What a year, huh? While like 2020, we would really rather forget 2021, it is good to look back and acknowledge so that maybe we won’t do the same the things again. Mebbee. Anyway, looking back at the ‘toons of each month is always a good way to remember the year, rather than looking at the actual news, which is kind of depressing.
So…let’s start with January!

Annnnnnd on to February !
I think we’ve seen enough of Mittens to last us a lifetime, so let’s declare 2021 the Year of Bikkie! (and his Beary good friend Mr, Poppee!)

Remember Pinky’s “Workout wif Bikkie” Videos?

Well, that’s it for January and February 2021 Year in Review! Join us next Sunday when we look back on March and April of 2021!
New ‘toons coming this week! I think mebbee Bikkie’s snow day and something something something else!
Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda