Why does Daylight Losing time make me so sleepy? Here’s the next episode while I take a nap! Okay. While I take another nap.
Let the singing and dancing begin!

The hills are alive!
Be the Bear
Bob T Panda
Why does Daylight Losing time make me so sleepy? Here’s the next episode while I take a nap! Okay. While I take another nap.
The hills are alive!
Be the Bear
Bob T Panda
Hmmm…this is turning more into a parody of The Sound of Music than Hounds of the Baskervilles, but hey! I really only know the title. Maybe if I have Inspector Panda show up, we can get the detective story/Sherlock Holmes vibe back. (did we ever have it?)
Panda on !
Bob T Panda
As promised, here is the second part of A Halloween Carol (Starring PINKY!!!) and a few random Halloween ‘toons, since it’s actually all Hallows Eve here in the states. (At least until the repugnant-cans declare that it is a pagan holiday, and as such, cannot be tolerated!)
Have a fun and safe Halloween! Don’t eat all the candy before I get there! And don’t forget to vote! Election Day is Tuesday! Local elections are important!
Be the Bear
Bob T Panda
Our new character probably needs a little introduction. Last year I was messing around making felty pandas, and I made one that kind of looked like a nun (wearing pink!) I knew it couldn’t be Pinky, so I decided her name was Sister Mary Fluffy (calling her by her initials may get your mouth washed out with soap!) I also decided that she needed to go to a home that was more…um…fitting of her status than my home, so I sent her off to live in Virginia with the spiritual advisor to the Panda Chronicles.
I had hoped that she would lead a quiet contemplative life, but if you are a follower of either #TheBearchelorette or #BearchelorInParadise on the Twidders, you might have bumped into Sister M.F. (see? what did I tell you?) mixing drinks down at the bar. She has also been a regular player in a little behind the scenes Panda Improv!
Stay ‘tooned! More to come next week!
Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda
We are predicted to get a very wild windstorm later on Sunday night, as I write this, so I thought I would get this scheduled so certain people aren’t left hanging! (you know who you are!) Who could this mysterious visitor be?
Whoever could this be, and what connection do they have to someone at the Panda House? ‘Toon in again to find out!
Be the Bear
Bob T Panda
It’s time for our second favorite halloween tale (after The Wizard of Wu, naturally) A Halloween Carol! Part 1 will be this week, with the exciting conclusion next week on Halloween proper, here in the US of A. Of course much scarier things are happening in the halls of power, but maybe we can have permission to forget them for just a little bit, while we enjoy this Encore Presentation of…
Be the Bear!
Bob the ‘T’ stands for Trick or Treat Panda
Boy there’s a lot going on! Rumors of a sting operation in Maryland…no, not THAT one! The one where they are planning to use more zebras to lure the remaining escaped zebras back to captivity, Another valiant red panda escapes to join the Red Panda Liberation Front, this time at the Woodland Park Zoo in Seattle (the scene of another daring escape attempt a few years ago by brave red panda girls)
But I have a story to tell! Would I tell you what was going to happen if I knew? Hmmm…
This is SO exciting!!!!
Don’t forget to ‘toon in Sunday for the first part of another Panda Chronicles Halloween Classic Encore Presentation, the first part of A Halloween Carol! This was Bubba’s first starring role! Okay, Pinky was kind of a star too!
Well, till then, REMEMBER TO VOTE IN YOUR LOCAL/STATE ELECTIONS, ‘toon in to The Panda Chronicles, and Buy Stuff With Pandas!
Be the Bear,
Bob T Panda
Here we are again, while we try not to gnash our teeth as we read of the idiocy of various state governments outlawing private businesses from having vaccine or mask mandates, or forbidding of teaching any history does not center white men as paragons of virtue. I have worn out the “WTF” keys and the “FFS” keys on my keyboard.
But we have the next installment of The Wizard of Wu’s encore presentation to share with you, so, let’s unclench our jaws, have a bootini and some poppy corn and enjoy the show!
Be the bear, and tune in next week for more of our NEW story, The Bears of The Baskervilles, as well as what happened to Bob when he met up with the zebras!
Panda On!
Bob T Panda
Yes, it’s time to tell a new story! I don’t really know what happens yet, since, as per usual, I am making it up as I go along! Fun!
Available from the evil empire! go go go!!!! Be the first on your block to get The Panda Chronicles Book 9: What Could Possibly go wrong?
Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda
Fat Bear Week continues, but even more importantly, It’s OctoBEAR and that means Halloweenie! And as I previously mentioned, that means for the next couple of Sunday’s we will be having our annual special encore presentation of The Wizard of Wu!
Toon in next week for the next installment of The Wizard of Wu!
Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda
USPS has made plans to slow down deliveries…why? Because they can, also Louie De, so if you are planning to order pandas for the holidays, order early, so they can actually get to you on time. After last years debacle (at least one priority mail package mailed on December 7 did not arrive until January 10th-ish.) I would rather not mail any packages after December 1st. Right now I have a fairly relaxed production schedule, so unless it’s a big order, I can still get pandas done in a week or so.