Category Archives: Frank and Mikey

Something tells me it’s all happening at the zoo…

While all of Bikkie’s fans prepare to converge upon the Smifsonian Panda Zoo, (and the chaos of a reservation system being overloaded with all of his fans) those of us with non-panda zoos took a day to visit the “other” pandas.

Yes, I do mean red pandas. Of course I asked them where the real pandas were. They were not amused. No matter, it was a fun day at the zoo, meeting up with some of #PandaTwitter for a morning’s wandering in the May Seattle sunshine!

Here are some Sunday Fun Day ‘toons to hold you, until the next exciting episode of Pinky’s Dream drops on Tuesday!

Bikkie’s debut is just around the corner!!!

See? I told you it was broken!
Oh those red pandas! They are such characters!
birthday week
It’s so hard to be cool when you still live with your mom.

For those of you who were wondering how Frank got those fuzzy dice stuck on his ear…

Ruh Roh….
Send in the bears!
I like bears.

Who doesn’t love a couple of adorable grizzly bears?

Be the bear!
Bob T Panda!

Frank and Mikey Have Something to Say…

The Panda House is big, but with a couple of grizzly bears around, it’s starting to get a little…um…close. Sometimes a bear just needs to feel the wind in their fur, stand in a rushing 37 degree stream, and go for the gusto…

Know what I mean?

A bear’s gotta do what a bear’s gotta do! I’m sure they’ll be back…sooner or later!

I’m sure Mei hates to see the boys go, but I’m sure they’ll be back after they have their fill of fishing in a cold Alaskan stream! I hope they can get along with their brother and sister, Scooter and Josie! After that “incident” last year…

Be the BEAR!!!
Bob T Panda

A Brief Visit to the Non-Dream World of Pandas

SOME of you have expressed worry that Pinky is being distressed by her dream. I can assure you that Pinky is fully committed to her dramatic roles and intends to see this little drama to its end. She is a professional, after all! (Pinky: I hopes to win da best panda in a dramatic role at next year’s Oscar fingies!)

But meanwhile, if Pinky was awake, this is what would be going on in the Panda House right about…now…

There is nothing like a nap!

Well, now that Frank and Mikey have emerged from hibernation, we can go on with Pinky’s dream next week! Stay ‘tooned!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

Hey, there’s a new bear on the block!

Calling Doctor Panda!
Of course Doctor Panda always remembers to wear his mask!

Doctor Panda is available for $65 +shipping

No matter where the time goes, it’s always Bikkie Time!

How the heck did THAT happen? I turn my back for one minute and suddenly, February is almost over. I mean, I KNOW it is the shortest month and everything, but is it really supposed to be THIS short????

But since time in Pandyland is somewhat…shall we say…flexible, we will soon have the Panda Kindergarten presentation for this year’s Lunar New Year Celebration (Which was cancelled the  last two years because snakes and rats!!!) I can’t wait to see what the little darlings have up their paws, under the inestimable guidance of the leader of the Pandy Kindy, Bob T Panda!

But now, with no further ado….heeeeeeere’s Bikkie!

Bikkie is a Beary deep thinker!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

Sunday with Frank and Mikey

No, they are not pandas (not even the brown ones) but Frank and Mikey have become real favorites around here. Ever since their original appearance in 2018 for the Bart Kravenclaw hearings, they keep popping up in the oddest places!

As I put ‘toons in logical (for me) order for the upcoming books, I was surprised and pleased to see how many times they popped up. and now they have featured (some might say starring) roles in a Panda Chronicles classic, Beary Poppins!

Here’s some of my favorites!

Send in the bears!

Helloooooo bears!

I like bears.

“We are NEVER going to get our security deposit back!!!”

Ruh Roh….

Frank and Mikey are just right!

Be a wild thing!

Wild thing, I think I love you!

Be the BEAR!
Bob T Panda

31 Days of Pandas: The Penultimate Day (Day 30)


You have survived another year of 31 Days of Pandas. I might add, that we have also survived this terrible, very bad, no good year. I am reminded of all the other terrible, very bad, no good years I have survived in my life, and there have been a few of them. Despite these bad times, by the accidental circumstances of being born white, generally healthy, and to what at the time was a rather middle class family, I have survived those very bad years.

Some of those bad years lead to good things, these panda cartoons and all that followed from them, being one of those good things.

As we head into the new year, I want to express my gratitude once again, for all of you who read my ‘toons, buy my books, and buy my felty creations to share your homes. While the next year may be still hard, at least we won’t go to bed with thoughts of what the mad man in the People’s House is getting up to, while we sleep.

My heart aches for the lives lost this year: from the pandemic, from violence, from all the other reasons that bring unexpected death.

But we rejoice in our miracle baby panda, Mei Xiang’s final gift to us. Here’s to many happy hours of panda cam watching. May we soon be able to gather at the fence of Bikkie’s panda yard and celebrate his miraculous existence together and in person.

And with no further ado, here is the penultimate chapter of Beary Poppins!

I was afraid there would be yelling…so much yelling!

‘Toon in tomorrow for the final chapter of Beary Poppins!

Be the Bear
Bob T Panda

31 Days of Pandas: Day 29

Day 29?!?!? Where does the time go???

We have one more day of Beary Poppins round up, which will catch us up to all the episodes so far! THEN on Wednesday and Thursday, we will have 2 brand new episodes to close out our story, this no good, terrible, very bad year that we have lived through!

So pop up your poppy corn, and get ready for …

More Beary Poppins!!!!

Bike loves Beary Poppins! Also Rory the Dinosaur by Liz Climo

I think Biscuit and Beary Poppins are forming a real bond!

It wasn’t me!

A promise is a promise, even among grizzly bears!

Let’s go fly a kite…

uh oh. As with Chekov’s gun, if you introduce a kite in the first panel, by the third panel, a small panda must become tangled in the strings and go for a ride.

I…um…promise to get Bikkie down from his kite…just not today. Sorry.

Be the Bear,
Bob T Panda

31 Days of Pandas: Day 197 (Okay, really Day 17, but it FEELS like this month is 197 days long!)

We’re back with another episode of Beary Poppins!!!

A promise is a promise, even among grizzly bears!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

31 Days Of Pandas: Day 10

I’m afraid I have failed you. I do not have the next installment of Beary Poppins ready for you. They are in progress, but well…I just didn’t get it done. Sorry sorry sorry.

But I will have them done next week, and will try very hard to get a little ahead again…It’s just I have needed so many naps! And…I did do this:

The Frank and Mikey burning 2020 dumpster Diorama! Complete with artfully hand stenciled habitat and burning marshmallows!

But now, let’s just have the next several episodes of 101 Bebe Panda-Nation!

Inspector Panda has arrived! He’ll…um…solve everything!

Where is Babette taking them?

Cue the scary music!!!!

Oh no! What will happen next???? Toon in tomorrow!!!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

Don’t Forget to Write!

Frank is off on his new adventure, to be the Practically Perfect in Every Way nanny, Beary Poppins, to the Xiang-Tian children! Will Frank be a match for those lovable scamps?

I guess we’ll see!

Don’t forget to write, and send food!

Frank is off on a new adventure!

Hey, did you vote yet? If you voted by mail and did NOT get a sticker, you could print this one:

Print your own “I Voted” sticker!

Meanwhile, Minch McTurtle and the complicit GOP Senate rushed to a vote to confirm a new, young, extremely conservative SCOTUS Justice, and then went on vacation till after the election, with nary a thought to and more COVID 19 relief packages. Vote them all out! They know they are losing so they took a big 💩on the carpet, on their way out the door.

Be the bear!
Bob T Panda