Drum roll please….
The Unveiling of Bebe Maurice’s masterpiece….

How did she get into the picture? Artists can see things other people can’t?
Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda
The Unveiling of Bebe Maurice’s masterpiece….
How did she get into the picture? Artists can see things other people can’t?
Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda
Just a reminder, that in Pandyland, this is all taking place on the same day.
How about that! Bikkie got his wish!
Be the Bear
Bob T Panda
And there is yet more excitement yet to come on Thursday, when Bebe Maurice unveils his masterpiece!
Do you think Frank and Mikey will make it back in time?
Just whose car did they “borrow”
Stay tuned!
Be the bear
Bob T Panda
Frank and Mikey bid a fond farewell to their Mom and siblings Scooter and Josie. I’m sure they had a wonderful time!
On this date in July of 1969, I was at music camp in Morgantown West Virginia. Over 100 campers gathered around the television in the lobby to watch this momentous event:
Or maybe something sort of like it.
Enjoy your day; get vaccinated, wear a mask, and stay safe! I can’t afford to lose any more fans of panda satire!
Be the Bear
Bob T Panda
Don’t forget to ‘toon in on Sunday for the exciting conclusion of Bears Under the Big Top, starring the Wu Self and Bee the Bear!
Bear with me!
Bob T Panda
Frank and Mikey have finally found their ancestral home!
I’m sure everything will go fine after they all sing the family camp song!
Be the Bear,
Bob T Panda
I guess you’ll have to ‘toon in next week! Till then…
Be the Bear
Bob T Panda
So many story lines, so little time! Before we take you to the impending “excitement” at the Panda House, where Six and Sebben, BeBe Maurice, and the now you see her, now you don’t Princess Pinky Junior are about to collide with the residents of Panda Central, we now take you to the deep woods of Alaska, where Frank and Mikey are searching for their family!
To be continued!
Be the Bear
Bob T Panda
It feels like summer in a lot of places in the northern hemisphere, but the actual start of summer is still a couple weeks away! Frank and Mikey have arrived in Alaska, but their trip is not going quite as they imagined! We’ll check back in with them later to see if they have found the rest of the family!
Till then…
Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda
By popular request….
Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda