Category Archives: Fractured Fables

Girls will be girls

Really, Pinky and the Meihems will always be friends, even if their truces seem to be temporary at best. Everyone knows that three girls are a very volatile social structure, especially when two of them are twin sisters. I find it kind of reassuring, that even after all the hubbub at the party, the Pinky and the Meihems can have a nice (mostly) friendly Skype session to rehash the big night.

No harm done, right, girls ???


Everyone knows the party isn’t over till you can sit down and re-hash it!

Panda on
Bob T Panda

Why does mommee get so mad …?

Gee, it beats me, Pinky, could it have something to do with…oh…I don’t know, the fact that you tried to poof your little cousins into oblivion? Possibly? Who knows! Maybe she’s just being hormonal or something. Anyway, I’m sure you’ll figure out some way to get out of being grounded before too long. She can’t stay mad forever!

And Poor Bubba! Getting grounded after getting poofed while protecting the little twins! Life just isn’t fair sometimes.

But now, on with the show!


I think I see a slight resemblance to a Pinky tantrum…just saying.

And just look at that smug look on Pinky’s face! She knows she won’t stay in trouble for very long!

Panda on!

Not so fast, young lady …

Was there any phrase that induced more terror and apprehension, when you thought you had snuck in the house late at night than those five little words: not so fast, young lady …Sigh… Just when you thought maybe you got away with something.

Let’s just take a look at the happy family scene, taking place right now at the National Zoo Panda House…

Bubba: wait! why am i in trubble?

Oh, and one of my personal favorites: Do you know how much trouble you’re in??? Heh!

Panda On
Bob T Panda

The power of the POOF meets the power of Bubba

Remember what happened last Wednesday? You don’t? Well, you might want to scroll down past all those cute ‘toons about Six and Sebben, and review last Wednesday’s ‘toon. Go ahead, I’ll wait…  Are we up to date now? Okay then! Not unlike all the people with love and hope in their hearts, and a commitment to inclusion for all people, they are showing up and standing up to the forces of hate and evil. Bubba is standing up to the evil POOF that has emanated from Pinky’s wand. There is power in love and hope, people. We have to believe that.

WE have to believe that there is a place in this country for all people, no matter their religion, their race, their choice of who they love, of who they believe they are. There is no room for hate and exclusion. We are all endangered if the factions that want to harm and exclude those who are considered “other” are allowed to succeed in spreading hate.

I’m betting on the power of Bubba and the power of love…


But all the power in the world is nothing compared to the power of Mommee!

See you on Wednesday, for the next exciting episode of Being Endangered is SUCH a Curse!!!
Stay tuned!

Hey! Watch it with that magical wand …

Oh dear! If even Bubba can’t dissuade Pinky from her evil plan, what hope is there for the world? Um…It’s possible I’m thinking about another situation instead of this one, but you know, unchecked power is unchecked power, if you know what I mean. We could maybe use Pinky’s magical wand to get us out of this one. Come on Pinky…use your magical wand for good, not evil.

If only her big brother hadn’t sent Pinky that magical wand …

Did Pinky just poof her little brother? Stay tuned!

Wait! You can’t just leave us here!

What happened to Bubba?????

Um…I guess you’ll have to tune in Sunday to find out, won’t you?

Panda on
Bob T Panda

Bubba stands up to Pinky…

…but is he tough enough? He is an unlikely hero, to be sure. But his intentions are good and his heart is pure. He would do anything to defend his small cousins, Six and Sebben. But is Bubba a match for Pinky when she’s really, really mad? And what about her magical wand? It’s really powerful, you know!

We are about to find out if Bubba is made of something tougher than frosting!

Oh Bubba! Be careful!!!!

Oh no! What’s going to happen next? I guess you’ll have to tune in and find out, won’t you? Bwahahahahaha!

Panda On!
Bob T Panda

Uh Oh! Something is going to hit the fan any minute now…

It’s about to happen! The moment of truth! The forces of good and evil are gathering and an epic battle is about to take place, right here in our nation’s capitol!!!! Um…I mean in the halls of the Kingdom of Pandalanta. Please excuse my confusion. It was an honest mistake, right? Something is going to hit the fan any minute now, and everyone is running for cover, lest they get splattered with you know what.

Actually, this could be true for either place, couldn’t it? But let’s continue with our feature presentation…

Being Endangered is SUCH a Curse!!!

hit the fan

Won’t someone save these innocent little pandas???

And hey! Today is Pinky’s actual birthday! What a great way to celebrate, right? Pinky contemplating an evil act! Well, it’s just a story, isn’t it? Isn’t it? Tune in Sunday (What? we have to wait till Sunday to find out what happens next?????) for the next exciting episode of Being Endangered is SUCH a Curse! Bwahahahahaha!

Panda On, as if our lives depend on it!
Bob T Panda

Episode 11: Being Endangered is SUCH a Curse!

If you think being an endangered species is a piece of cake, (Hey! Did someone say CAKE????) you’ve got your head on backwards. And there is no one who is so endangered as someone who is Pinky’s little brother! Yep, we’re talking about Bubba, who has slipped beneath the table (with a plate of cuppycakes, along with his faithful toys, General Bub and Banky Pig.

And with only two days until Bubba’s actual birthday, it is only fitting that he emerges from under the table and shows himself to be the hero of this fractured fairy tale.

You wanna talk about endangered? I’ll show you endangered!!!!


The hero of our tale emerges…

Pinky says: BTW, tomorrow is solar eclipse day, so just a reminder, don’t look at it with unprotected eyes! You don’t want to go blind and miss all the rest of my ‘toons for all eternity, right? (It is all about ME after all!)

Panda On!
Bob T Panda

The Poot Has Hit the Fan!

Oh my! What is going to happen now? This is getting kind of scary and I know I am going to get all kinds of flack for this, because I have put those adorable little munchkins, Six and Sebben in the path of Pinky’s ire, (not to mention her magical wand!!!!) But can you blame me? I mean this is a fairy tale for crying out loud! If there is a wicked witch, there has to be a handsome prince who comes and saves the day, right? Or in the case of Wonder Woman, a really kick-ass goddess warrior who comes right up against evil and attempts (and maybe even succeeds) to vanquish it!  Oh Poot on you Pinky! Your evil plan will NEBBER succeed!

Or will it? Did you really think I would give away the ending already?

She who must be obeyed…

Panda On!
Bob T Panda

And Just When You Thought it Was Safe …

…to relax, maybe have a bootini, and yes, a cuppycake or two, just when you thought, What could possibly go wrong…you hear the doors start to open. The room seems to swim and go just the teeniest bit dark. And just when you thought it was safe to enjoy a social event without a certain someone getting her little Wonder Woman panties in a twist…

Just when you thought it was safe ….

just when you thought it was safe

Ruh Roh…

Oh yeah. The goldfish. Well, anyone can make a mistake like that, right, Mei?

Panda On!
Bob T Panda