We are reaching the exciting climax of our story!

To be continued? What else could POSSIBLY go wrong?
Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda
To be continued? What else could POSSIBLY go wrong?
Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda
You didn’t think I would leave Pinky in the middle of her nightmare, did you? Or just let her out of it…
Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda
Wait…who did you say is the star?
How many times do we have to tell you, DON’T ANSWER THE DOOR!!!!!
Babette can talk anyone into anything.
Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda
Yes, it is indeed Christmas Eve at last! Huzzah! Brew up some cocoa, get your cookies all lined up, in order of preference, and get ready to watch another holiday classic tomorrow, ALL episodes of 101 Bebe Pandas!
But now, I promised you the conclusion of our newest holiday (instant) classic…
I TOLD you there would be a happy ending! Would I lie to you?
Panda On!
Bob ho-ho-ho T Panda
Treason’s Greetings!
Oh tidings of treason and greed.
Well, I’m sitting here listening to the “debate” in the house over all of 45’s crimes. Sigh…I think I got it right in yesterday’s ‘toon, quite frankly. I’ve been listening to Rachel Maddow read her new book Blowout, which is all about the oil and gas industry and how Russia is entangled in all of it. It’s a serious read with all sorts of tales of incompetence and corruption. You might need to read a little bit of The Panda Chronicles in between chapters!
Hold it right there, panda boy!
Panda on!
Bob T Panda
Just thought I’d pop in here with a thought about a Kickstarter Make 100 project for January. I’m thinking felted pandas… Whaddya say?
Our new feature presentation is finally here. (Or at least the introduction to it!) I should alert you that there may be a few interruptions in the narrative as we go along, but never fear, when I get around to compiling it into a book (heh!) it will all be together! I’ll save today’s diatribe till after today’s ‘toon, so you can stop reading before you get there if you are so inclined.
Curiouser and curiouser…
The policy of taking children from their families as they are attempting to cross the border is inhumane, not to mention cruel, and often is cruelly carried out, and the main purpose seems to be to use it as a bargaining chip in order for He Who Has no Shame to get funding and approval for his border wall. How this extortion and hostage taking is anywhere close to legal, I just don’t know. For those who are in a position to donate money to organizations that are helping these folks, I would encourage you to do so. Just be sure to do a little research on the organizations that are taking donations. (Nothing like a crisis to bring the vultures out of the woodworks. Ask a trusted source and do your research.) You generally can’t go wrong with the ACLU and check in with The Southern Poverty Law Center. Both these organizations do good work in protecting those with few protections. I think there are some working specifically with this issue.
I’m not generally a praying type of person, but I’m making an exception here, and praying that this situation gets resolved before any of these kids are seriously hurt or worse. The lifelong trauma caused by separation during childhood will be long lasting and more than bad enough. This will not end well, unless it ends very quickly, and I don’t have a lot of hope for this. Our dictator in chief has no heart and no empathy. Keep speaking out, calling your representatives and senators, and support relief efforts if you can.
We shall overcome.
Bob T Panda
Did you ever think we’d get to the end of 31 Days of Pandas, let alone the end of this year? Not to flog an orange horse (because we don’t believe in hitting things) but I think the turn of the new year will not bring us any immediate release from the toxic cloud we are living under. To those that are resisting the evil that is afoot, stay strong. Take care of yourself; keep fighting for fairness, kindness, support of the planet, and all those who exist on it.
Keep being the bears! (And keep reading panda satire!!!!)
Happy New Year’s Eve and a (Im)peachy New Year!
Hope you get to party like it’s 1999! (With the panda kindergarten!)
Panda On!
Bob T Panda
We are getting down to the end of the year, to the end of 31 Days of Pandas (SAD!!!!!!) and hopefully the end of the tRump reign of terror. Well, I might be jumping the gun on that one. Remember, it took 2 whole years to build the case against Nixon. Have faith, panda fans! After all, Mr. Mueller belongs to society of people named BOB, and that is exalted company indeed! Heh!
How about that! Pinky DID save the day!
We hope you’ll come back for three more days of encore presentations for 31 Days of Pandas and then Sunday we’ll have the final episode of 101 Bebe Panda-Nations! Huzzah! Let’s put our paws together and make a wish for a kinder, gentler world. Yeah, yeah, I know. Well, at least let’s resolve to watch more panda videos. Here’s one of my favorites of pandas being ESPECIALLY helpful! Enjoy!
Panda On!
Bob T Panda
Oh boy, it is really getting tense here! Will they find the baby pandas before Babette rents them all out? Will Inspector Panda find his nose with both paws? Just what the heck is going on around here?????
Cue the scary music!!!!
And be sure to tune in tomorrow for the final episodes of It’s a WUnderful Life!
panda on!
Bob T Panda
Oh my! It is getting so exciting now! I can hardly stand the tension!
Where is Babette taking them?
Panda on (as best we can!)
Bob T Panda