Category Archives: Life in the Panda House

Accomplishments of the Week: Panda House Edition

As government employees, Binky Li and Qing Bao are not exempt from the requirement to send an email to e-loon, listing 5 things they have accomplished this week. I think you’ll agree that they are accomplishing much more important things than anyone from The Department of Grift and Extortion.

It remains to be seen whether what can be broken so quickly will be able to be repaired in my lifetime.

Always choose the bears.

Thank goodness Ping is there to guide our young pandas through the challenges of life in DC.

Be the Bear and Panda on
Bob T hanging in there for the moment Panda

Look! we have some of those brown pandas!

Oh my what a week! I made a trip to Pandiego and visited our new bears on the east coast. The weather was beautiful, the company was sublime, seeing the pandas was…somewhat less than satisfactory. We all gave the SDZ the “benefit” of our constructive feedback, mostly regarding the reflective quality of the glass shielding the pandas. The glass is not negotiable, being a condition of the loan. In this world, more security is a given, even in the confines of a zoo.

But from my reports from the east coast panda friends, there is neither fogging (which was a big problem for the early morning tour.) or reflection on the DC glass, so it can be done.

But enough whining! We have plenty of reasons to do that, so let’s head over to the zoo and …

The Return of the Panda Cam Part 2!

Isn’t Josie doing a good job as house mom?

Be the Bear!
Bob T is emailing his reps every day Panda

We’re Back, Baby!

Yep. The Panda cam is BACK!

And not a moment too soon. The first week of felon in Chief’s 2nd Reign of Terrorism was pretty rough and I wish I had more hope that the forces of compassion and fairness will prevail.

But we will do what we can, when we can. It’s okay to take a break (and watch the panda cam!) when you need to. Even small things have impact. I have my US Senator’s and House rep bookmarked, so I can easily send an email. Some people like to make phone calls. There are scripts out there to make it easier, but I kind have developed phone phobia, so emails are my drug of choice. My favorite source for actions is Chop Wood, Carry Water on Substack. Even one email a week will add up.

Okay, Enough serious stuff. Let’s check in on the new Panda Cam!

I guess the new panda cam hours of operation are going to take some getting used to.

Be the Bear
Bob T is it “panda cam” or “Pandacam” Panda

Because we ALL need a Department of Joy

There Has To Be A Morning After

There was some event happening in DC yesterday, but I didn’t pay any attention to it. More exciting events were happening cross town, over in Pandyland. Binky Li napped and ate for his fans, QB climbed trees and waved to her subjects. I eagerly await the return of the Panda Cam.

We’re not going to be able to ignore what is going on across town, at least not completely. We all need to do what we can to resist falling into despair, as that is exactly what “they” want you to do. But no matter how many naps we need to take, we will resist! Every act of resistance, no matter how small, is still resistance. (Like reading the Panda Chronicles, especially when we make fun of F45)

And Now, Back to Our Story!

When last we saw the gang over in China, Six and Sebben had arrived to “visit” their favorite* cousins! Being a responsible mommee and auntie, Mei Xiang decided she should check in with her sister…

*Favorite in the sense of all their other cousins have gone into witness protection programs and Lun Lun can’t find their addresses.

Be Brave!
Stay Angry!
Do Not Give A Inch!
Eat Moar Frosting!

Panda On
Bob T pass the frosting Panda

I could not leave you just wondering over the weekend!

Many of you guessed who Pinky’s visitors were. If you didn’t guess from the knocking and doorbell, you need some remedial Panda Chronicles reading. Go ahead…do it now, I’ll wait…

Just kidding!


On a more serious note, My heart goes out to all those in or with family in L.A. Fire is devastating…no way around that. Those of you who (like me) have lived through a house fire, knows how life shattering it is, sometimes literally. But I can’t imagine the magnitude of this fire. I hope the death toll is not as high as the Paradise fire. But these big fires… there is no way anyone can imagine this.

There was some good news today: the Supremes declined to let Felon45 off the hook as regards his sentencing in the Manhattan business fraud case. And the 11th circuit says the report from Jack Smith can be released. We will hope that the purloined documents/espionage case report will be released soon too.

I hope you all are safe and well
Keep panda-ing on
Bob T Panda

The More Things Change…Fear and Loathing in the Panda House

I guess Mommee Mei decided it was pointless to give Pinky any resolutions this year…or maybe, she is planning to surprise her at a date TBA later…


Who could be so rude as to knock like that?

Does anyone have a guess?

Be the Bear!
Bob T 13 days till the apocalypse Panda

It’s the Last Post of the Year

It’s that time of year, when we look back on all that has happened in the previous 12 months. Quite frankly, other than the goings on of The Panda Chronicles, I don’t want to remember any of it, and I bet you don’t either. I did a little year in review in panda ‘toons over at my Substack page. I hope you’ll hop over and read it.

So now…where are we? The DC Pandas we have followed for so long have moved encases to China. I know that’s not how it happens in real life, but that’s how it happens here. I’m still getting to know the next generation of pandas that have moved to DC and Pandiego, so they are easing into the ‘toons here. Still no word about whether new pandas will move to Pandalanta.

Ping, Frank and Mikey, Josie, and Pookie have stayed in DC to welcome Binky Li and his girlfriend, QB and show them around the panda house.

We don’t know what is going to happen here and in the world. I’m taking one day at a time, but I don’t mind telling you, I’m kinda nervous about what Felon 45 has in store for us. We are going to try our best to keep Mittens off the ZooNooZ set.

Good thing Momma Mei left the coca pitcher for Josie!

As they say in the funny papers, see ya next year!

Be the bear
Bob T Panda

The Opposition Goes Undercover for Their Public Debut

Binky Li and QB are getting ready to make their public debut, in what will be the best attended event in DC next month.

What? Is there something else going on?

Rumor has it the official Panda Chronicle outfits are going to be revealed soon!
Stay ‘tooned!

Be the Bear
Bob T no one will ever suspect Frank and Mikey aren’t pandas Panda

We apologize for the internet gremlins that seem to be at work

Somehow, despite scheduling yesterday’s post in advance, the internet gremlins (Six and Sebben? Mebbee!) somehow got a hold of my site and made it go off into cyber land.

Oh sure, you say. We think you didn’t have the post ready and this is just another version of the dog ate my homework.

Think what you wish: Here is what you should have received yesterday. There WILL be a new post for tomorrow, too!

Sorry to worry you all. We need Bikkie and Pookie now more than ever!

Be the Bear
Bob T I know nothing about how all this works Panda

A huge thanks to my website host/guru Nate Hoffelder. Need a website? hosting? Can recommend with a 5 cuppycake rating.

Bikkie is Thankful for Mister Poppee

As are we all.
I hope your day is filled with friends and family, as much or as many of them as you can stand. Also pie. There should be lots of pie. I continue to be grateful for all of you, who have chosen panda satire as The Thing That Gets You Through This Mess.

And if you are looking for Panda Satire things as we head in the season of credit card abuse, why not Buy Things With Pandas at my Redbubble shop!

And if you want to be able to read panda ‘toons when we no longer have electricity to read on your computer, may I suggest visiting the Panda Chronicles: The Books page, for links to get your very own copies of my various collections. They have the added benefit of being more organized into their story lines, as opposed to the random/hot off the drawing board way they are posted here. They make great presents too!

But now, one with today’s ‘toon!

That should come in handy, indeed!

Be the Bear and save some pie for me!
Bob T wif extra whippy cream please Panda