Category Archives: Pinky for President

Pinky Hits the Talk Shows!

These days, it’s not just news programs and debates where candidates try to get as much air time as they can! Yep, they all strive to get on as many talk shows as possible, so that voters see their “real people” (or is that “panda?”) sides.

And what better talk show is there, than Mehitabel Tonite!?

And what better talk show is there, than Mehitabel Tonite!?

Mehitabel knows how to get to the heart of the matter with her guests, don’t you think?

Be the Bear,
Bob T. Panda

Pinky’s White House Selfie

Unnamed sources have hacked into princess Pinky’s twidder and insta-pand accounts to steal her personal photos and um…we have uh… “obtained” them and share them here. Is Pinky jumping the gun by taking her photograph HERE????!!!???

You might remember this shocking photo from last week’s post:

I'm sorry, but this seems like Pinky is taking liberties...again!!!

I’m sorry, but this seems like Pinky is taking liberties…again!!!

I know you can now take your own White House selfie, but do they let pandidates pose in the White House so they can look more presidential? This seems like an unfair advantage. They might ban selfies with the Pres himself, so does this disqualify Pinky? Hmmm?

Mei should not be getting all excited like this in her condition!

Mei should not be getting all excited like this in her condition!

Stay tuned! Pinky is on a roll!

Be the Bear,
Bob T. Panda

Pinky is Where??????

This. Is. Really. Too. Much.

Pinky is WHERE??????????

Oh…well, they did say it was okay now to take selfies in the White House.

The parents of daughters never have a really easy time of it, do they?

The parents of daughters never have a really easy time of it, do they?

And one of Pinky’s fan’s who wanted to remain anonymous, sent us this photo that they obtained by following Pinky herself, as Pinky toured the White House with her minions.   Measuring for curtains, perhaps? Check with Pinky’s proposed Secretary of Interior Decorating.

Perhaps POTUS is on the phone to Mei Xiang, even as we watch.

065 Pinky in the Oval Office

Oh Dear… What has Pinky Done now? Are you allowed in there, honey? Where’s your mommee?
“Dis room would look so much bedder in pink”

Where, indeed.

Be the Bear,
Bob T. Panda

Editor’s Note: We would like to say in advance, that if there are any technical difficulties in tomorrow night’s Republican Debates, that neither Pinky, nor the Panda Kindergarten had anything to do with them. Or the minions. Just saying.


Mei Xiang Gets a Phone Call

It kind of makes sense that it COULD have been the National Zoo Director, as he’s been calling Pinky’s mom a LOT lately. But it wasn’t. So if it isn’t the zoo director calling Mei Xiang, then just who is it?

It’s way, WAY, better than that.

After all, this is now allowed….

This number is unlisted....

This number is unlisted….

Oh my. what has Pinky done now?

Be the Bear,
Bob T. Panda

Bob Gets Fired

What do you mean conflict of interest? Who started the ZooNooZ show anyway? I think Pinky is behind this! I demand to see my lawyer! And can’t someone get Pinky’s headlines off my post?

Bob gets fired....what is this world coming to?

Bob gets fired….what is this world coming to?

Hmmm….someone may have used that line before….

Vote for Pinky. Do YOU want to explain why you didn't?

Pinky says: Don’t forget to get Pinky swag at Pandyland! Your purchase helps to support my campaign!

I am going to have to do something!

Be the Bear
Bob T Panda

The Great Debate

For those of you in the know, TODAY is the Meihem’s birthday. Huzzah! But. Pinky refused to give up her cartoon today, so Fabulous Furry Friday will host The Salute to Meihem! Be sure to check in on Friday for Pandapalooza X 2!

It was inevitable that Pinky and I would have to have a great debate, live on the Mehitabel Tonite!!! show. I think she is getting some unfair advantage, what with being on magazine covers and newspaper stories all over the place. It’s time to even the score!

What about us pandas who have been around for a while? Are you going to throw us over for each new furry face that comes along? And Pinky has hacked into my computer AGAIN and I can’t get her graphics off of my headline.

Can anyone stop this pandapocalyptic menace?

Don't mess with Pinky.

Don’t mess with Pinky. Or her minions.

Stay tuned folks! Politics is a bear!

Be the…um….Bear,
Bob T. panda

Shark Week at Pinky’s Pond

This past week was Shark Week on TV. It’s some big anniversary year for the movie Jaws, the movie that caused more loads of laundry than…oh…never mind. I don’t even watch TV, but you can’t step foot into the inter webs and not be bombarded with posts about Shark Week.

So be it.

Anyway…Princess Pinky’s minions are celebrating Shark Week in their own unique and adorable way. So…um… does anyone know if there are actually strap on shark fins available for smart-ass swimmers? Just wondering.

It's Shark Week at the panda kindergarten! Roar!!!!

It’s Shark Week at the panda kindergarten! Roar!!!!

Sharks have got nothing on Pinky, who is still hacking into my computer and messing up my headline graphics.

Sigh. This cannot continue.

Be the Bear,
Bob T. Panda

Watch some more panda videos

I think I really need to watch some more panda videos. I am completely stressed out over this hacking business. I thought I had gotten the overlay bug out of my system, but now it is back again. How am I supposed to run for president using MY blog as a platform, if Pinky is over-riding everything from her command center?

Thanks a lot, Leslie. I think you gave Pinky this idea.

Thanks a lot, Leslie. I think you gave Pinky this idea.

Pinky wanted to thank her dear friend Leslie for contributing to Pinky’s campaign with purchases of Pandyland swag from the Committee to Elect Pinky Headquarters. Leslie thoughtfully photographed the actual goodies here, so you could see what they really look like!

Huzzah! Won't your coffee taste better in a Vote 4 Pinky mug?

 Hey! Rand Paul has a store with all his merchandise to raise campaign funds, why can’t Pinky?

Now, I just need to get Pinky’s mother on the phone to discuss her daughters escapades with my computer, but every time I call it goes to voice mail and she is NOT returning my calls.


Be the Bear,
Bob T. Panda


Pinky has a plan

Pinky has a plan, and you can be sure that it will be something that gives her mother heartburn. What can I say? Pinky marches to the beat of her own salsa band, and nothing you or I (or her mother) say will make her toe the line.

Pandas. You gotta love ’em!

There were no tigers involved in this plan, so it must be okay, right?

There were no tigers involved in this plan, so it must be okay, right?

I think I got the bug out of my computer that was altering my header graphics. Now we shall see if I have my firewall defenses adequately beefed up so that Pinky can’t get back in and change things!

I wonder what the minions’ mother thinks of Pinky’s influence on her children? Oh well, not my concern! Tra la, tra la!

Be the (irresponsible) Bear!
Bob T. Panda

Youthful Indiscretions, Part 2

All I can say is, at least Mei Xiang did not star in one of those…um…you know….educational movies for pandas. If you get my drift. This was not one of those youthful indiscretions.

But leave it to Pinky. As we learned in a previous post, The panda cam at the National Zoo in Washington DC, takes up 60% of the entire Smithsonian bandwidth. Which, is as it should be.

Just saying, you know?

We can definitely use this in Pinky's campaign....

We can definitely use this in Pinky’s campaign….

Meanwhile, we are keeping a close eye on Mei Xiang, as she relaxes in her secluded panda den. Is there going to be another cub in DC this year? Or what if there are two? Will Pinky be able to cope with the distraction from her campaign?

Stay tuned!

Be the Bear,
Bob T. Panda