Category Archives: Pinky for President

The End of the Crisis

Ha ha, not the end of THAT crisis! You know… The 2016 election season. Yup…that’s still happening, much to our dismay. No, the end of the crisis to which we refer, is the disappearance of the Canadian Twinkies. But they have headed for home, and Mom Er Shun is whipping up a large batch of bootine, that Canadian delicacy that is the favorite of Canadian pandas everywhere. Um…all four of them.

Are you SURE you wouldn't like to vote for Bob?

Are you SURE you wouldn’t like to vote for Bob?

A couple of faithful readers told me that they did not get friday’s post in their email this week. I don’t think I got it either, so I went into the behind the curtains scene, and pushed a few buttons randomly, reinstalled this and that, and just general flapped around seeing if I could figure out why it was doing this (or more like not doing this) So, I have no idea if I fixed anything or made it worse. So, if you are an email subscriber, feel free to make a comment and let me know if the post today shows up in your email inbox. It could be an evil plot by Pinky, to keep me from campaigning against her, or it could be a break in the space time continuum.

Work continues behind the scenes on The Case of the Picturesque Panda. I hope to be ready to send out to publishers by the end of the summer. I’ve started on the revisions I need to do before I can start on the final art, and am hoping to get all that approved by the beginning of June. Stay tuned!

Well, till then,
Be the Bear
Why Not Vote 4 Bob?
Bob T Panda



Oh, Bubba. I know that the twins, if they had the power to do so, would offer you refuge from the wrath of Pinky. And Mr. Bun too. Mr. Bun is welcome in Canada anytime, I’m sure. Pinky…not so much.

Hey! Where did Bubba and Mr. Bun go?

Hey! Where did Bubba and Mr. Bun go?

I’m sure that Unka Justin would be happy to add another toddler panda to his herd (embarrassment?) of pandas. Bubba has such a sweet nature, and I’m sure he would like some other pandas his own age to play with. And things are getting very hot back at the home den.

Repressive regime, indeed!

But things may start heating up on the electoral home front, as we anticipate the return of Mittens the Cat to the Panda-litical stage. Yes, that’s right. I have heard rumors that Mittens has been released from the Home for Delusional Animals where he was confined after the last election cycle four years ago. There is speculation he has a new “fur-do” but the same old policies. Will Pinky and Bob have to join forces to combat this totally unsuitable candidate?

Stay tuned!

Be the Bear
Bob T Panda

Attention Must be Paid

If Pinky is to survive until the election, attention must be paid to Mommee, because I think her patience has come to an end. Actually, I think all patience went out the window, several episodes ago, but Pinky just does not know when to give it a rest. Meanwhile, Bubba is having way too much fun with some cubbies closer to his own age, and Pinky is rethinking having such young minions. These Canadian minions are not falling in to line like the triplets did. It must be a result of having such a panda permissive head of government, who has been known to bounce little panda cubbies on his knees. I bet he reads bedtime stories to the twins too. Do you suppose he babysits when Er Shun and Da Mao want to have date night?

Bubba is having so much fun with his new friends!

Bubba is having so much fun with his new friends! These minions are not up to Pinky’s standards!

So, not that I’m complaining or anything, I have noticed, that when Pinky is behaving badly, there are far more views on the blog than when all the pandas are behaving themselves nicely. Just an observation, mind you, not a criticism or cause for concern. Perhaps people …er… pandas other than myself wish to unleash their inner cubby and join the bears behaving badly.

In honor of Mother’s day (and particularly Mei Xiang, long suffering mother of Pinky) I wanted to share with you Vicky Vladic’s post on panda moms (along with a very yummy sounding recipe) over at V Something Speaks. Enjoy!

There is more to come later this week on the ongoing international panda crisis. Stay tuned!

Be the Bear
Bob T Panda

The Jig Is Up

I have just returned from a fact finding mission to Pinky’s Campaign Headquarters, where I took high level meetings with various panda dignitaries from around the country. Okay, from a short drive to Washington DC. Despite Pinky’s protestations that her yard is so big, she could get lost and wind up in Canada, I did not see any evidence that this could be possible. There may be some sort of secret passage way, but frankly, my dear, I think the jig is up. Now hand over those panda cubs or there will be trouble.

What do you mean you left a note saying they are at my house?

What do you mean you left a note saying they are at my house?

Several attendees at the gala panda lunch had gone on a fact finding mission to the actual home of the Toronto Twinkies and they said that they saw the twins there, but with the amount of time little panda cubbies sleep, they could easily have been strategically placed stuffed pandas. I’m talking to you, Cami and Frances! Did you actually see them move, or was one of the keepers just jiggling the panda stuffies with a stick, so that no one would know the real cubbies were gone?

Enquiring minds want to know!!!!!

Meanwhile, is Bubba going to have to pay for his increasing cheekiness to his big sister? He is walking on thin ice if you want my opinion. You really don’t want to make Pinky mad!

There will be more from my panda tourism experience on Friday! Till then…

Be the Bear
Bob T Panda

Pinky has some ‘splaining to do

Oh, Pinky…did you really think that you would not be found out when you brought underaged pandas across international borders? The wrath of Mommee may be the least of your problems! How does it look for a presidential candidate to appropriate pandas that do not belong to you, for your own evil purposes?

Do you think this is presidential behavior?????

Ahem….There may be another panda candidate running for office this year, if maybe you were thinking that Pinky was one of those extremist candidates. Hey! Why not vote for Bob?

Ooooh! Did Daddee actually yell at Pinky?

Ooooh! Did Daddee actually yell at Pinky?

Ever the politician, did you notice how Pinky promises not to go to Canada again, but doesn’t promise not to leave the zoo? Very sneaky, Pinky, very sneaky! But I don’t think Unka Justin is going to let the twins get away quite this easily, since he is rather fond of them. Put those cubbies back right this minute, young lady!

Be the Bear
Bob T Panda

Daddee Knows Best

I am probably revealing just how ancient I am when I say that I remember the TV show, Father Knows Best. Although to be honest, I don’t really remember much about the show, just that it was a thing, way back when. It’s possible that the hapless father in question never really called the shots, but hey, maybe I’m just misremembering or something. But when it comes to Pinky, it’s more like Mommee Knows Best, not that she has any chance of controlling her presidential Pink self. At times like this, she just has to throw up her paws and let Dad take a turn. I don’t think Mei believes that Tian will have any better luck than she does, it’s just, you know, she needs a break from being the enforcer.

Um...I think Pinky has Daddee wrapped around her fuzzy little paw. Just saying.

Um…I think Pinky has Daddee wrapped around her fuzzy little paw. Just saying.

Will Mei Xiang discover what’s under the bed? Will Bubba get Pinky’s dessert? Will Mr. Bun apply for political asylum in Canada? Stay tuned and find out in our next exciting episode!

Be the Bear
Bob T Panda

Pinky Returns from Canada

Was there ever a panda like Pinky, in all the history of panda-dom? So completely convinced of her rightness of her purpose? What could her mother be thinking as Pinky returns from Canada? She may be thinking, Why couldn’t I have a well behaved little panda, who just wanted to be a panda, and settle down, and have some little pandas of her own. But no…I had to have a panda cub who wants to be president…sigh….

uh oh...

uh oh…

And do we see a new boldness in Bubba’s attitude towards his sister? be careful, Bubba. Be very careful! You really don’t want to make Pinky mad.

Remember, you can find collections of cartoons about Pinky (and a couple other pandas) on the book page of this website! Check ’em out and collect the whole set!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

How Did You Get This Number?

Poor Mei Xiang…when the phone rings, it is bound to be trouble, and it is bound to be about Pinky. She thought that only the Zoo Director and the President had this phone number, so well she might wonder, how did you get this number?

Meanwhile, back at the actual National Zoo, Pinky’s brother Bubba is going about the business of learning to be a panda, under the expert tutelage of his mother, who is also a panda. But what about Pinky? well….

"If Pinky is grounded, can I have her dessert?"

“If Pinky is grounded, can I have her dessert?”

I think you will be all as pleased as I am to see that Bubba is beginning to understand his sister a bit better, it should help him to resist her involving him in her schemes. Maybe. We’ll see, won’t we?

Just a reminder, Pandas International is having their Spring Auction right now, and I have donated one of the signed reproductions from Pandamorphosis to help support their work with pandas. So, if you were thinking you would like to support Pandas international AND get some of the art from Pandamorphosis, this is a win win for everyone! Because remember, without pandas, there could be no panda satire! Here’s the link! Thee’s lots of other cool items to bid on too. Most of it…um…has pandas on them.

Be the Bear
Bob T Panda

Our Neighbors to the North

Well! Pinky is heating up the campaign by paying a little visit to our neighbors to the north and I am just guessing here, but I think her mother is going to be a little peeved, to say the least. It does spark a memory I have about taking off with a friend, on graduation from college. I bought a car, then got my drivers license (in that order) and headed for a month long trip to Canada. It did not end badly, as I fear this trip of Pinky’s might.

So let’s get this story going, because Pinky is a bit short on minions, ever since the triplets left her to pursue a film career in Kung Fu Panda 3.

Pinky and the Twinkies, eh?

Pinky and the Twinkies, eh?

Of course Canada is pro-panda, as we have seen from photographs of the twins and “Unka Justin”. All I can say is international incident!

A quick note, Pandas International is having their Spring Auction right now, and I have donated one of the signed reproductions from Pandamorphosis to help support their work with pandas. So, if you were thinking you would like to support Pandas international AND get some of the art from Pandamorphosis, this is a win win for everyone! Because remember, without pandas, there could be no panda satire! Here’s the link!

Be the bear
Bob T. Panda

Where is Pinky Going?

Poor Bubba. It is so hard to be the younger brother of such a powerhouse of a panda. But where is Pinky going? Does she have permission? Ha! Pinky don’t need no stinking permission! Does she?

Bubba: but why should I be in trubble?

Bubba: but why should I be in trubble?

Sigh…poor Bubba.

Meanwhile, back at the panda ranch, excitement is afoot…(err..apaw?) as I close in on being almost ready for The Pandyland Chronicles book 1 to be ready to send out to publishers. There will be some exciting news to announce soon, but not…quite…yet.

So I am getting back to work after a bit of traveling, being sick, and who knows what all I get up to around here.

Keep being the bear!
Bob T. Panda