The Panda Revenue Service wants YOU! Because once again, at least in the United S of A, it is tax time, which means hand over that wallet!! Fortunately, the Panda Kindergarten Accounting Service is ready, willing and…um…well, while not exactly able, they do have an adding machine…to help you with your calculations.
They will be looking very closely at the returns of any known cats, as you may well imagine, because …um CATS!!!!!!
And because it is good to have something to laugh at through your tears, here are some of our other favorites to help you procrastinate just a little longer this weekend!
And if you want to get into some serious procrastination this weekend, wouldn’t it be a good idea to order all the for your very own? They contain HOURS of procrastinatory panda goodness!
Okay then….where did I put my income records?
Be the Bear,
Bob T. Panda