Category Archives: Life in the Panda House

Pinky has Good Nooz for her Poot’er Staff!

Pinky holds a staff meeting! Sometimes she says nice stuff!


I’ve checked out of Twidder for now, so you can find me on Heffalump! (okay or Poot’er!)

Be the Bear!
Bob T under a blanket of snow Panda

You Can’t Fight Pinky Hall

Oh my Goodness! It’s December 1st! Tis the Season…

The Season for Pinky to start thinking about whether she’s been very good…or not…mebbee. Um… what do you think?

Be the Bear
Bob T I don’t make this stuff up, I just listen Panda

Poot’er is Progressing…Or So We Believe!

When the Panda House gets quiet…

Things are starting to get weird over at Tweet nation, but you know you can always find me here (and also over at Substack!)

Be the Bear
Bob T a ringing phone is never a good thing Panda

Six and Sebben are IN DA HOUSE!

You know that scary part of the movie when the main character realizes the monster/villain/creepy supernatural being is in the house?

Well this is when that happens!!!!

Hopefully by next week I’ll be back on my regular schedule. (if there are no more wind storms where the power goes out for day)

Be the Bear
Bob T keeping my fingers crossed for Democratic control of Congress Panda

Don’t be a ZomBEAR!

I had a whole thing about Election Day thought up for yesterday’s post, but the windstorm last Friday laid waste to all of my plans! But I KNOW all of my faithful readers are voters so I really didn’t need to nag you, right?

So without further ado, here is the ‘toon I was not able to post yesterday!

The good news is there will be a new ‘toon tomorrow too!

Did you guess the movie reference in the first panel?

Well, gotta run. It’s amazing how far behind you get in your email and everything else when the power has been out for 4 days.

Be the Bear!
Bob T is holding out hope for the House remaining blue Panda

Don’t forget to check out my Substack thingie!

Well, Bless Their Hearts!

Six and Sebben are on their way! Beware! Beware!

I realize it has been a bit of time since the last installment of Life in the Panda House, but there were those Fat Bear Week scandals to address, and then the whole “the Deep State is making hurricanes hit GOP states” thingie.

But now we’re back on track…for this week, anyway.

Is it my imagination or are Six and Sebben getting more poorly behaved, bless their hearts?

Don’t forget to check out my Substack Nooz-letter! You can read this year’s annual Encore Presentation of The Wizard of Wu!

Be the Bear
Bob T is not afraid of Six and Sebben Panda

Well, Bless Their Hearts!

Those who know me well, know that there is no joke that, if I think it is funny, that I won’t use at every opportunity. ( I was going to say, “beat to death”, but that’s not really the vibe I want here, ya know?) Ever since the first time I depicted Lun Lun as a rather pampered southern belle, in contrast with her older sister Mei Xiang talking on the phone to each other, it never ceases to crack me up.

Lun Lun’s conniving to send Six and Sebben off to stay with her sister’s family, all while sipping an adult beverage out by the pool, is one of my favorite themes.

Mei Xiang, oddly enough, is less than amused.


Be the bear
Bob T bless their hearts Panda

Don’t miss this week’s Substack post for this year’s encore presentation of that halloween classic, the Wizard of Wu!

Go Fishie!

There is nothing so heartwarming as all the panda kids (and Pookie) gathered around the kitchen table, playing Go Fishie!

Um…is gambling permitted at a government facility?

Be the Bear
Bob T cubpaigns don’t pay for themselves! Panda

Don’t forget to check out (and subscribe!) to my new Noozletter over on Substack!