Category Archives: Life in the Panda House

It’s Been a Week

There is so much going on, most of which I really don’t even want to think about: the ongoing surge in coronavirus, brought on, at least in part by the unwillingness of a sizable portion of the population that could get vaccinated, but won’t. The cancer death of another acquaintance, the continuing (and escalating) dangerous lies about the election and subsequent attempted coup.

And MAYBE I did not acknowledge a certain little panda princess’s birthday on the actual day…


Meanwhile, it is now birthday month for the trio from DC, the offspring of the Xiang Tian Clan, so I guess all of the Sunday roundups for the entire month will have to be about them!

Gee…I wonder if I have any ‘toons about Pinky...#ClapLouder

Pinky tests her powers….
National Zoo cub makes mom Mei Xiang disappear
Princess Pinky is fooled by Mei Xiang at the National Zoo
Oh Princess Pinky, mom has a trick or two up her paw, I think…
Bao bao changes panda cub gender
Pinky is VERY powerful. Be afraid, be very afraid, Mr Wu.
Princess Pinky helps with new years resolutions
You say you want a resolution, well, you know, it is hard to change a bear….

And, of course, one of my personal favorites…

deleted footage from press conference
Pinky answers difficult questions from the press in her own way.

Maybe by the time this hits the cyber waves, Huan Huan will have gifted us with a pair of cubby siblings to BeBe Maurice! If not, this will give you some reading material while you wait!

Be the Bear!
Bob T#JoeBidenIsThePresident Panda

Chaos continues!

We’re back in the Panda House, but also…


So, as a special treat, one of my favorite Wu-toons ebber!

Dose gurls just wanted to has dere way wif wu!

I wanna have my way wif WU!!!!

And now, on to today’s feature…

Is six batting her eyelashes at BeBe Maurice?

Apologies once again for late posting…better get used to it, I think.

Be the Bear,
Bob T Panda

Aren’t We Glad We Can All Gather Together Again?

Well, MAYBE we are…

So many moving pieces to figure out! A Mother Panda’s job is never done!

Sorry for the delay in posting. For the last mebbee…I don’t know, 5 years, I’ve done really well posting to a schedule. For some reason I am lately a day late and a dollar short. Yesterday there was a terrible fire in my neighborhood, about 3/4 of a mile from my house. Maybe less. It was really traumatic, because, as you might know, I lost a house to fire about 26 years ago. It is so dry here, and without the fast action of our local fire department (which has been stressed because of the dry weather) it could have been a lot worse for our whole community. All humans and animals are okay. The house not so much.

So, I might be using someone else’s disaster to excuse my tardiness, but then again, I did have to take a walk to see if the woods were on fire. (they weren’t.

So, anyway, Mei is having her own disaster. enjoy!

Be the Bear,
Bob T Panda

It’s time for our Sunday Round-up!

Have a favorite ‘toon you want to see again? If you can describe it to me, I’ll try to find and post for next week!

By popular request….

Well *bleep* and take your *bleep* and stick it *bleep*!!!!

It was Bikkie’s Debut weekend this week, so, even though I just ran this one recently, it’s always time for the Cute-o-Meter!

See? I told you it was broken!
I didn’t THINK that Pinky knew the “share” word.
Well, it is kind of funny, isn’t it?
My! You are quite the good looking fellow!

There’s gonna be a lot of Underbussing going on!

Our favorite grizzlies are driving “The Bus”!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

Our Story Continues!

You didn’t think I would leave Pinky in the middle of her nightmare, did you? Or just let her out of it…

So now, we return to Pinky’s Dream!

PPJ doesn’t know the “s” word either!

The dramatic conclusion is coming soon! Don’t forget to ‘toon in on Thursday for the next exciting installment!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

A Brief Visit to the Non-Dream World of Pandas

SOME of you have expressed worry that Pinky is being distressed by her dream. I can assure you that Pinky is fully committed to her dramatic roles and intends to see this little drama to its end. She is a professional, after all! (Pinky: I hopes to win da best panda in a dramatic role at next year’s Oscar fingies!)

But meanwhile, if Pinky was awake, this is what would be going on in the Panda House right about…now…

There is nothing like a nap!

Well, now that Frank and Mikey have emerged from hibernation, we can go on with Pinky’s dream next week! Stay ‘tooned!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

Hey, there’s a new bear on the block!

Calling Doctor Panda!
Of course Doctor Panda always remembers to wear his mask!

Doctor Panda is available for $65 +shipping

No matter where the time goes, it’s always Bikkie Time!

How the heck did THAT happen? I turn my back for one minute and suddenly, February is almost over. I mean, I KNOW it is the shortest month and everything, but is it really supposed to be THIS short????

But since time in Pandyland is somewhat…shall we say…flexible, we will soon have the Panda Kindergarten presentation for this year’s Lunar New Year Celebration (Which was cancelled the  last two years because snakes and rats!!!) I can’t wait to see what the little darlings have up their paws, under the inestimable guidance of the leader of the Pandy Kindy, Bob T Panda!

But now, with no further ado….heeeeeeere’s Bikkie!

Bikkie is a Beary deep thinker!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

Well PINKY thought it was a good idea!

While it doesn’t have anything to do with pandas, as I sit at my computer, getting ready to write this post, an owl (maybe two) is (are?) hooting in the woods behind my house! Life in the 5 Acre Wood is never dull!

Meanwhile, Pinky has hatched yet another plan to cash in on another younger sibling’s adorable self. Will she get away with it? Who knows! The idea for this series came from Twidder friend Boo Boo Panda ( @BooBooPanduh on Twidder) who likes to make videos from the panda cam footage, and put them to music. She always comes up with great music/video combinations and they are so much fun to watch.

She wanted to make a workout video for Bikkie, masterminded and produced by Pinky, and asked if I could do a related ‘toon. The previous two ‘toon postings and today’s ‘toon are the result!. You can watch her video HERE! I hope you enjoy it!

And now…Pinky Presents….

See, Mommee! No tigers!

Hee Hee! Just like a Jane Fonda workout video, am I right??

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda