Yes, that’s right! We are approaching 31 Days of Pandas, a Panda Chronicles tradition since…um..well, I can’t remember when I started it. As with recent years past, I have a bit too much on my plate to bring you a new ‘toon every day, but just think of it as Fabulous Furry Friday EVERYDAY!!!!
I’ll still be posting new ‘toons on Sunday and Wednesday, as per usual, but on other days, I will share some of my favorites from the archives, and I think many of them are appropriate to the season. And who knows. I may be able to pop out an extra new ‘toon to two here and there.
There are so many new readers who haven’t yet become inundated acquainted with all the characters and story lines, so this is a good chance for you to catch up! It’s also a good time to remind you that Panda Chronicles books make the best Holiday presents!
But without further ado, here is the introduction and first installment of our newest feature presentation, the worldwide intergalactic third house from the corner premiere of: 101 BeBe Panda-Nation!

Wait…who did you say is the star?
Panda On!
Bob T Panda
BTW, you may have been hearing all this stuff about Net Neutrality and how it might go away. WTF is that, you might ask? Net Neutrality helps to ensure that little guys (like me) have as much access to the cyber waves as folks like…say…Facebook. If you think a level playing field is a GOOD thing, consider dropping your representative in Congress and the chairman of the FCC a line and tell them so.