but until I watch Joe Biden and Kamala Harris take the oath of office, I am somewhat apprehensive that Mittens will manage to yank the rug out from under us yet again. Suffice to say, Pinky is taking the results fairly well (for Pinky) but I’m not expecting that to hold necessarily. As she said to me, “it’s been kind of hard to be my normal, outrageous self, when mittens is so outrageous on his own in real life. dis is beary unfairs to pinky. ”

Wise words from a small panda.

In addition to the twice weekly new ‘toons, 31 Days of Pandas will feature Holiday Encore Presentations from the Panda Chronicle Archives. And…maybe a commercial or two from the Buy Stuff With Pandas pages. On Tuesday I will reveal the latest addition to the Felty Panda Pantheon (which according to my laptop dictionary can mean: a group of particularly respected, famous, or important people: the pantheon of the all-time greats.) I assume that goes for pandas too!

A reminder that PDXWildlife Auction ends today (November 29th) and that felty pandas bought during the months of November and December will trigger a small donation to PDXWildlife!

Now! On to 2020, the Year That Was…

January brings us one of the more reprehensible creatures that abide in the land of pandas…

This makes perfect sense to me!

In February, the Impeachment saga went on, while unbeknownst to (almost) everyone (everyone but Mittens and some Senators who coincidentally traded stocks that were about to tank) a global pandemic was brewing.

What did Mr. Bun Know and when did he know it?

March: Later in the year, we lost our beloved icon, Ruth Bader Ginsberg. But earlier in the year, she was still kicking butt and taking names, despite her battle with cancer. She lives on in our hearts.

Meet Ruth Panda Ginsbear

April: The pandemic took hold for real, and while Mittens and his evil spawn tried to figure out how they could ignore it while making a buck off of it, governors (mostly in states led by Democrats) enacted quarantines and mask requirements to try to buy some time for hospitals that were being overwhelmed by COVID19 patients.

You can’t get more socially distant than sending everyone to their room!

Well, bless her heart!

May: Speaking of trying to make a buck off of the pandemic…

Wait…we get paid?

June: The pandemic raged on. Closed and deserted National Parks made room for the native wildlife. The Democratic field had narrowed to Joe Biden, and Mittens was aiming his propaganda machine at Biden, while continuing to mismanage the pandemic. Thank goodness Frank and Mikey were on the job to report on happenings at Yosemite National Park!

Be a wild thing!

Wild thing, I think I love you!

July: The Democratic Party stages a virtual Convention that a was surprisingly moving, and despite a few technical glitches, was both watchable and inspiring. Shortly before the convention, Biden chose Kamala Harris as his running mate. HUZZAH!!! Mittens produced a cringeworthy convention, at least partially on the grounds of the WH, which as it is a government property, I’m pretty sure was illegal. One of his lesser crimes, I guess. I’ve lost count.

Well, it IS rather easy to understand…

Personally, I think the voice of Pinky is much more soothing than that of You Know Who!

August: We learned of the death of one of the guiding lights of the Twitter Panda Community. She loved pandas and NASCAR and was a force for connection within the panda community. It was not coronavirus, but who knows if her heart condition would have gotten more scrutiny if not for the overwhelming strain that coronavirus placed on hospitals.

Meanwhile, despite a slight dip in cases in May and June, the unwillingness of some states to institute mask requirements and event restrictions, the pandemic comes roaring back. Just when toilet paper supplies began to normalize.

But late in august (the 21st, to be exact) we had some GREAT news!

Who will win? Six and Sebben battle it out on the track!

Mommee Mei has an eagle eye!

A new cubby! The possibilities are endless!

September: Ping learns he can stay forever, and Frank and Mikey become Felties!

Mommee Mei always knows the right thing to do and say!

Is that a donut I see before me?

October: Frank applies for a new job!

Frank is off on a new adventure!

And now here we are! November! Mittens Removal Day!

Mittens Removal Day!

Be the very brave Bear!
Bob T Panda

Get ready for 31 Days of Pandas!!!!

For today’s Sunday Funday: All Beary Poppins till now!

A member of the Panda Faithful said that she had missed several episodes of Beary Poppins, so I thought the Sunday archive presentation was a great time to get everyone caught up on the story so far. I really have absolutely no idea where this story is going, but at least we can see where it’s been!

Another alert member of the Panda Faithful reported on Saturday that Biscuit took his first steps! It’s just a matter of time before he is happily cubby trotting after Mommee, and then cubby trotting away from her as she tries to steal his apple treats! Also, Monday is his naming day, so we will see what his official name is!


Now…on to Beary Poppins, the story so far…

Oh boy! Oh boy! A NEW story!!!!

I can hardly stand the suspense! Who will play Beary Poppins???

A spoonful of frosting makes the medicine go down, the medicine go down, medicine go down!

The ad is mailed, but Mittens is up to some dirty tricks….But wait! Look who found the mail box!!!

Bears are VERY curious!

This hat doesn’t make me look…um…too fluffy does it?

Frank is off on a new adventure!

Beary Poppins has arrived! Is there any cake? It’s been a long flight!

I wonder why no one else applied for the job!

I just love Mei’s little chats with her sister Lun Lun.

Why DIDN’T I eat all the cookies?

Don’t you just LOVE six and Sebben?

Gosh I really hate to leave you on this cliffhanger for the weekend, but…

Just a reminder that while I do post these to Fezbook and Twidder, they are both capricious and irregular in what they show there. So, the best way to be sure you won’t miss a single ‘toon is to check in here at least once a week, and click back through previous postings to make sure you haven’t missed anything!

Be the bear!
Bob T Panda

One of those days…

This is one of those days when I don’t really have a theme for the Sunday ‘toon round up. Yesterday the power went out on the entire island, and I am rarely prepared for the first power outage of the season. For instance, I don’t have my little propane stove, which works without electricity all ready to go. Don’t ask. Also, the batteries in my smoke detectors picked that very moment to tell me they needed to be replace.

The smoke detectors are hardwired into the electrical system, but have battery back ups for when the power goes out. On this occasion, they started beeping incessantly. WHICH THEY DID UNTIL THE POWER CAME BACK ON AT 1;30-ISH IN THE MORNING…


So, here goes nothing. I’m just going to look up random dates and see what strikes me as funny today.

Uh oh! has there been Russian tampering with the selection of the Torch Bears?

Hey! watch where you put that torch!

Lame Duck a’la Orange will not leave until he has shaken the Banky Pig dry…

Clear as mud!

Panda Cam Follies

Oh those red pandas! They are such characters!

You knew Mommee was going to get angry, didn’t you?

I have extra frosting!

This is very scary, don’t you think?

Aw, Pinky…Bubba loves you!

Buh Bye, Mittens!


Do we HAVE to go?

Things are about as real as they can get.

Move over Ping! I’m coming in too!

Well, that’s today’s Sunday ‘toon round up! Pretty soon we’ll start with the December holiday classics. Now if we can just shoo that darn cat out of the White House…

*Speaking of funny….
Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda


You Know What Day it Is!

Spring Back! Fall Forward!!!

Fabulous Furry Friday KNOWS that this is one of your favorites!

It seems like there is something very important going on this week…now what was that?

I don’t know about you, but my anxiety is ratcheted up to about an 11. If you haven’t voted yet, the time is now. Unfortunately, with the perverting of Postal imperatives, the safest way to vote is either in person or hand delivering your mail-in ballot. I’m trying really hard to remain hopeful. Some states are reporting that their early voting totals are higher than their total votes in 2016. How many new voters that represents, we won’t know for a while. One thing is sure, there is going to be full employment for election law attorneys.

Since I didn’t have a plan for today’s ‘toons (other than the “Spring Forward, Fall Back” ‘toon) I’m just going to randomly go through ‘toons I published in November for all the years that this collection has been here!

Get ready, get set, GO!!!!

2011: Pandas arrive in Scotland!!!

What could be more scottish than Pandas?

2012: Insider Twinkie Trading

Bob, Bob, Bob…when will you ever learn?

2013: Heh! Mommee plays a trick on Pinky!

Princess Pinky is fooled by Mei Xiang at the National Zoo

Oh Princess Pinky, mom has a trick or two up her paw, I think…

2014: Cats and Pandas

No, I don’t think so. Bwahahaha!

2015: Election shenanigans have been going on for a while.

And how did Pinky manage to hack into my computer again?

2016: Seems like such a long time ago, and yet…here we are…

whipped cream

Can I have EXTRA extra whipped cream?

2017: A Halloween Classic!

comics history

Maybe Bubba is having a Halloween SEASON! Did you ever think of THAT, Pinky?

2018: The first appearance of Frank and Mikey!!!

Send in the bears!

Helloooooo bears!

I like bears.

I just had to post the whole story about Frank and Mikey ALLEGEDLY eating Justice Kravenklaw… For another most excellent take of the Kavanaugh hearings, I think this is the best!

And finally, 2019: The Bus is coming! Get ready for some serious underbussing!

Our favorite grizzlies are doing “The Bus”!

Remember to Vote!

Panda on (as best you can)
Bob T Panda

Trick…or Trick???

Update from Buy Stuff with Pandas!:

I just added 3 layer fitted masks to my Redbubble store! Here’s the ;ink where you can search for your favorite designs and see if the masks are available in that design (The formatting did not work for all designs, because of the fitted nature of the masks.) Mask up everyone!

It’s the time of year when little ghosts and goblins go marauding around neighborhoods demanding treats. Alas, not this year, I don’t think. But oddly enough, candy sales are UP! mI have *no* idea why that might be the case.

In honor of the holiday to come here are some of my favorite halloween ‘toons!

Panda Kindergarten halloween party

Trick or Trick!!!!!!!

Darn those Meihems!!!!


“It was just a suggestion”

all pandas eve

Okay. That was just WAY too scary.


Ha ha! That Pinky is so clever!

all pandas eve

Will Pinky EVER quit tormenting her brother?

trouble…trouble…trouble…It starts with “T” and that rhymes with “P” and that stands for Pinky!

Make sure Pinky doesn’t try to steal Bubba and Ping’s candy!

Even a year ago things were getting scary!

I can’t believe Bob’s costume didn’t fool anyone!

Oh, and if I haven’t mentioned it 47 times already in the last day…


Panda On!
Bob T Panda

It’s not too late to order Halloween Pandas!

Pretty scary, huh?

The Wizard of Wu Continues!

Now where were we? Oh yes, Mr. Wu and a panda that looks an awful lot like his next oldest brother Yunior have just met Mr. Toasty, as they make their way to the Bamboo city (or the Cuppycake City, depending on which chapter you’re reading #PerilsOfPantsing)

So now, as we chew our fingernails past our second knuckles, grab your popcorn and sit back to watch the final episodes of…

The Wizard of Wu!!!

The wicked cat of the west attacks Mr Toasty

That cat is pure evil!

Mehitabel soaks Mr Toasty

Sorry, no photo bomb from princess Pinky. her mother thought todays cartoon was too scary for her

The wizard of Oz with pandas

Who would have thought cuppycakes could be enchanted?

wizard of Oz satire

Stay tuned later this month for the outtakes and blooper reel!

the good witch saves Wu and Co.

Good witch Bee, the Bear, to the rescue!

Xiao Liwu gets a bath

Are you SURE you weren’t in an earlier scene?

Wizard of Oz spoof

But we’ve come such a long way already….Bwahahaha!

the wicked witch unleashes the flying monkeys

Ride you pandas! Ride!

The panda kindergarten captures Mr Wu

Evilness is one thing, but there must be snacks!

escape from the wicked witch

Well,lookee here! isn’t that….?

Return to the wizard

Don’t mess with Princess Pinky!

finale of wizard of wu

All well that ends well. Now let’s have some cuppycakes!!!

Just over 2 weeks to go!


Be the Bear
Bob I have my ballot T Panda

It’s Mid October and you know what that means!

It is time for our annual Encore Presentation of The Wizard of Wu!!!!

When I was growing up, The Wizard of Oz was always shown around Halloween. Other than having a wicked witch, okay, and the flying monkeys, it’s not particularly Halloweenie, but who am I to ignore a cultural tradition?

Come to think of it, Minch McTurtle and HWMNBN and all their minions are rather like flying monkeys, don’t ya think?

So, get your poppy corn, and beverage of choice and get comfy for the first half of…

The Wizard of Wu!!!

The Wizard of Wu

We’re in for it now, Binky!

Hang on to your hats, kids, it’s gonna be a bumpy ride!

I don’t think we’re in Pandiego any more, Binky….

What could be waiting outside? Where the heck ARE we, Binky?

Mr Wu landas in the cuppycake region of pandyland in this episode of his new adventure

Don’t I know you from somewhere?


Mehitabel would like to register her protest about given the least sympathetic role in this adventure.

Xiao Liwu has to journey to see the wizard

Okay, now it’s getting exciting! Scary parts dead ahead!

Mr Wu meets up with someone who looks a lot like his brother, shortly after setting out on his journey

I have a bad feeling about this….

Mr Wu hears a cry for help

Are you SURE there will be no flying monkeys?

A Reminder: Just a few more days (until Wednesday) to order a Ruth Panda Ginsbear and have a portion of the proceeds go to the Get Mitch or Die Trying Fund over at Vote Save America to help flip the Senate Blue!

The Notorious RPG

Be the Bear and VOTE!!!
Bob T Panda

A Halloween Carol!

Oh my.

Things are happening. The WH seems to have become a COVID 19 hot spot. I don’t wish the serious symptoms that this disease can bring on anyone. BUT….My sympathy has to be tempered by the utter lack of precautions that this “president” has taken. So many lives have been lost because the lack of attention to pandemic response and planning that was left to them. To choose not to take this seriously was a choice this “president” made.

But we have more important things to talk about!

Our Cubby TBD is 6 weeks old! Eyes are starting to open! Cuteness is happening! Extreme cuteness is happening! And could there be some skullduggery taking place between Zoo Atlanta and The Pinksonian Zoo?:

Six: hey!
Sebben: hey yoorself!
Six: I fink our pannacam is off!
Sebben: no! whoo could has done such a dastardly thing!?!?!

Six and Sebben: PINKY!!!!!!!!!

And now, because it is October, a fabulous full length feature ENCORE PRESENTATION OF A HALLOWEEN CAROL!!!!!

Bubba’s first feature role!

you…is…not…da…yawn…boss of…pinky…

Mr Wu makes a very cute ghost, don’t you think?

Hey! who said Wu could poof things?


One of Pinky’s misdeeds has come back to haunt her… can her campaign survive this?

Hmmm… Pinky still does not seem impressed. Perhaps the ghost of Halloween present will have more influence over her.

Uh oh, the ghost of halloween present just caught up with Pinky…

Was that list in small type, single spaced?

The Spirit of Halloweens yet to come is not a spirit to be messed with, right?

Surely you didn’t think she would totally reform, did you?

Be the bear, everyone
And remember:

Wear a mask
Wash your paws with soap and water (don’t just lick them!)
Stay home if you can
Get a flu shot

Bob T Panda!


Pandas say remember to VOTE!!!

This week we continue to wait to hear about the gender of our nation’s newest baby panda (XT4: dat mee!) AND for the 1ST “presidential” debate. Well, it will be “presidential” on one side and PRESIDENTIAL on the other.

So it seems like a good subject for today’s ‘toon encore presentation roundup should be…

The Panda Debates!!!

But first this!

Well, it is kind of funny, isn’t it?

Be afraid. Be very afraid.

“You are all Losers!” – Mittens the Cat

Pinky is beginning to look positively presidential!

“This is not a loser tail!!!!!”

If only it was this easy…


cat came back

Is it just my imagination or does Mittens look even more crazed than before?

what do you have to lose?

Mittens is really back.

Pinky had some great ideas in 2016 on cubpaigning!

Pinky, please do not get your brother all wound up!

It’s not a party till the pandas start a brawl!

Pinky enlists her brother's help in her scheme

“Just run along and put these brochures where people will see them!”

You knew Mommee was going to get angry, didn’t you?

Remember how bad you felt when Mittens won in 2016? Well, that will be nothing compared to how bad you’ll feel on November 4th if he wins again. VOTE EARLY IF YOU CAN, BUT VOTE!!!!

You don’t want to live through this again:

day after

Remember the song “The Eve of Destruction”? That’s what today feels like.

Be the Bear
Bob T Are-you-registered-to-vote Panda

Our Newest Baby Panda is 3 Weeks Old!

The West is on fire, the pandemic is still raging, and our so-called “president” is raving. The only bright spot in the world at large is baby panda season! Our own Baby P (aka XT4, aka Four, aka Sweet Pea), born to the REAL power couple in DC, is now 3 weeks old. No news about prince or princess designation, Mommee Mei only relinquishes her cubby at night when she feels certain her treasure will not be plundered.

To celebrate (and to forget, at least for a few minutes, all that is wrong in the world) I’d like to share some baby panda ‘toons from the archives.

Enjoy the ‘toons! Reality will still be there when you’re done. (darn!!)

“Howdy do! I’m Mr. Wu! Who are you?”

Did we also mention that next Saturday is “Talk Like a Pirate Day”?

Yo ho ho and a bottle of BooBeer!

Mr wu is up the creek without a paddle…

An explorer’s work is never done.

Pinky tests her powers….

National Zoo cub makes mom Mei Xiang disappear


Princess Pinky is fooled by Mei Xiang at the National Zoo

Oh Princess Pinky, mom has a trick or two up her paw, I think…

Atlanta twin panda cubs Mei Lun and Mei Huan and older prother Po

Huzzah! a guest appearance by little Po!

Just a reminder what Mei Xiang could be in for…

Never say “No” to a Pinky!

PP: um, dis is not going to interrupt my presidential campaign, is it?

He’s small for now, but Bubba Bei Bei is shaping up to be a whole lot of panda!

I didn’t THINK that Pinky knew the “share” word.


Panda on!
Bob T Panda