Category Archives: Pandas for President!

The Year is Wrapping Up! Say Buh-Bye to 2022!

Bob is ever hopeful!

We can hardly stand the wait…

Keep your Indictment Advent calendar handy!

Be the Bear
Bob T hurry hurry hurry Panda

Don’t forget to check out the re-run of Beary Poppins over at my Substack NoozLetter!

ZooNooZ Never Rests!

While there has been some well deserved criticism on how some journalists cover the various presidential administrations, ZooNooZ has always been right on the money, if we do say so ourselves. We should point out that this segment was filmed BEFORE Bob went out on assignment to interview the zealot zeal of zebras that is currently running amok in suburban Maryland. Just in case you were thinking that Bob escaped unscathed. There was definitely scathing.

But meanwhile…

How can we miss you if you won’t go away?

We are impatiently waiting for the proofs of The Panda Chronicles Book9: What could Possibly go Wrong? to arrive! We will announce it the minute it is available for purchase. Pretty exciting, huh?

And as if I didn’t have enough to do, I volunteered to make some ‘toons in support of a local school board race. I don’t think I have to tell any of the followers of The Panda Chronicles that our political nightmare is not yet over. Even now, the sedition caucus in the Senate was trying to downplay the level of threats and aggression (and sometimes violence) that is happening at school board meetings around the country. I’ll be sharing the ‘toons from the Politics on the Prowl series after they have run in whatever format the campaign uses to share them.

I urge you not to put your head under the covers and sing la-la-la I can’t hear you, as much as we may want to. Please check your voter registration at your state voter portal, spend 10 minutes reading up on the candidates and VOTE this November (or as soon as you receive your mail in ballot.)

Panda On!
Bob T Panda

Nixon’s Ghost Entertains a Brief Bit of Excitement over California’s Recall Referendum

You just knew he was going to have something to say about this!

If only the internet had existed in the 70’s! (thank goodness it didn’t!)

Thank goodness the CA Democratic Party managed to rouse itself and vote in this recall election! We are not done yet with these attempts to overturn democrat. stay engaged and VOTE!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

No One Expects the Panda Kindergarten!

Certainly not the Arizona GQP!

It’s not an audit, it’s a “Fraudit”!!!!!


It’s getting harder to keep the faith, but keep the faith we must! Meanwhile, I’m sure things are getting sorted out at the Panda House…is PPJ real, or a collective figment of everyone’s imagination, what with Pinky being a teenager still and living at home with her family.

By popular request…

When I posted my earlier ‘toon and opinion/essay, a faithful reader (and personal friend of Pinky’s) referenced a ‘toon, written/drawn after the 2016 election. Another of the panda faithful (as well as a personal friend of Pinky’s) asked if I would re-post it,

So here it is.

day after

Remember the song “The Eve of Destruction”? That’s what today feels like.

“Hello, 2016? This is 2020 calling…”

Stay safe, panda friends…

We R Endangered.

31 days of Pandas: Day 3~ WHO is a LOSER???

I know I’m kind of poking the bear here. But the election is over and You Know Who Lost! Once again I’m up far to late so I will just post today’s ‘toon and call it a night!

Oh…and get ready for…

It’s time to call it a day, Mittens!

Pinky 2024!

Be the Bear
Bob T Panda

What do you think…A 2020 Felt Dumpster fire with burning marshmallows on sticks as an accessory package for Frank and Mikey?

Mikey’s marshmallow, is, of course, on fire.

The Day We’ve All Been Waiting For

The beginning of my Birthday Season!

Oh…um there is something else happening today, isn’t there? Just kidding. Yes, it is Election Day in the US, or you could more accurately say it is the end of the voting period, which for some states, started more than a month ago. So far, in the early voting, the rate of voting is significantly higher than even the total number of votes cast in the 2016 presidential election.

What does this mean?

Really, I have no idea.

I’ve pretty much said everything that can be said about You Know Who, so saying it one more time isn’t going to make a whole lot of difference. I am grateful for the voices of reason and hope, like Heather Cox Richardson, a historian who has been writing a daily newsletter about this election and the events surrounding it. I highly recommend reading her posts. I think they are probably collected in one place on her SubStack page, and you can book mark it and read it a few posts at a time if you need a little boost.

Just because voting ends today, the counting (and legal wrangling) could take much longer. Better to have some hopeful things to read instead of endless doom scrolling. (Okay, okay, I’m sure I’ll do some doom scrolling too)

I want to say a few things

First, thank you to all who have stuck with me through all this. An artists job is to make art about what touches us most deeply. Sometimes it is light, funny things; sometimes things get a little dark. I have learned to follow what my inner panda tells me to follow, to be true to what that inner panda is telling me is important. If you had to drop out for a while, I get it. Despite my wish to reread Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale, there is no way in hell my nerves can take that right now. Same for 1984 or Animal Farm. Sorry, George.

I hope that after this is all over (and Joe Biden wins pleasepleasepleaseplease) that there is the will and power to get some important things done:

Voting is a right as well as an imperative. It should be easy to register and to vote for EVERYONE.
If the pandemic showed us anything, health care needs to be universal, affordable, and available for everyone, and not tied to employment.
While the Lincoln Project ads were devastating, clever, and brutal, everything they talked about are true things that tRUmp (and his minions) is doing. I know they won’t always be on our side. There needs to be room for conservatives, but not for them to lie or disadvantage voters who aren’t THEIR voters, as the current Republican Party has done. Promote what you believe are righteous policies and if they are what the majority of people want, well, then that is what will happen.
Gerrymandering needs to be put to rest. Voters should should choose their representatives. Representatives shouldn’t get to choose their voters. Corporate interests should not have the outsize influence that they have.

I swear there is a cartoon coming!

I sometimes wonder if maybe they way that I think is wrong. But I think the very fact that I can question my own beliefs, just might mean that I have an open mind. I see no such questioning from the people who support the terrible policies of Donald Trump. That elected officials can excuse and enable his terrible polices, tells me they are just as bad as he is. I hope they are voted out despite all the roadblocks they have thrown in front of their opposition.

If you haven’t voted already, I hope you have a plan to vote today.

And now, here is today’s ‘toon (warning, not particularly funny.)

Mittens Removal Day!

And for something funnier than I am today, check out Randy Rainbow’s latest video!

Panda on!
Bob T Panda

Back to Beary Poppins on Thursday!

Pandas say remember to VOTE!!!

This week we continue to wait to hear about the gender of our nation’s newest baby panda (XT4: dat mee!) AND for the 1ST “presidential” debate. Well, it will be “presidential” on one side and PRESIDENTIAL on the other.

So it seems like a good subject for today’s ‘toon encore presentation roundup should be…

The Panda Debates!!!

But first this!

Well, it is kind of funny, isn’t it?

Be afraid. Be very afraid.

“You are all Losers!” – Mittens the Cat

Pinky is beginning to look positively presidential!

“This is not a loser tail!!!!!”

If only it was this easy…


cat came back

Is it just my imagination or does Mittens look even more crazed than before?

what do you have to lose?

Mittens is really back.

Pinky had some great ideas in 2016 on cubpaigning!

Pinky, please do not get your brother all wound up!

It’s not a party till the pandas start a brawl!

Pinky enlists her brother's help in her scheme

“Just run along and put these brochures where people will see them!”

You knew Mommee was going to get angry, didn’t you?

Remember how bad you felt when Mittens won in 2016? Well, that will be nothing compared to how bad you’ll feel on November 4th if he wins again. VOTE EARLY IF YOU CAN, BUT VOTE!!!!

You don’t want to live through this again:

day after

Remember the song “The Eve of Destruction”? That’s what today feels like.

Be the Bear
Bob T Are-you-registered-to-vote Panda

De-liver De Letter!

Uh oh! It’s another one of those angry, political posts! But what is a bear to do? Make felty pandas, I guess! And write angry ‘toons!


Is it any wonder why Bob is going postal?

sigh.. be the bear

stay safe everyone as fires rage in the west, hurricanes in the south and east, and the maniac in the WH
Bob T Panda

PS: if you are looking for a good, fun read, I just started Christopher Buckley’s Make Russia Great Again. Yes, you read that right. Satire about our current dilemma makes the world go round!

Are they going to jump from their platform?

It really does seem like this, doesn’t it:

Well, it IS rather easy to understand…

I bet Joe Biden can come up with something a bit more informative, something maybe more substantive and helpful to the millions of people in this country. As opposed to only helping you know who.

Be the bear, everyone!
Bob T Panda

PS: I got to send out more pandas this week! felty happiness winging their way to spread joy and pandi-ness. I’d like to point out, that most of my shipping materials (except for some of the boxes) are recycled materials. A gallery I once showed with used to make fun of my heirloom bubble wrap collection. I have a hard time throwing anything out, and all that bubble wrap that stuff comes in is very useful for sending other stuff out! I recently realized that the tiny scraps of felt that I make the panda attire with, can be saved and used as the inner stuffing for Banky Pig and Mr. Bun!  My pack rat tendencies do come in handy!