As I ponder the political paradigm shift that is at our door, sometimes I am drawn to the dark visage that is on the other side of the door.

Hang on to your hats, kids, it’s gonna be a bumpy ride!
I think that maybe I am not doing anything to help the current debacle we are facing. Then I remember:
Panda Satire IS an essential industry!
So many people have told me, that these ‘toons help them face the day. Laughter in times of tyrannyis a political act. So let’s do all we can to laugh in the face of fascism.
Ha ha HA! Take that!
We are entering the American Panda Birthday Season! Who can forget the excitement of the first Cublanta twins birth?

Mr Wu speaks out!
While Mr.Wu was the first panda I watched from birth, his birthday is not the first of the year! Let’s put our paws together for the Meihem Twins, Bert and Ernie!

The first appearance of the Meihems!

Huzzah! a guest appearance by little Po!

Sweet dreams, little bears!

Huzzah! It’s Bert and his brother Ernie!

…and their jammies! Huzzah!
Uh oh! Pinky did a bad thing!

Pinky is VERY powerful. Be afraid, be very afraid, Mr Wu.

downloadable paper panda upgrade

Ready for panda kindergarten!
You wouldn’t believe how hard it was to find ‘toons with Bert and Ernie without Pinky in them! We’ll feature some of the ‘toons that Pinky has horned in on…I mean, when Pinky joins the Meihems, but now, let’s remind everyone how animals feel about fireworks on the 4th of July!

uh. oh.

Huzzah for Rumpy Dog!
A Happy (belated) Panada Day to our neighbors from the north!

Oh Panada, Oh Panada, how tasty are your maple leaves….
Panda on,
Bob T Panda