Category Archives: Frank and Mikey

The Year in Review

What a year, huh? While like 2020, we would really rather forget 2021, it is good to look back and acknowledge so that maybe we won’t do the same the things again. Mebbee. Anyway, looking back at the ‘toons of each month is always a good way to remember the year, rather than looking at the actual news, which is kind of depressing.

So…let’s start with January!

well…THIS happened…
Mittens has left the building.

Annnnnnd on to February !

I think we’ve seen enough of Mittens to last us a lifetime, so let’s declare 2021 the Year of Bikkie! (and his Beary good friend Mr, Poppee!)

Ebbryone needs a Beary Poppins!

Remember Pinky’s “Workout wif Bikkie” Videos?

See, Mommee! No tigers!
Bikkie is a Beary deep thinker!

Well, that’s it for January and February 2021 Year in Review! Join us next Sunday when we look back on March and April of 2021!

New ‘toons coming this week! I think mebbee Bikkie’s snow day and something something something else!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

Day 31 ~ 31 days of Pandas

This is it! The last day of the year!

We thought this would be a better year than 2020…ha ha…joke’s on us! Sigh…we did get the vaccine, but thanks to certain people who were all in on “personal bodily autonomy” (for this, anyway) who yelled (often right in people’s faces) “MY FREEDUMB!!!!” we have had to cope with ever more contagious and more deadly mutations of the virus. Probably the next one will spread just by reading about it on the inter webs.

But here we are. We have (hopefully) survived (this far). We will be back in the new year with more panda satire and more pandas to introduce. Bebe Maurice’s tiny sisters Fleur and Snowy will be making their debut in these pages. We will have our annual Year in Review where we look back at the ‘toons of last year. It’s always very interesting (to me, anyway) to see what ‘toons leap out at me as the most consequential or interesting or funny.

There is another Olympics for the pandas to compete in. They kind of missed this year’s Olympics, not really remembering that it was happening at all. But this is the Winter Olympics, and those are the Olympics that pandas like best!

The New Year is the Year of the Tiger, and Pinky is ready for it! Don’t tell Mommee, okay? Pinky has an upcoming campaign to start raising money for, so fire up the selfies with tigers! Really, don’t tell Mommee about this!

And now, let’s see what New Year’s Eve has in store for us at the Panda House…

And because it is still one of my favorite New Year’s Eve ‘toons…

new years eve party, panda kindergarten
The panda kindergarten at their best…or is that worst?

Have a safe an happy new year! See you in 2022!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

It’s almost time for 31 Days of Pandas!

That’s why everyone likes December, am I right? Daylight losing time means by the 21st it will be getting dark by 3:30, and the depths of darkness by 4. Sigh… at least after the Solstice, the days will start increasing in length! Huzzah!

While we wait for the pandas to prepare, here’s another story taking place in the Panda House! (With a little panda who may be there or not!)

Here come’s trouble!

I bet you want to see the finished Pawrtrait

Time to start getting ready for 31 Days of Pandas!

Be the bear!
Bob T Panda

The Bears of the Baskervilles Continues!

Boy there’s a lot going on! Rumors of a sting operation in Maryland…no, not THAT one! The one where they are planning to use more zebras to lure the remaining escaped zebras back to captivity, Another valiant red panda escapes to join the Red Panda Liberation Front, this time at the Woodland Park Zoo in Seattle (the scene of another daring escape attempt a few years ago by brave red panda girls)

But I have a story to tell! Would I tell you what was going to happen if I knew? Hmmm…

Fortunately, I have no idea where this story is going!

Luckily for all concerned, Six and Sebben are not in this story…or ARE they?

This is SO exciting!!!!

Don’t forget to ‘toon in Sunday for the first part of another Panda Chronicles Halloween Classic Encore Presentation, the first part of A Halloween Carol! This was Bubba’s first starring role! Okay, Pinky was kind of a star too!

Well, till then, REMEMBER TO VOTE IN YOUR LOCAL/STATE ELECTIONS, ‘toon in to The Panda Chronicles, and Buy Stuff With Pandas!

Be the Bear,
Bob T Panda

A New Halloween Story Begins TODAY: The Bears of the Baskervilles! (Told by Pinky!)

Yes, it’s time to tell a new story! I don’t really know what happens yet, since, as per usual, I am making it up as I go along! Fun!

Well, here we go….

Is this story too scary for grizzly bears?

Did I remember to mention….IT’S HERE!!!!!!!

Available from the evil empire! go go go!!!! Be the first on your block to get The Panda Chronicles Book 9: What Could Possibly go wrong?

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

Making Fat Bear Week Even Fatter!

It’s Fat Bear Week up in Alaska! Grizzlies gather to galumph through streams, as salmon jump directly into their mouths. Just like in college basketball, there are charts showing which bears are in the running (I’m not sure how the competing teams are decided…different stream? I’ll have to do more research.)

There are rumors that even though they are not on the official match ups, Frank and Mikey are planning on a surprise late entry! Other rumors of banned performance enhancing substances to promote unfair advantages, have been leveled against Frank and Mikey, which could explain why they are not in the official line up.

Also, Mikey has let it be known that he doesn’t like fish.

Mikey: Bears like donuts, okay? I like donuts. Bears like donuts. Did I have too many donuts sometimes? You mean, was I cool? Heck yes I was cool. So MAYBE I had too many donuts once in a while.

Mei Xiang tries to change the subject

This would be a good time to order your own Frank and Mikey!

Is that a donut I see before me?

Order in the usual fashion:

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

It’s Lesson Time at the Panda House!

But before we get to that…

I must sadly tell you that ONCE AGAIN I was not awarded a MacArthur Foundation Genius Grant for Panda Satire. Announcement day has left me a sad panda (but you get to see my favorite cartoon!)

In 10 Years There Has Not Been One Grant Awarded in Panda Satire!!!!

Why IS there no MacArthur Fellowship for Panda Satire, anyway?

Also, today is National Voter Registration Day. If you are not registered to vote, what are you waiting for? By not using your voice, you allow others to speak for you and you might not like what they’re saying. Please register and please vote. Even in little pesky local elections like school board! You might not think those are important, but we are finding out that they are. Even here on (mostly) true blue South Whidbey, there is an ongoing attempt to replace smart, caring school board members with anti-vaxxing, anti-equality right wing authoritarians.

I’m gonna be voting, I’m going to remind my friends to vote. Don’t let Mittens rule from the rear!

And Here’s Today’s ‘Toon!

Bikkie is still showing how smart he is!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

I Think They Need a Bigger Kitchen Table in the Panda House

There is a lot of evade the question going on here.

There is still time to order Halloween Pandas!

Pretty scary, huh?

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

There is definitely something odd going on here

Is anyone going to believe what Frank and Mikey saw?

Move along please, nothing to see here!

Did I mention this Sunday (September 19th) is Talk Like a Pirate Day? What a fun reason to re-run Mr. Wu’s Pirate adventure.

As a special HUZZAH for Talk Like a Pirate Day, any felty orders between now and Saturday September 25 will get a bonus Mr. Wu the Pirate iron on patch! ARRRR!

Frank and Mikey want you to have it!

$58 each or both for $112 + shipping!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

Frank and Mikey are IN DA HOUSE!!!

(The Panda House, that is!)

Yes, Frank and Mikey are home from their Alaskan adventure, (Mei Xiang: wait a minute…what do you mean by HOME????) Six and Sebben are back in PandaLanta, and Bebe Maurice has returned to France to meet his petite zizzies and turn them into internationally renowned painting models!

Never a dull moment!

You might be thinking: What could they possibly be unpacking?

Silly you! Their pajamas, of course! What! Do you think they sleep au natural???? We may be animals but we’re not SAVAGES!!!!

I just realized that next Sunday is International Talk Like a Pirate Day! So, of course I will be re-running the Mr. Wu the Pirate ‘toons! Prepare to talk like a Pirate!

Till Thursday,
Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda