This. Is. Really. Too. Much.
Pinky is WHERE??????????
Oh…well, they did say it was okay now to take selfies in the White House.
The parents of daughters never have a really easy time of it, do they?
And one of Pinky’s fan’s who wanted to remain anonymous, sent us this photo that they obtained by following Pinky herself, as Pinky toured the White House with her minions. Measuring for curtains, perhaps? Check with Pinky’s proposed Secretary of Interior Decorating.
Perhaps POTUS is on the phone to Mei Xiang, even as we watch.
Oh Dear… What has Pinky Done now? Are you allowed in there, honey? Where’s your mommee?
“Dis room would look so much bedder in pink”
Where, indeed.
Be the Bear,
Bob T. Panda
Editor’s Note: We would like to say in advance, that if there are any technical difficulties in tomorrow night’s Republican Debates, that neither Pinky, nor the Panda Kindergarten had anything to do with them. Or the minions. Just saying.