Category Archives: Pinky for President

Youthful Indiscretions

When I first started watching and drawing pandas, people would send me pictures of pandas from the internet, as well as any video that featured an adorable panda. Okay, I think all pandas are adorable, even muddy messy ones.

But one video made the rounds more often than any other. Recently, an interesting discovery was made by the good folks at Pandas International, because, enquiring minds wanted to know!

What could this youthful Indiscretion be?

What could this youthful Indiscretion be?

Of course, my other favorite panda video is this one.  I really want that job.

Stay tuned to learn of Mei Xiang’s secret, early film career!

Be the Bear,
Bob T. Panda

Panda Commerce news!
I just added several new designs to my Pandyland Store on Cafe Press! Included are items for Princess Pinky’s Presidential Campaign, as well as a mug celebrating the Panda Kindergarten! Here are the new designs, for bumper stickers, t-shirts and sweat shirts, and magnets. 10% of the profits from June sales will go to Pinky’s campaign…um…I mean Enrichment Fund at the NZ. Many of her toys are funded by donations from her loving fans, so this is a chance to put panda satire to work for Pinky. Here are the new designs:

Nobody expects the Panda Kindergarten!

Nobody expects the Panda Kindergarten!

Declare your support for Pinky!

Declare your support for Pinky!

Vote for Pinky. Do YOU want to explain why you didn't?

Vote for Pinky. Do YOU want to explain why you didn’t?


Sorry, You Are Not on the List.

Sometimes inspiration hits when you are least expecting it, and in today’s cartoon, I was inspired to give the 2013 born triplets (now heretofore in these pages to be known collectively as “the minions”) a very important job as part of Pinky’s campaign team.

If you’d like to see Pinky, you need to be on the list.

And Mommee, sorry, you are not on the list.

Minion security: you can't be too careful.

Minion security: you can’t be too careful.

I think maybe the little girl minion is still too star struck by Princess Pinky to really be taking her job seriously, but hey, who isn’t? Pinky Money, anyone?

Meanwhile, I am starting to think about the next book in the Panda Chronicle series….Huzzah! Stay tuned.

Be the Bear,
Bob T. Panda


I’m Just Drawn That Way

Poor, poor, adorable little Pinky. She is so misunderstood. What is a small panda with visions of grandeur to do, but to run for president? And what can that poor panda do when her mommee thwarts her at every turn?

As Pinky likes to remind me, I’m not bad, I’m just drawn that way.

Mei Xiang and the Zoo Director have gotten their panties in a knot, it seems.

Mei Xiang and the Zoo Director have gotten their panties in a knot, it seems.

Ha ha! Sorree, mommee.

Be the Bear
Bob T Panda

Money for Pinky!

I know you want to just cut to the chase and go see what Pinky has up her paws to raise money for Pinky and her presidential campaign, but just bear with me a minute.

Oh. You can’t wait…read a few of my thoughts, it’s just but what is Pinky up to NOW, you want to know!

Oh, all right. Go ahead a look. I’ll be right here.

Are you back?
So I was listening the National Panda Radio the other day, and I heard a story about how paper is making a comeback. And it’s not just about books. There are recent studies that suggest that students retain more relevant information by writing, rather than typing on a laptop or tablet. Artist and writer Lynda Barry (now Dr. Lynda, thanks to a honorary doctorate from my alma mater The University of the Arts in Philadelphia) suggests that ideas and memories can be triggered and stimulated by the actual act of putting pencil to paper.

This is encouraging and validating for a luddite such as myself, who refuses to get a Waccom tablet to draw and paint digitally, and insists on drawing with pencil and india ink with a dip pen (a dip pen, for crying out loud!!!!) to bring you all the panda satire you can stand. Many is the day when  I started a cartoon without an idea, but I would draw a nose, and then some ears, and before I knew it, pandas were doing stuff and it was funny!

Okay… Well, I thought it was funny.

Just in case you were wondering how Pinky came up with the idea to do this:

I really had no idea what she was up to.

I really had no idea what she was up to.

I’m sure there will be some consequences both for Pinky and myself.
See you next time!

Be the Bear!
Bob T. Panda

We Need to Talk

Has there ever been a phrase that strikes terror into a …um…panda’s heart like we need to talk?Just when mama Mei Xiang thought that things would be calming down, and she could think about whether it was time to start knitting some panda booties…..

Pinky for what??????

Pinky for what??????

Pinky has a surprise up her sleeve for mommee and daddee, I think. Well, at least it will distract her from the prospect of having a sibling (or two!) to contend with. Oh my…the fur may fly this summer.

Be the bear!
Bob T. Panda