Category Archives: Pandas for President!

Some Stuff from the Archives

It’s another one of those weeks that has too much too do and not enough time to do everything that needs doing, so I’m going to blindfold myself and stick my hand into the old archives and see what I can find. Maybe I’ll have a new ‘toon for Thursday, maybe not. Definitely for next week, though!

I think we need something that will make us laugh, something to take our minds of that power mad mongrel that would be king.

Maybe something about another power hungry character….

I really had no idea what she was up to.
See? I told you it was broken!
Bubba: but why should I be in trubble?
Pinky and the Twinkies, eh?
Bubba is having so much fun with his new friends!
Hey! Where did Bubba and Mr. Bun go?

And just to remind you, we knew 9 years ago how terrible it would be if You Know Who was ever elected even the FIRST time!!!

Be afraid. Be very afraid.

We are afraid. Honest.
Pinky: you should have voted for me.

Be the Bear
Bob T no one listened to us Panda

Tonight’s the Night!

It’s Day 4 at the DNC Convention! Is tonight the night Pinky gets the nomination, or is there someone else waiting in the wings?

I gotta say, contrary to what you might think (or what you might have seen if you were masochistic enough to watch the RNC hate fest) the DNC Convention has been inspiring.

It has inspired hope
It has inspired patriotism
It has inspired JOY

It is time to do the work: check your voter registration. Talk to your friends, family, and neighbors about the stakes.

Considering, one month ago, I had never heard of Tim Walz. Tim Walz is the coach, the dad, the Vice President this country needs. His can do Minnesota spirit, his kindness, his compassion, his willingness to do the work to help his neighbors & heal the country are something I had lost hope of seeing in American politics.

I am seeing a much more comprehensive picture of who VP Kamala Harris is: what she has done, what she stands for, what she FIGHTS for. I believe she fights for us. I believe she has the compassion that can help heal our troubled country. I believe she has OUR interests at heart, and not her own personal gain.

I am glad to be reminded that there are people who actually want to serve the public & it’s not just the gotcha game played by Jim Jordan & Marge. #AmericaNeedsTimWalz & I hope you’ll join me in putting Walz and Harris in the White House.

Now…who is going to tell Pinky…

Times a wasting! Check your voter registration and VOTE!!!!!

Be the Bear!
Bob T 75 Days Panda

We interrupt our presentation of Pandarella, for the DNC Convention

But don’t worry! as you saw last week, Bikkie is at the Pandapalooza, He is dancing. He is eating cuppycakes and drinking boo beer! He is having a good time!

But right now, I’m watching the DNC Convention and it is as inspiring in an equal and opposite way from whatever the heck that is that the GQP is pumping out. While the speeches are forceful and sometimes reference the many bad things Mittens has done and said, the overwhelming vibe is inspiration and hope for the future.

If you are not interested in my ‘toons about politics and my opinions on such, I suggest you ignore whatever of my posts are not episodes of Pandarella. I feel your pain. I wish we did not have to pay attention. I miss the days when I could ignore what was going on in the other Washington, and know there were enough adults in the room to keep things ticking along without me.

I’ve made no secret of my political leanings. As I watch tonight’s first day of speechifying, the overwhelming theme is hope for the future. The speakers are inspiring. If you’re not watching, be sure to catch the replays of AOC and Hilary Clinton. They both brought tears to my eyes. Shawn Fain of the UAW brought the fire for the workers of the country. Union Strong!

Jasmine Crockett is a national treasure. This smart, dedicated, faithful, full of integrity public servant is bringing the fire and showing her humanity, along with that of Kamala Harris. I couldn’t be prouder to have her in the House of Representatives, if she was this old, childless cat lady’s daughter.

I’m still waiting for Joe Biden’s address to the Convention, but if this is what they have on the first night, my computer may explode from all the passion.

I’m gonna leave you here with this: Check your voter registration, especially if you live in one of those states that has a propensity for voter suppression. Please vote. and please vote for Democrats, up and down the ballot. The humanity presented tonight, and the lack of it from the GOP should be clear.

There are less than 80 days till November 5th. Don’t waste this.

Be the Bear
Bob T pandas for Kamala Panda

Un-Indicted And It Feels So GOOD!

The un-indicted co-conspirators are starting to pile up!

We had to take one more day off from Pandarella, to point out that there was beginning to be an unseemly number of un-indicted co-conspirators, in various criminal prosecutions around the country, concerned with the fake electors grab that was orchestrated (ALLEGEDLY) by Mittens and his henchmen.

We will definitely be back next week with the next installment of Pandarella, but maybe for at least short term, we will have to limit it to one episode a week, since there is so much OTHER stuff going on! New pandas arriving this summer in Pandiego! Escaped zebras in the North Cascades! Another ducky demise episode at Woodland Park Zoo in Seattle! (Pookie 1: I thought dey said dey WERE lunch!) And that is not even considering the trials of the most crimingest ex “president” this country has ever experienced!

Meanwhile, the un-indicted co-conspirator in chief would like a word…

Take a deep breath and go outside! Play with a duck! Remember: Friend, not food!

Be the Bear
Bob T not yet indicted Panda

Pinky *Might* Have a Mommee Problem

Perspective is everything, and while some might say that Mei Xiang has a Pinky problem, (not to mention all those other bears hanging around the place), Pinky would say that the problem is Mommee. What is a presidential candidate to do when those around her don’t, can’t or won’t share her vision!

I love Pinky’s extremely innocent look! It should come in handy…um…later.

Be the Bear!
Bob T I am not all that I appear to be Panda

A Cubpaign takes a Lot of Money!

While we don’t approve of A.I. in general, you can hardly fault Pinky’s creative use as part of her cubpaign fundraising efforts! Well, at least until Mommee finds out about it.

We are watching in real time as Mittens loses his grip on reality. We should petition any force of nature or divine entity you may subscribe in, to keep us safe until Joe Biden is in the White House for a second term. Stay safe, friends, Panda on!

Be the Bear
Bob T friend to bears Panda

Who will be the next Presydent?

Well, DUH!!!!

Pinky says “Buh Bye, LOSERS!!!!

Pinky’s opponents are dropping like flies! Will Mittens be next? Will today’s New Hampshire Primary change the GQP ticket? Put a panda in the White [Pink] House!

Be the Bear
Bob T wake me when it’s over Panda

This is Not Nam, Man…There are RULES!

Can you tell I just watched The Big Lebowski again?

As we go to press here, TFG is hopefully getting schooled by the 2nd Circuit, on the facts and the laws, which he is not above. As more than one person has mentioned, if the president is above the law, what is to stop our current Commander in Chief from throwing tfg’s ass in jail and declaring HIMSELF dictator for life?

We have assembled the best legal minds available to appear on ZooNooZ (Barbara McQuade was not available) to discuss why Mittens cannot use The Pinky Defense.

You would think it would be self evident.

A brief note about the weather: I am setting this up on Monday, to be posted on Tuesday, just in time for the 2nd circuit to laugh in TFG’s face. Really, the fact that I even know what the 2nd Circuit is, grieves me no end. What happened to my apolitical, apathetic existence? It’s been RUINED!!! That’s what! I never wanted to be informed about political stuff!

Anyway…where was I? oh yeah. Weather. We are supposed to start getting some serious wind in a couple hours, which means there is a good possibility we will lose electric power. I’ve been charging what can be recharged, putting fresh batteries in flashlights, and organizing ice packs for the freezer and food to go in the cooler on my porch. If I don’t open the freezer or fridge, it can go for at least 2 days, maybe 3 if we have a long outage.

Wish me luck!

Till the lights come back on,
Be the bear!
Bob T can I use the Pinky Defense Panda

Insurrection Update!

Surely, you don’t want to rely on all that main stream media to hear the latest! No! You want a reliable NooZ source! One with Pandas! And cats!

You can always trust what a panda tells you!*

*Um…unless maybe if it’s Pinky or PPJ.

Hang on to your hats. It’s gonna be…um…well, you know.

Be the Bear
Bob T why isn’t this over Panda

Hey! Yes you! Did you know I have a new book collection of my ‘toons you read here? It’s Book 10 of The Panda Chronicles: Litter Box of Chaos – The Mittens years. Yes, its my political leaning ‘toons from the last 5 years and you can get it on Amazon!

If you like it, it really helps with visibility and sales if you leave a review. It doesn’t need to be long! One or two sentences saying you peed your pants you were laughing so hard or that coffee squirted out your nose. Thank you!

A Pouty Pinky Ponders…

Will she or won’t she? A decision best made with cocoa!

don’t steal Pinky’s ideas!!!!

Also posting tonight, my annual remembrance of Mehitabel, over on my Substack thingie!

Panda on!
Bob T I coulda been a contender Panda