Category Archives: Frank and Mikey

Oh Where, Oh Where Has My Little Bear Gone?

Everyone has pretty much guessed where Bikkie is…

Well, everyone except for Frank and Mikey, that is…

I guess we’ll see what happens next when it happens. I don’t think Frank’s mePhone works from the ferry, so….

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

I hope everyone is watching the Jan6 Hearings today!

Time for the Annual Pilgrimage to the Salmon Streams of Alaska!

Oh sure, Mittens didn’t mind that attendees to his insurrection had all sorts of weapons, but what’s really important is the Bear Cams!

Who doesn’t love fish? Oh…right.

Buckle up people.

Be the Bear
Bob T Panda

Rather Than a Well Deserved Rant…

I have many thoughts and maybe some of them should come out of my mouth, but for right now, I am exhausted. All I will say is this:

Solutions like SCOTUS expansion should happen, but can’t happen quickly to relieve this assault on women/pregnant persons
Filibuster reform is also needed, but again, it’s not going to happen with the Senate we have at this moment
Tell your Senator and Congressional reps what you think. Clearly, concisely, and as often as you can
Vote for Democrats up and down the ballot
Don’t listen to the naysayers or give up hope
We won’t get everything on our lists from a Democratic Congress & president, but I can GUARANTEE we won’t like ANYTHING we get from a Republican one

Now here are some pandas and random bears

Frank is off on a new adventure!
Wait…we get paid?
He’s small for now, but Bubba Bei Bei is shaping up to be a whole lot of panda!

The first appearances of Frank and Mikey!

Helloooooo bears!
I like bears.

His attitude is still unenlightened.

Take a nap and get ready to panda on

Bob T Panda

Fat Bear Week Begins!

I thought you might need a visit with America’s favorite bears, Frank and Mikey, as an antidote to this weeks January 6th Hearings.

I’m watching the hearings on replay, in case I need to switch over to panda cams or fishing bear cams to calm down a bit, between revelations. No wonder I’m so stressed out!

Panda On!
Bob T Panda

It’s Almost Time for Bear Cam!

Yes, it’s that time of year! The grizzly bear equivalent of the Oscars, The World Cup, and The Great British Bake Off, all rolled into one! It’s almost time for the annual Bear Cam!

In honor of this annual display of fish catching excellence, we share from the archives, the story of Frank and Mikey’s trip to their ancestral homelands!

And yes, Mikey, we know. You don’t like fish.

Mr Poppee would never disappoint Bikkie!

I hope this extended visit with Frank and Mikey gives you what you need to watch this weeks hearings for the Crimes of Mittens!

Panda On!
Bob T Panda

No Selfies with Wildlife: Our Annual PSA

I can’t believe we need to remind people not to do this. There is more and more information that invading the personal space of a wild animal is a really bad idea. It can endanger the wild animals, not to mention, they might decide to eat you.

Frank and Mikey have generously agreed to deliver this year’s warning about this dangerous practice.

Do as we say, not as we do!

More to come from our exclusive ZooNooz coverage of the hearings about Mittens Coup attempt! Be there or be the bear!

Panda On
Bob T Panda

Bears will be Bears!

A big thanks and a couple of cuppycakes to my faithful friends and readers, who send me nooz stories of bears behaving badly! Apparently a bear had to be rescued from a California amusement park. Thanks for the valuable* tip! (*No actual monetary value)

Has anyone seen Frank and Mikey around?

And who among us can resist that pink cotton candy that proliferated at amusement parks and county fairs?

Be the bear everyone!
Bob T Panda

It’s all fun & games until there is a javalina in your car.

But really…who can blame the little piggy! Chips are really hard to resist!

I really don’t want to think about the clean up. I suspect the owner would be better off just torching the car.

Be the Bear (or piggy!)
Bob T Panda