Category Archives: panda commerce

Once again, we predict reality on Fabulous Furry Friday.

It was bound to happen, sooner or later! As you may recall, we launched the idea of a panda clan tartan a full two weeks before the Edinburgh Zoo announced that they had commissioned one.

And now, British Airways has painted one of their jets just like the one that I drew more than 4 years ago, for PandAir Airlines, the only airline run by and for pandas. How do you like them cuppycakes?

bears in the air...

bears in the air…



Pandas have a better idea...

Pandas have a better idea…

notice the stylish design....

notice the stylish design….

please have your tray table in their upright position for take-off...

please have your tray table in their upright position for take-off…

...and most of all, don't panic.

…and most of all, don’t panic.


see, doesn't this look just like British Airways' new paint job?

see, doesn’t this look just like British Airways’ new paint job?

I rest my case.

I rest my case.

You’ll notice the older, less polished style (and very poor image clean-up skills, I might add) of the cartoon, which makes my point, I said it first.  Really, all these corporate entities should check with me before they launch these things!

Well, till next week, when we predict the next trend in panda themed promotions,

Be the Bear!

Bob T. Panda






Get ready for the Scottish Pandas! The saga continues!

I know, that in reality the pandas “Sweetie” and “Sunshine” have already arrived in Britain, but as usual, I’m a tardy bear.  So here is the first episode of the Institute for Contemporary Panda Satire’s version of the events that are unfolding in Scotland.

Also, Babette has been posing for photos everywhere!  Stay tuned for new outfits and photos of our favorite bears about town.

pandair flight of the scottish pandas

Also, a brush with fame to report.  The image of the 30 days of Pandas poster (available from Pandyland at Cafepress) appeared in an ad for Cafe Press on The Daily What’s page with a video of ….ooo get ready…MISERY BEAR!!!!!!!!!!  Our hero!  Check out our Pandyland link on the right.  But really, Misery Bear is our personal hero. Check out M.B. too.

Be the Bear!

Bob T. Panda


Get ready for the Scottish Pandas! The saga continues!

I know, that in reality the pandas “Sweetie” and “Sunshine” have already arrived in Britain, but as usual, I’m a tardy bear.  So here is the first episode of the Institute for Contemporary Panda Satire’s version of the events that are unfolding in Scotland.

Also, Babette has been posing for photos everywhere!  Stay tuned for new outfits and photos of our favorite bears about town.

pandair flight of the scottish pandas

Also, a brush with fame to report.  The image of the 30 days of Pandas poster (available from Pandyland at Cafepress) appeared in an ad for Cafe Press on The Daily What’s page with a video of ….ooo get ready…MISERY BEAR!!!!!!!!!!  Our hero!  Check out our Pandyland link on the right.  But really, Misery Bear is our personal hero. Check out M.B. too.

Be the Bear!

Bob T. Panda


It’s Here!

Well, we’re not entirely sure, but we think the Institute for Contemporary Panda Satire has officially launched our new Panda Commerce Division: PANDYLAND on Cafe Press. You can follow the link in the sidebar under the heading  Panda Commerce Division.  (  I am still working out some of the bugs as I am not the most techno sort of panda and I will be adding more designs and cartoons of Bob and his friends to the page.  I hope you will feel inclined to invite some pandas to come and live with you!  Black and white goes with everything, don’t you think?  We really thought it was time that the pandas got off their furry little butts and helped buy all the ink and paper that we use here to make cartoons.  The fast food thing was really not working out.

Let me know what you think, and if there is something you would like to be on a t-shirt or anything else, really!

Be the (well dressed) Bear!

Bob T. Panda