Pinky’s opponents are dropping like flies! Will Mittens be next? Will today’s New Hampshire Primary change the GQP ticket? Put a panda in the White [Pink] House!
Uh oh. It’s another election cycle and guess who else is running (besides the usual suspects?)
Stay ‘tooned for next week’s Holiday Encore presentation, of The 12 Days of CrispMoss. (Pinky thinks it should be the 12 days of Pinky…what do you think?)
There is some stuff going on over at Substack that needs to be sorted out. If you are a follower over there, I am going to be asking you for your input. I try to stay off the computer most of the day, so sometimes stuff starts happening and then I’m like, “Huh? WTF?” anyway…stay ‘tooned! One thing that is certain, The Panda Chronicles is controlled by me, so you will always have a home here.
Be the Bear Bob T Why do we always have to contend with nazis Panda
I mean…what with them finding classified documents at just about every former official’s house, it was only a matter of time before they came looking for what Pinky might have! I’m sure they will be taken in by her “innocent Pinky” look!
If you think what Pinky is doing over at Poot’er is wild, you should get a load of what’s happening at Twidder!
One minute He who must not be Offended is firing all the people who actually know how to do anything, and the next minute he is trying to hire them back because he doesn’t know how to the run the joint. Hard to decide whether to stay or go. So many people and pandas that it’s my only avenue of contact, weighed against knowing how abusive he is being to the people who work there.
Really, if you want to know the future, read The Panda Chronicles. Everything happens here first.
Proof positive of Pinky’s persuasive popularity!Butter wouldn’t melt in her adorable little mouth….Minion security: you can’t be too careful.Thanks a lot, Leslie. I think you gave Pinky this idea.
Will Pinky’s minions testify at the next January 6th hearing? Tune in on Tuesday and find out. (We also might find out where Bikkie has disappeared to!)
Rumor has it that there was a large flash of light over the continent of Australiayesterday, as people headed to the polls to vote in their elections. We can neither conform, nor deny that Pinky and PPJ had anything to do with the outcome. After all, magical wands are prohibited within 50 feet of a polling station.
Pinky is VERY powerful. Be afraid, be very afraid, Mr Wu.You say you want a resolution, well, you know, it is hard to change a bear….Pinky answers difficult questions from the press in her own way.Never say “No” to a Pinky!The Power of the Poof
What have we got to lose? Everything. That’s what. It’s not too early to check your voter registration (primaries are happening, y’all!) and make a plan to vote. Remind your friends to vote too.