Category Archives: impeach and remove

Hey! I got something done, but it’s depressing…

Anyone want to roll the dice for double or nothing for our social Security Checks?

Yeah, me neither.

I bet soon sarcastic quotation marks when referring to F45 or his office will be considered a terroristic act.

Be the Bear
Bob T Fuck ’em if they can’t take a joke Panda

Today’s the day we’ve been waiting for.

Maybe not the ultimate day we are waiting for, of course. But it is the day he will have to appear in court, in Floriduh, and be confronted with the charges against him, and plead guilty (guilty guilty) or not guilty.

Honestly…I’m really not sure how we’ve survived this long, what with the completely lackadaisical storage that top secret documents were stored, hauled around, and left in public spaces that anyone with access to Merde-A-Lago could just slip into and rifle through some boxes.

Considering the outrage over Hilary’s emails, the cries of “No fairs! He’s done nothing wrong!” coming from the seditionist caucus of the GQP are especially outrageous. Now Bill if the president does it it’s not illegal Barr is going on his redemption tour, saying, “Yep, if he did even half of what the indictment says, he’s going down.” TFG, predictably, now calls his former Roy Cohn lazy and incompetent, no more than a coffee boy, and claims he fired him, rather than that Barr’s obsequious resignation letter told TFG what an honor it was to serve him.

Am I mad? You bet! I hope you’ve read the full indictment by now. It’s easy reading with a lot of blank space, so shouldn’t take you more than 20 minutes or so. Here’s a link to Teri Kanefiled’s excellent annotation of the indictment.

Meanwhile, I thought the day should be commemorated in The Panda Chronicles

I’m afraid things are probably going to get ugly as we see this indictment, along with the coming ones for January 6 and the investigation in Georgia. But the alternative to facing these things head on would be far, far worse.

We cannot be fated to fall into fascism

Be the Bear
Bob T I’ll be brave if you are Panda

It’s Hot! Hot! Hot! Indictment Summer!

We’ve been waiting such a long time already!

Not that we would cheapen this event with tasteless revelry or anything like that. I hope we will be forgiven for looking towards this with some degree of anticipation.

Panda commerce note: I’m getting ready to make my original paintings from the book The Panda Cub Swap, (written by Beth Bacon and illustrated by me) available for sale. If you have a favorite painting from the book, please feel free to contact me via the contact us page/form and let me know.

Also, Amazon is raising printing prices as of June 20th this year, and I will need to raise prices so I get the same pittance I already get. So, if you were thinking about acquiring the Panda Chronicles library (10 Books! ) now would be a really good time! The latest book is the definitive look at the political cluster**k of the last 6 years! The only way to consider those times is with pandas!

Keep Being the Bear!
Bob T I know nothing about any duckies at Woodland Park Zoo Panda

Nixon’s Ghost Still Won’t Go Away

Ya know, no matter how much we would like Stupid Watergate to go away, it will not.

Twice impeached, indicted on 34 counts (so far), still committing (alleged) crimes left and right….

Be the Bear
Bob T what’s a little larceny among friends Panda

BTW I have another post on Substack and they have a new Twidder-like thingie called Notes. If you are subscribed to my Noozletter, you can hop onto notes and join the conversation. So far, there are a lot of the writers showing pictures of their cats a dogs. I think they could use more pandas!

No One Expects the Panda Kindergarten!

Certainly not the Arizona GQP!

It’s not an audit, it’s a “Fraudit”!!!!!


It’s getting harder to keep the faith, but keep the faith we must! Meanwhile, I’m sure things are getting sorted out at the Panda House…is PPJ real, or a collective figment of everyone’s imagination, what with Pinky being a teenager still and living at home with her family.

Still More from the Impeachment Chronicles

Just in case you were wondering, HWMNBN is still impeached and will be impeached through all of eternity and beyond. Forever. If you were, indeed, wondering. No matter how many newspapers he waves in the air (and we just don’t care) he will always be impeached. He is becoming rapidly more unhinged, if his rant at the Prayer Breakfast last week is any indication.

But we have important things to do here. We should not give in to despair, no matter how much we would like to pull the covers over our heads (believe me, I know!) The first mailing of Tiny Emotional Support Pandas went out this morning! Huzzah! Emotional support pandas are on the way!

I’ve been making different pandas randomly, as my mood takes me, and the first group to head out was the original Hold Me closer Tiny Panda group (everybody sing!). Next up will be the basic Pinky pandas. (As differentiated from Special Pinky!) Now more than ever, we all need tiny pandas!

But first, what’s happening on ZooNooZ?

What did Mr. Bun Know and when did he know it?

Hold on to your hats, panda fans!
Bob T Panda


More from the Impeachment Chronicles!!!

So…let me get this straight…the GOP says that this impeachment proceeding is unlawful, because it interferes with the 2020 election, because the impeachment managers are pointing out that HWMNBN is trying to interfere with the 2020 election.

Okay…I think I have it now.

We can’t interfere with your interference. Got it.

Do as we say, not as we do!

Panda on!
Bob T Panda

Oh where, oh where has my Mr. Bun gone…

AS if Minch McTurtle trying to derail democracy isn’t bad enough, (more from Minch soon!) Mr. Bun is MISSING!!!

What dastardly criminal has taken Mr. Bun?????

You are gonna be in soooo much trouble, Boo Boo!

One more day!

Be da Bear
Bob T last-chance-for-tiny-pandas Panda

New S**T has come to light!!!

I’m sure everyone one has a favorite movie, that they have found relevant quotes for many situations in life. I have several, including Casablanca and The Wizard of Oz, but the one that has the most useful quotes in MANY situations for me, is The Big Liebowski. I didn’t see this movie when it originally came out, but since discovering it, I watch it regularly (It’s one of a handful of movies I own discs of) and Mr. Badger and I quote it almost constantly.

Last week when Rachel Maddow was interviewing Live Parnas, I kept yelling at my iPand, “New s**t has come to light!!!!!” And wouldn’t ya know, when I was listening to The Daily Beans today, they played the audio clip from the movie of Jeff Bridges (aka the Dude) saying that very line! So there! It IS the perfect line for these perilous times!

It was as if that line had been written for this very point in history…

Settle your fur down, Bob!

Panda on
Bob T Three-more-days-to-get-a-tiny-panda Panda