Category Archives: Encore Presentation

Panda Satire is an Essential Industry

As I ponder the political paradigm shift that is at our door, sometimes I am drawn to the dark visage that is on the other side of the door.

Hang on to your hats, kids, it’s gonna be a bumpy ride!

I think that maybe I am not doing anything to help the current debacle we are facing. Then I remember:

Panda Satire IS an essential industry!

So many people have told me, that these ‘toons help them face the day. Laughter in times of tyrannyis a political act. So let’s do all we can to laugh in the face of fascism.

Ha ha HA! Take that!

We are entering the American Panda Birthday Season! Who can forget the excitement of the first Cublanta twins birth?

Mr Wu speaks out!

While Mr.Wu was the first panda I watched from birth, his birthday is not the first of the year! Let’s put our paws together for the Meihem Twins, Bert and Ernie!

The first appearance of the Meihems!

Atlanta twin panda cubs Mei Lun and Mei Huan and older prother Po

Huzzah! a guest appearance by little Po!

Atlanta Twins have a fight

Sweet dreams, little bears!

Atlanta panda cub twins

Huzzah! It’s Bert and his brother Ernie!

Zoo Atlanta Twin panda Cubs

…and their jammies! Huzzah!

Uh oh! Pinky did a bad thing!

Bao bao changes panda cub gender

Pinky is VERY powerful. Be afraid, be very afraid, Mr Wu.

downloadable paper panda upgrade

school uniforms for pandas

Ready for panda kindergarten!

You wouldn’t believe how hard it was to find ‘toons with Bert and Ernie without Pinky in them! We’ll feature some of the ‘toons that Pinky has horned in on…I mean, when Pinky joins the Meihems,  but now, let’s remind everyone how animals feel about fireworks on the 4th of July!

uh. oh.

Huzzah for Rumpy Dog!

A Happy (belated) Panada Day to our neighbors from the north!

Oh Panada, Oh Panada, how tasty are your maple leaves….

Panda on,
Bob T Panda

It’s time to be counted…

It’s time to be counted among those that believe that America should be better than it has been lately. I’m reading an article in the New Yorker, about Iceland, and how they have dealt with the COVID 19 pandemic. From the first moment they heard of cases in China, back in early January, they started moving the pieces needed to combat this virus into place. By the time the first case surfaced in February, they were ready. While they had quite a number of cases, they have had very few deaths. Through mandatory quarantine and contract tracing, they were able to keep the cases under control without ever locking down the economy entirely.

Imagine that.

Meanwhile, here we are.

Among other ways of being counted, don’t forget to fill out your Census form!

Do we have to count panda adoption fees?

These days I often feel like I have a sharp pain being my ears. And now, no other countries want us to come visit! Who can blame them. But if you must travel, you can always fly Pand-Air! (From the oldies but goodies file!)

bears in the air…


Pandas have a better idea…

notice the stylish design….

please have your tray table in their upright position for take-off…

…and most of all, don’t panic.

“Where ignorance meets incompetence…” What does that remind me of?

see, doesn’t this look just like British Airways’ new paint job?

I rest my case.

Many pandas travel via Pand-Air!

pandair flight of the scottish pandas

Pand-Air…it’s the only way to travel

Panda on as best you can!

In celebration of pandas! (Because, duh!)

It’s time for another day of Sunday Panda Fun, because what else do we have to live for? There will be new ‘toons coming down the web this week. Huzzah!

But what to share for our Sunday Funday ‘toons…Truth to tell, I can’t remember from one week to the next which ‘toons I shared last week (although it seems that maybe Pinky took over, last week..) As I have entered a new phase of felty panda making, it seems appropriate that this week’s Sunday ‘toons should celebrate that International Panda of Mystery

Babette de Panda!!!!

Wanting to stretch my creative capabilities, I decided to make a felty Deluxe Babette, and feeling very pleased with the result, posted a picture of her on Twidder. A fan of felty pandas demanded that Babette come to live with her immediately. How could I say no?

Which leaves me in something of a quandary.

I plan on making more, as well as experimenting with some other of the as yet unrepresented pandas. I love the idea of making one of a kind pandas. It excites my muse, as it were. But how to let everyone who might want one see them… So here is what I am thinking. If people are interested, they can let me know via the contact form on the buy stuff with pandas page. I will make a list in the order people contact me.

This will not commit you to anything, other than receiving a photo of the next available panda, then saying “yes, I’d like that one”, at which time I’ll send an invoice and once it’s paid, I’ll ship within the week. Or you’ll say “no” and I’ll contact the next person on the list. I will also be posting them here, as well as on Twitter and Fezbook. (You can also contact me on Fezbook and Twidder, though I can’t guarantee I will see those messages before I see them here)

Here are the first two Babette, international Panda(s) of Mystery! Alas, these two are already spoken for!

Babette the first!

Babette, all dressed up for a costume ball!

This outfit really needed to be seen by more than one angle. 🙂

And with that in mind, let’s look at some of Babette’s early appearances!

All My Pandas……


Huzzah! More Wheel…of…PANDAS!!!

I'm not a doctor but I play one on television

I’m not a Doctor but a play one in a cartoon!

tournament of pandas parade

We call it “extra Fluffy Tuesday” around here.

Says Babette de Panda: “It’s all about MOI` “

Babette and Bee, the Bear have a “discussion”

Babette has…toned her wardrobe down in honor of this important occasion.

“Madame Babette sees all!: I see cake in my…er…your future!”

Babette, in her leading lady role in Wagner’s Cuppycake cycle

As you might have gathered, Babette de Panda is quite a mentor of Pinky! Have a fun Sunday (or at least as fun as you can have during the days of Mitten’s reign of terror.) You can also have fun with cut out paper pandas, including Babette de Panda, on the Have Fun with Pandas page!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

Could we have some fun for once?

No…we can no longer have Nice Things.  The problems of racism and economic inequality have long been with us. Now, HWMNBN has given very explicit permission to the people who behave badly towards others, and to exercise that bad behavior unapologetically.

I know that much of what we see in videos and opinion pieces, are designed and edited to elicit our outrage and horror.  We may never go back to the way things were but I hope we can think about if they were the way we want things to be. I know this isn’t how I want things to be.

The new slogan of the GOP seems to be” “Keep us in power, so we don’t go to jail.” Who needs a 58 page policy platform?

Much better to keep the bad behavior to bears!

Oh, Bob, you didn’t really say that, did you?

And look who Bob’s suspension replacement is! Huzzah!

Mehitabel did NOT approve this cartoon.

Archie, is that you?

We KNEW that was you!

I was really afraid this was going to happen.

Now where did that cat go?

Despite the fact that Bob is still wearing his vacation outfit, he’s back and ready to report!

But maybe you should be careful what you admit to, Pinky.

Mehitabel! Can you take a meeting?

Economics and privilege shouldn’t be a zero sum game, that in order for one person to do well, another person has to suffer; how can someone think that one couple’s marriage lessens the validity of another? Maybe we can all work toward making EVERYONE’S life better.

Keep the dialog open, folks! Um…maybe not like this:

This was way too much fun. :o)

Keep panda-ing on, folks
Bob T Panda



I should have known things would get worse

The news gets worse every day. You Know Who and his chief henchman, Disbarr, have called out the military on the pretext that violent extremists were infiltrating the mostly peaceful protesters who are demonstrating against police violence and murder. Now it appears that Mittens demanded that he be allowed to deploy military across the country. The actual military leaders declined, for now. Kind of makes you wonder, doesn’t it?

Why was his response to armed white guys showing up at state Capitols, “maybe you should talk with them,” to the governors, but peaceful protestors? Call out the militia. Am I paranoid to think that the deployment of unregulated white guys with guns is a dress rehearsal?

Man…I need to detox with some adorable pandas. I bet you do too.

Pinky never misses a trick!

That Pinky is too clever for her own good!

What’s that blinking red light over there?

I has no sekrets!!!!

Huzzah! Pandas save the day!

You can’t just DO stuff. You need instruction from an expert!

Beware of Sockpuppet Accounts on Twidder!

But they’re so cute!

And how about a really early ‘toon (and the inspiration for the name!)

7) your brain on pandas

Be the bear!
Bob T Panda

It’s going to be a long, hot summer…

…and probably not in a good way.

I have to admit, the last couple days have been very hard. More than 100,000 people have died in the US from COVID19. Protests have turned into riots, which seem to be fueled by HWMNBN pouring gasoline on the flames, as well as the very real possibility that those white supremacist groups that showed up at state Capitols with not so much as a slap on the wrist, are showing up, to increase the violence and use the (mostly) peaceful protesters as cover.

HWMNBN’s Liar General is claiming that these are “radical left extremists.” I’m pretty sure this is a lie. Audible violence is mere blocks away from the homes of people I care about. I am safe (for the moment) in my forest hideaway and feel very fortunate that this is so.

There is not much I can do from here, besides send adorable, funny pandas out into the world.

Here ya go!

Our lack of taste is only exceeded by our sense of the absurd.

And just how did the panda kindergarten get her address?

Who’s the bear???!!!

Varooooooomba! Thanks to Lynnie Ness for alerting us to the “off label” use of the Roomba robot vacuum cleaner.

panda movie

social media for pandas

panda kindergarten naughtyness

this old den 2nd episode

The panda kindergarten is so very helpful.

He’s small for now, but Bubba Bei Bei is shaping up to be a whole lot of panda!

This one is still my favorite:

See? I told you it was broken!

I hope these ‘toons with no whiff of HWMNBN helped heal your hearts a little this morning! Panda on, everyone!

Many thanks to those who are sharing pictures of your newly arrived panda masks! They are absolutely adorable, and it gives me great pleasure to know that Pinky, Bubba, Bee (the Bear) and young Pirate Wu are keeping you all safe! 

Take care everyone!
Wands Up!
Stay Safe!
Bob T Panda

It’s Mourning in America …

Before we get to our weekly round-up of pandas, I just want to give voice to the thought that is in most of our minds. This Monday is Memorial Day, the day we, as Americans, pause to remember those who died protecting our country in the armed services. By tomorrow, more than 100,000 people will have died in this country from COVID 19.

Academic statistical models tell us that had we only started physical distancing and stay at home orders one week earlier, we would have less than half this number of deaths. We can’t change the past, but we can still influence the future. stay home if you can. Wear a mask if you can’t. While you still might have to go to work, do what you can to maintain distancing and stay out of crowded situations when you are able.

Do we want this all to be over? You bet! Is it going to happen immediately? Probably not. What helps me is keeping in touch with my friends and the panda online community.  Is constantly reading political commentary helpful? Probably not, but it does give me some good material for ‘toons, amIright? Better to spend more time watching panda videos.

So, let’s see what pandas have to say about all this…


Whats a protest without pandas?


Hey, save some cuppycakes for me!

international woman's day

…and due to the International women’s day strike of 2017

pinky defense

Would YOU believe this panda?


Do we HAVE to go?

And, even truer now, than they were two years ago….

Just how crazy do we think it’s going to get?

Next to Mittens, we all look pretty normal, don’t we?

Someone forgot to take their meds today, I think.

Lock that cat up, for crying out loud!

We shall overcome, but only if we remember to vote, all the way up and down the ticket! Don’t forget, ‘kay?


Panda On, Everyone!
Bob T Panda

Thanks to Jon Oliver who alerted us to this great new sporting event!


Sunday Funday Salutes…Our Pandas to the North

As if the global pandemic was not enough pain for those of us in North America, the Canadian pandas are going to be going back to China. Their bamboo, which is about 99% of their diet, comes from China, flown in every couple days (or is it once a week? I can’t remember and I am too lazy to look it up.) has been hard to come by, what with the flight reductions during the pandemic.  Most pandas have a preference for the bamboo they like to eat, and even if the US and Canada weren’t having their own problems, you can’t switch out Seattle boo for Chengdu boo, no matter how convenient that would be.

So, Er Shun and Da Mao are heading back to China, much to our dismay.

Meanwhile, HWMNBN continues to throw tantrums, tell lies about the scope of the pandemic and I’m guessing, will be tweeting up a s**tstorm after the inspiring speech that President Barak Obama gave at the Virtual Commencement on Saturday. It was nice to be reminded what someone with empathy and intelligence sounds like.

But it’s Sunday and that means it’s time for some pandamonium! Let’s look back at the ‘toons about the Canadian pandas and the place they held in the world of Panda Satire!

Pinky and the Twinkies, eh?

“If Pinky is grounded, can I have her dessert?”

What do you mean you left a note saying they are at my house?

Bubba is having so much fun with his new friends!

Hey! Where did Bubba and Mr. Bun go?

Hey! watch where you put that torch!

It’s a good thing that Pinky taught Bubba how to use Skype!

Packing is such a chore! And a surprise visit from a friend can make it go so much faster!

long goodbye

The Long Goodbye, or “Toronto Farewell”

our story

Mommee pandas have laser vision. Don’t even think you can hide, Bubba.

There’s always time for another cupcake!!!

So THAT’S how Pinky got there so quickly!

I wonder what this button over here does….AAAAAHHHHHHHH!


By the way, it sounds like masks are shipping over at Redbubble! If you need some masks, wouldn’t you breathe a little easier if they had pandas on them?

Be(e) the Bear!
Bob T Panda

The “Best” of Mittens…


Whew! I needed that.

As we know, there is nothing “Be best” about Mittens. As one of the panda faithful on #PandaTwitter said, “We need you to keep making fun of Mittens so that we can keep our sanity.*”

*Or something like that.

So let’s climb into the wayback machine and revisit some of our ‘toons that reveal just what kind of cat Mittens is. (spoiler: he’s a bad cat)

It is too much to BEAR!

Be afraid. Be very afraid.

“You are all Losers!” – Mittens the Cat

Pinky is beginning to look positively presidential!

“This is not a loser tail!!!!!”


And so it began…


Whats a protest without pandas?


Are all these paper clips mine?

Memorial day

Don’t be endangered, be dangerous

Clear as mud!

Things are about as real as they can get.

Well, that’s about all of Mittens we can stand this week. Tune in next Sunday for more of Mittens’ crimes against humanity! Remember, laughing is a great form of resistance. If we quit laughing, the reign of terror has won. Don’t let him win and vote the bums out in November!

Keep panda-ing on!
Bob T Panda

Bears will be Bears!

Due to some operator error (some might say incompetence!) the post I set up for today has disappeared! I was having some site issues that I hope are resolved now, so BEAR with me (ha ha! Get it?) while I reconstruct (or try to)…

A Sunday Salute to BEARS! (and cuppycakes)

another cartoon inspired by real news!

Thanks again to Henry Nicholls for alerting me to this story

girl power

Will there be cuppycakes?


Not even CUPPYCAKES????

31 days

Oh come on…hasn’t that ever happened to you? One minute there are two dozen cuppycakes just sitting there, and the next minute they’re gone?

I like bears.

The worst thing is the bears always reset the radio preset buttons and change the seat position!

So, Mikey…how was the Grand Ol’ Opry?

Those grizzlies are awfully sneaky!

It wasn’t us!!!!

Panda On!
Bob T Panda