Category Archives: panda history

What a Piece of Work is Panda!

Panda News has just informed us that Lun Lun at the Atlanta Zoo is preggers!  We anxiously await the pitter patter of panda paws in the Atlanta nursery!  While we wait for the riveting story of bear “Entrapment by Donuts” in Washington State, enjoy another installment from the Olympic archives!

Be the Bear!

Bob T Panda

What a Piece of Work is Panda!

Panda News has just informed us that Lun Lun at the Atlanta Zoo is preggers!  We anxiously await the pitter patter of panda paws in the Atlanta nursery!  While we wait for the riveting story of bear “Entrapment by Donuts” in Washington State, enjoy another installment from the Olympic archives!

Be the Bear!

Bob T Panda

Did You Know….

That pandas appeared at the 1986 (?) Olympics in Los Angeles CA, and then visited the San Francisco Zoo for a month?  We pandas certainly get around, don’t we?

More tomorrow (including another cartoon celebrating(?) November election madness.

Be the bear!


Did You Know….

That pandas appeared at the 1986 (?) Olympics in Los Angeles CA, and then visited the San Francisco Zoo for a month?  We pandas certainly get around, don’t we?

More tomorrow (including another cartoon celebrating(?) November election madness.

Be the bear!


Great Moments in Panda History!

We at Way Better Than Working Inc. have been avidly reading The Way of the Panda, and so have been inspired to make our own, unique (some would say irreverent and sophomoric) comment on PANDAS IN HISTORY.   I know, I know, the use of all cap. bold font is incredibly melodramatic and pretentious, but hey, that’s the way we do things around WBTW.  Ruth Harkness and Su-lin were real people (and pandas) from panda history.  I first read of her in Vicki Croke’s MOST excellent book, The Lady and the Panda. We plan to do lots of reading about pandas, thanks to Henry Nicholls thorough reading list in T W of the P. Oh dear, we are sort of getting serious and academic here and that is certainly NOT how we usually do things around here.  Have no fear! we will take Vicki and Henry’s fascinating research and turn it to our own nefarious and satirical purposes.

Be the Bear!

Bob T. Panda