Category Archives: Frank and Mikey

The Call of the Wild

Some of the (few) uplifting stories of the coronavirus lockdown have been about animals doing things that they don’t normally get to do, in places that they normally don’t get to do them. From penguins visiting other exhibits in the aquarium, to pandas going walkabout in Copenhagen, at long last, wild animals got to reclaim the territory that was rightfully theirs, before people came and messed up the place!

Join Frank and Mikey as they reclaim their wild heritage!

Be a wild thing!

There’s more than one way to be the bear!

Panda On!
Bob T Panda

If You Go Out in the Woods Today…

Yes, it’s everyone’s favorite grizzly bears, Frank and Mikey, with some timely advice about keeping a safe social distance even when you are out getting some fresh air! For those of us who have a little more outdoor space of our own, getting outside is much easier than those who live in more urban environments. I know a lot of people who live nearby to the Smithsonian National Zoo in DC (aka the Pinksonian) who use that as a place to get their daily outdoor exercise. But now that it is closed to the public, those folks will have to venture farther afield to get some fresh air.

Fortunately, Frank and Mikey have some EXCELLENT advice for hikers!

You can always count on Frank and Mikey for the best advice about bears!

A reminder: Picnic Time for Grizzly Bears is an excellent song to sing to time your hand washing!

Picnic time for grizzly bears,
The little grizzly bears are having a wonderful time today,
Catch those hikers unawares
As they have their hiking holiday!
Check their packs for cuppycakes,
if we have cuppycakes you’ll never have any cares!
We’ll lick the frosting off our paws as we go home to bed
Because we’re tired little grizzly bears!

Panda on!
Bob T Panda


It’s Time For Your Favorite Show!

That’s right! Welcome to another episode of Bear Talk! Those lovable grizzly bears, Frank and Mikey are back! (you can’t keep a good bear down!)

But first, I want to congratulate the folks that work at Kickstarter for successfully organizing and forming a union. Kickstarter has been the home to various projects of mine sine 2012 when I launched my first project. Since then, it’s allowed me to focus my energy to do 8 projects to bring more panda fun to you! It is a company that was formed with the excellent mission and intent, to help creative project creators bring their projects to life. The people who work there should have the same agency and rights as the creators they help, to have their work valued and their voices heard.

Meanwhile, Frank and Mikey have some things to say about the NooZ of the day!

WEll, it COULD have been a hunt of Mittens Jr.!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

And Now, For Our Rendition of Bear d’Lune…

This news story came across the transom a few weeks ago, but what with all the criming and corruption coming out of DC, It got a little distracting around here. You knew we would not let this story go unremarked upon, by our favorite grizzly correspondents, recently returned from their bus driving adventures!

And now, BearNooZ presents….

Maybe the bear was a fan of Phillip Glass…

Be the Bear!

Bob T Panda

Sock Update!

I just got word that panda socks are headed for the PGS warehouse, which means they should be in my hot little hands by Friday December 6th! If I’ve already received your paid invoice via PayPal, the socks will be headed your way the following week. If you have not yet responded to your invoice, do it now, so you’ll get your socks before Christmas!

There is Blood in the Water

As we slide into week 2 of the public impeachment hearings, we start to see the cracks in the foundation of this not very funny Fun House that HWMNBN has built around him. Dedicated career civil servants are not allowing themselves to be bullied into silence, facts the Orange Machine tried to suppress will not be silent! People are being thrown under the bus!

And who is driving the bus? Why, it’s none other than…

Our favorite grizzlies are doing “The Bus”!

Making fun of current events and various politicians, and rage tweeting on Twidder are not enough!

We need to get out and vote in races large and small. One of the things that have become all too apparent, is that those down ballot races have a lot to do with the current condition we find ourselves in: gerrymandered voting districts that favor the GOP, even when state voting totals lean more toward the Democrats.

One of the byproducts of gerrymandering and skewed representation in state legislature, is voter suppression. Much of this voter suppression disadvantages and targets people of color and underrepresented populations. Stacey Abrams, who recently lost the race for Georgia’s governor’s race, has started an organization to combat voter suppression nation wide. It’s called Fair Fight, and that leads me too…needle felted pandas!

I’m having a lot of fun making these little felted pandas! While I definitely have my favorites, and definitely plan to keep some, I’m making more of them every week. So, I thought to myself, “how could these little pandas do something worthwhile and valiant, to make the world a better place?”

So here’s my idea…

For every donation to Fair Fight of $100 or more, made between now and December 1st, I will send you an adorable, one of a kind needle felted panda! Now, this can’t be an unlimited offer, because I only have so much time to make these little bears, so at some point if this proves a popular thing, I will have to say enough. Also, because I am still somewhat under a financial cloud, if you want to send me $10 for postage and materials, via my PayPal link (See the Bear in the Bowler hat on the sidebar) it would be most appreciated.

Choice of panda will be by the whim of the artist. These are truly not available anywhere. I hope the thought of having an artist made panda will be an incentive (I mean besides preventing the downfall of Democracy) to make a contribution to Fair Fight. Voting is the last best chance we have to turn this bus around.

To claim a panda, just send me proof of donation to yourbrainonpandas (at) gmail (dot) com and eventually you will get a panda in the mail! (You’ll also have to send me your address so I can send you a panda!) Huzzah! tell ’em Unka Bob sent you!

Be the bear!
Bob T Panda

It Wasn’t’t Us!

Is NOTHING sacred??? I just read that one of 45’s “defenses” is “It wasn’t me.” 

I’m sorry (no, I’m not) That line belongs to Frank and Mikey! The world’s most lovable grizzly bears!


And now, let’s head on over to another edition of Bear Talk, now in progress!

For all your questions about bears in cars!

Be the Bear!
Bob “so how about those impeachment hearings” T Panda


Sock it to MEEEEE!

Ha ha! Who ever thought that socks with the Panda Chronicles all stars would be so flipping popular???? Certainly not me. I thought I’d have a nice, relaxed response, and that most of the orders would come in once the socks had arrived. Pinky’s socks sold out by the 2nd day, before I’d even had a chance to notify everyone, and as I write this, Bubba’s are all but gone too. There still are about 15 pairs for the Panda Kindergarten, which, quite frankly, are my favorites.

Update: Bubba’s last sock has been snapped up!

Needless to say, I will be heading back to the drawing board and designing some NEW socks, and…sigh…I guess Pinky will get another pair. I was kind of thinking about the baby Pinky Christmas design I did a while back….

Meanwhile, 31 Days of Pandas is almost upon us!

So, what I’m thinking is, that besides the regularly scheduled new ‘toon days (Tuesday and Thursday) and the Encore Presentation day (Sunday) on the other days, I will share some of my new design ideas for socks and stickers, as well as maybe some process sketches for a picture book I am working on, about Bee, the Bear.

Meanwhile, Frank and Mikey (your favorite grizzly bears!!!) are back once again…

It wasn’t us!!!!

Obviously, this is a tribute to one of the greatest radio shows ever, Car Talk! Every Saturday morning, I had a date with Tom and Ray, and ya know, if you kind of think about it, Frank and Mikey are a lot like them!

Panda On!
Bob T Panda

PS: I know some of you were disappointed that you missed Pinky socks. The best I can tell you is to subscribe to get this ‘toon in your email to be the FIRST to know about it! Also, make sure that the email address you use is one that you actually have access to, and check regularly. The subscription thingie is in the sidebar, right at the top!

You want me to eat WHAT????

Frank and Mikey, the most popular grizzly bears on the internet are back again! I know you will be happy to hear that they have a new show coming up in just a few weeks, especially since there is absolutely nothing going on in the news these days…hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

Ahem…Hey, did you know that the Constitution is a big phony? That’s what HWMNBN has said (“people are saying”) and if people are saying it, it must be true, right? [insert eye roll emoji here] What’s that sound? Why it’s the sound of my head as it hits repeatedly on the desk, that’s what it is.

But let’s see what Frank and Mikey are up to now….

Don’t judge me…ha ha! get it?

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

Don’t Feed the Bears!

Frank: not even a LITTLE????
Mikey: I don’t think they meant us!

How many times do we have to tell people in National Parks…

I’m glad we have all these wildlife stories to take our minds off of the crazy pants news in DC

Panda On!
Bob T Panda

Stay tuned for news on Mr. Wu’s pins!

More Nooz from the Bear World…

Just when you think that things can’t get any worse, they do. Who could ever have thought that there were lower bottoms yet to reach, and yet here we are.  How long will it be before there is not a single person left who has not been personally touched by gun violence?

We are not fooled by the treacly insincerity of 45’s crocodile tears, as he reads someone else’s statement about his outrage against hate and racism. I fear that we will never regain our standing in the world, that the damage to the environment will never be healed, that we will never be able to trust our own ears and eyes, that what we think is true, is actually what is happening.

I’m trying to panda on, but honestly, it’s getting kind of tough….so…

When the going gets tough, the tough get Frank and Mikey…

Frank and Mikey are just right!

Bears will be bears!
Bob T Panda