Category Archives: Frank and Mikey

Hey! Remember Frank and Mikey’s Excellent Adventure?

So many story lines, so little time! Before we take you to the impending “excitement” at the Panda House, where Six and Sebben, BeBe Maurice, and the now you see her, now you don’t Princess Pinky Junior are about to collide with the residents of Panda Central, we now take you to the deep woods of Alaska, where Frank and Mikey are searching for their family!

Are we there yet?

To be continued!

Be the Bear
Bob T Panda

To the Frontier and Beyond!

Frank and Mikey are off on a new adventure!

Maybe Mikey lost his phone. Did you ever think of that?

It feels like summer in a lot of places in the northern hemisphere, but the actual start of summer is still a couple weeks away! Frank and Mikey have arrived in Alaska, but their trip is not going quite as they imagined! We’ll check back in with them later to see if they have found the rest of the family!

Till then…

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

It’s time for our Sunday Round-up!

Have a favorite ‘toon you want to see again? If you can describe it to me, I’ll try to find and post for next week!

By popular request….

Well *bleep* and take your *bleep* and stick it *bleep*!!!!

It was Bikkie’s Debut weekend this week, so, even though I just ran this one recently, it’s always time for the Cute-o-Meter!

See? I told you it was broken!
I didn’t THINK that Pinky knew the “share” word.
Well, it is kind of funny, isn’t it?
My! You are quite the good looking fellow!

There’s gonna be a lot of Underbussing going on!

Our favorite grizzlies are driving “The Bus”!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

Something tells me it’s all happening at the zoo…

While all of Bikkie’s fans prepare to converge upon the Smifsonian Panda Zoo, (and the chaos of a reservation system being overloaded with all of his fans) those of us with non-panda zoos took a day to visit the “other” pandas.

Yes, I do mean red pandas. Of course I asked them where the real pandas were. They were not amused. No matter, it was a fun day at the zoo, meeting up with some of #PandaTwitter for a morning’s wandering in the May Seattle sunshine!

Here are some Sunday Fun Day ‘toons to hold you, until the next exciting episode of Pinky’s Dream drops on Tuesday!

Bikkie’s debut is just around the corner!!!

See? I told you it was broken!
Oh those red pandas! They are such characters!
birthday week
It’s so hard to be cool when you still live with your mom.

For those of you who were wondering how Frank got those fuzzy dice stuck on his ear…

Ruh Roh….
Send in the bears!
I like bears.

Who doesn’t love a couple of adorable grizzly bears?

Be the bear!
Bob T Panda!

Frank and Mikey Have Something to Say…

The Panda House is big, but with a couple of grizzly bears around, it’s starting to get a little…um…close. Sometimes a bear just needs to feel the wind in their fur, stand in a rushing 37 degree stream, and go for the gusto…

Know what I mean?

A bear’s gotta do what a bear’s gotta do! I’m sure they’ll be back…sooner or later!

I’m sure Mei hates to see the boys go, but I’m sure they’ll be back after they have their fill of fishing in a cold Alaskan stream! I hope they can get along with their brother and sister, Scooter and Josie! After that “incident” last year…

Be the BEAR!!!
Bob T Panda

A Brief Visit to the Non-Dream World of Pandas

SOME of you have expressed worry that Pinky is being distressed by her dream. I can assure you that Pinky is fully committed to her dramatic roles and intends to see this little drama to its end. She is a professional, after all! (Pinky: I hopes to win da best panda in a dramatic role at next year’s Oscar fingies!)

But meanwhile, if Pinky was awake, this is what would be going on in the Panda House right about…now…

There is nothing like a nap!

Well, now that Frank and Mikey have emerged from hibernation, we can go on with Pinky’s dream next week! Stay ‘tooned!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

Hey, there’s a new bear on the block!

Calling Doctor Panda!
Of course Doctor Panda always remembers to wear his mask!

Doctor Panda is available for $65 +shipping

No matter where the time goes, it’s always Bikkie Time!

How the heck did THAT happen? I turn my back for one minute and suddenly, February is almost over. I mean, I KNOW it is the shortest month and everything, but is it really supposed to be THIS short????

But since time in Pandyland is somewhat…shall we say…flexible, we will soon have the Panda Kindergarten presentation for this year’s Lunar New Year Celebration (Which was cancelled the  last two years because snakes and rats!!!) I can’t wait to see what the little darlings have up their paws, under the inestimable guidance of the leader of the Pandy Kindy, Bob T Panda!

But now, with no further ado….heeeeeeere’s Bikkie!

Bikkie is a Beary deep thinker!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda