Category Archives: Pandas speak out

Yes, We Are Sick of the Debt Ceiling

This is the last thing I’m going to say about the childish, vindictive GQP who would rather see the entire world go to cwap than let a Democratic president get any credit for doing something well.

Okay…probably not the last thing in general, but the last thing about the debt ceiling.

I. Can’t. Even.

Be the Bear,
Bob T can we just get on with it Panda

Barker Carlson is O-U-T at Foxy Nooz!!!!

I had another ‘toon planned for today, but this morning one of my very alert Panda-spondants alerted me to the VERY exciting nooz, that Tucker Carlson had been fired! No buh bye broadcast, no nothing, although I’m sure he left with his pockets stuffed with filthy “sorry we had to fire you so you wouldn’t cost us more” lucre, no doubt. I imagine they had to do that on top of just agreeing to pay Dominion Voting Software $787.5 MILLION bucks.

In honor of the exodus of Barker from Foxy Nooz, I thought I would share some of his finest moments, as dramatized by The Panda Chronicles. It is the best place to get the Nooz, after all!

Did I just see what I thought I saw?

Then there were his Panda Defamation statements!!!!

Foxxy “News” lies like a rug.
Pandas COULD bite your head off if they really wanted to.
When the truth is found… to beeee lies….

While, I’m sure we have not seen the last of Barker, it is gratifying in a schaudenfreudenish way to know that there was actually a line, he crossed it, and got canned. Of course we know the line is how much money was his continued presence going to cost old Rupert, but still… I, for one, am happy that he is having a really bad day.

Alas, we know that there is much mischief this malignant man-child is capable of. I mean…if you thought TFG was bad. Could this be the shove that propels him into politics? I hope not, but the way things are going, I wouldn’t hold my breath for Glinda, the Good Witch of the North to show up any time soon.

Till next time…

Be the Bear!
Bob T I wasn’t the one who got fired today Panda

Insurrection Update!

Surely, you don’t want to rely on all that main stream media to hear the latest! No! You want a reliable NooZ source! One with Pandas! And cats!

You can always trust what a panda tells you!*

*Um…unless maybe if it’s Pinky or PPJ.

Hang on to your hats. It’s gonna be…um…well, you know.

Be the Bear
Bob T why isn’t this over Panda

Hey! Yes you! Did you know I have a new book collection of my ‘toons you read here? It’s Book 10 of The Panda Chronicles: Litter Box of Chaos – The Mittens years. Yes, its my political leaning ‘toons from the last 5 years and you can get it on Amazon!

If you like it, it really helps with visibility and sales if you leave a review. It doesn’t need to be long! One or two sentences saying you peed your pants you were laughing so hard or that coffee squirted out your nose. Thank you!

More about the so- called Sedition Panda

It hurts my fingers to type that phrase!

This is Panda Defamation. I’m pretty sure there is a law against that!

I mean if that P.A.B. (look it up in the Congressional Record) Ron DeSanctus wants to make bloggers who want to say mean things about him register with the state of Floriduh, it surely must be illegal to portray pandas in an unflattering way!

Be the Bear!
Bob T I’ll say anything I want about Floriduh Panda

The Year is Wrapping Up! Say Buh-Bye to 2022!

Bob is ever hopeful!

We can hardly stand the wait…

Keep your Indictment Advent calendar handy!

Be the Bear
Bob T hurry hurry hurry Panda

Don’t forget to check out the re-run of Beary Poppins over at my Substack NoozLetter!

Solidarity Forever!

I always like to say, there is no grudge like an old grudge, and this grudge is not only old enough to vote, it’s old enough to have grandchildren! Those who know me well, know that I worked at Starbucks, back in the mid 1980’s. Those who know me really well had to listen to me engage in hair on fire rants after Howard Schultz bought the company and immediately started to push to decertify the union we had formed in the year or so before he bought the company.

He’s learned a few things since that effort for better worker compensation and working conditions. (None of the things he’s learned are good BTW)

Let’s see what he’s learned…

A scene that has been re-created in PandaBucks Coffee cafes across the country!

Be the Bear
Bob T hey Howard, remember me?Panda

Who could ever foreseen this revelation at the January 6th hearing today?*


When I wrote this ‘toon last week, I had no idea that today’s hearing was coming.

Go figure.

In the words of Garry Trudeau…”GUILTY GUILTY GUILTY GUILTY!”

“New sh*t has come to light”
~the Dude

Be the Bear
Bob T Panda

Here is a Handy Flow Chart to Rate Your Acceptance of The Big Lie

Hoo Boy, the hearings are must watch TV, if I do say so myself. New s**t is coming to life, floating like a little tu*d to the surface of the crystal blue swimming pool.

As I watched the hearings, I was struck once again by the realization that the damage from TFG’s Big Lie was magnified exponentially by all the people who know better either promoted the lie themselves, or did not squash it like a bug by not admitting it was a lie when they went on news shows or in interviews.

I was inspired to make an educational flow chart, for your edification:

Let this be a reminder that repeating something you either know is not true, or is something you are not sure of, but everyone else is saying it, is the surest way for us to fall into the hands of fascism. I am talking not only about the Big Lie, but also the idea that “the presidential party always loses the house/senate in the mid terms.” That is only true if we don’t vote.

Don’t let half truths and despair get the better of you.

Local elections and state elections matter too. The GOP is running people for Secretary of State and other positions that have authority over a state’s vote counting. Don’t let them win.

Panda On!
Bob T Panda

It’s all how you see it…

I’ve been on a little journey these last two weeks…not an actual journey, mind you. More of a healthcare journey. Don’t panic. All is well. But my vision has been dimming and clouding these last couple years, and while the pandemic is not exactly on the run, it felt safe enough to consider….

Cataract surgery.

Just thinking about getting to the point where I needed cataract surgery made me feel very old. But it was time to suck it up and do it, as the last time I had my eyes examined last year, the doctor was saying he didn’t know how much more he could improve my vision with glasses.

I opted not to get the kind of lenses that meant I would no longer need glasses. I’ve been wearing glasses since I was 8 and I like them. If nothing else, I am much less likely to poke my eye with a branch when gardening, if I still wear glasses.

Even though my eyes are still recovering, I can see much better. One of my old pairs of glasses seems to be working generally, but not so well for close up. So, I will henceforth blame all typos on this for the time being. Heh!

One thing I can see quite clearly is that the GOP (Guns Over People) Party would rather see more people shot than to either offend the NRA or have President Biden get any credit for doing anything good.

And now, for some PANDAS!

Just in case any of you are about to acquire a swimming pool…you know who you are!

Perhaps a THIRD chance is in order?
Bears are on the ball!

Am I sensing a theme here?

Love the hobby horse on a spring (inspired by a REAL photo of a REAL panda on one.
After all, the playings the thing….

…and among the other fine offerings of August 2012….we celebrate graduation season!

Today, you are a bear.

Everybody sing!!!!

…if I were a panda, yadda dah dah da- da- da- AAARGH! I can’t stop!!!!!

I hope these ‘toons from the archive brighten up your day a little bit!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda