You might think that someone who has worked in her home studio for over 30 years would be able to remember what day it is, but I am having a hard time with that. Yes, I work in my studio every day, but there are regular activities that I engage in, and as most of those aren’t happening, it gets kind of hard to figure out what day it is.
Fortunately, the Whidbey Island Organic Farm School has started up production, even if their students are not able to be there yet. If you are on Whidbey Island, you’ll know we have a wealth of small organic farms growing wonderful food. Since the farmers markets won’t be opening any time soon, if at all, sales opportunities (i.e. how they actually make enough money to keep going) are extremely limited. If you can, check with your favorite farmer where ever you live, and see if you can get a CSA share. It will keep the farmers working, and you’ll get fresh vegetables that actually taste like something, other than vaguely green.
And now, let’s have some Pandas! One can only eat so much healthy food! Bring on the cuppycakes!

Keeping you safe from evil cuppycakes….

All salute the sacred cuppycake!

What makes a panda run? Cuppycakes, of course!!!!

Legalize cake today! Prevent illicit cuppycake activities.

Inspector Panda says, “Know the signs of cuppycake dependency”

Can you calibrate the cuppycake?

I have extra frosting!

If I have but one life to live, let me give it for a cuppycake.
Washi Tape Has Arrived!!!!
I have about 45 more sets of Washi Tape available at $20 for a set of 4 rolls of 4 different designs. If you have a pending felty panda order (Either through Kickstarter or from this website) and would like to add a set, I can add them to your order with no additional shipping costs. See the Buy Stuff with Pandas page for ordering information. If you are trying to figure out what Washi Tape is and what you can do with it, this site is a good place to start!

Here is a picture of the actual tape! Tape is about 1.25″ wide and a roll is 10 meters of tape.
Wands up, everyone! It’s getting pretty scary out there.
Panda On!
Bob T panda