Category Archives: Pinky for President

Here I am!

I won’t bore you with my cartoon scheduling minutiae, let’s just say that all is well, and a small bit of operator spacing out was involved.

And now for today’s ‘toon! (Starring Pinky so it was worth waiting for!!!)

Voice of America may have gone to the dogs, but Radio Free Pinky is on da air!!!

Personally, I think the voice of Pinky is much more soothing than that of You Know Who!

Pinky is gonna be in trouble gain, me thinks!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

Now Where Were We…Oh Yes! Tigers!

I don’t know about you, but I can hardly get through the day without being overtaken by an overwhelming urge to nap. Not that napping is a bad thing (pandas love to nap!) but it does add to the confusion I have about what day it is. Just when I think I am getting ahead with my panda satire, I find that, no, I’m just ahead of my posting schedule.

But so far, so good.

I’m so grateful for all of the felty panda orders and for those of you who have found something to lift your spirits over at Redbubble! I just delivered a whole bunch of paintings for a show at the Rob Schouten Gallery (Not wasting my fine art degree, still!) If you’d like to see what I’ve been up to, in between felty pandas and naps, click here to see the show!

But then there were all those tigers on the loose…what happened to them?

Personally, I thought Pinky was being very clever and innovative with her cubpaigning

Who thinks Mommee is being unfair to Pinky?

Panda on!
Bob T Panda



Put a Tiger in Your…Selfie?

So, you all remember Pinky’s scheme during the 2016 election, where she let people into the tiger yard to take selfies. (for a fee, of course! Tigers don’t grow on trees, you know!)

Mommee Mei put a stop to that, thank goodness!

Oh…um…THOSE tigers…

And don’t forget to check out the new panda felts on the Buy Stuff with Pandas Page! They are pandariffic!

Be the bear!
Bob T Panda

I Knew the Absence of You Know Who in the Tuesday ‘Toon was Too Good To Be True

I don’t know about you, but Tuesday’s absence of mentions about  You Know Who’s reign of terror was just what the doctor ordered. I mean…who would think anything could be worse than a global pandemic with over 112,000 Americans now dead?

Funny you should ask.

Pinky: but Mommee! I didn’t send people IN to da tiger’s cage!!!!

I really wish I had not read all those YA dystopian post apocalypse novels. really, I do. The storm troopers have arrived. I thought we all needed a little break, where the worst thing that happened was Pinky being rude to her departing guests! Break time is now over. 

Wands up, everyone!

Buh buh buh buh BYEEEEEEEE!

How many of you remember the old SNL routine, with the flight attendants saying goodbye to the departing passengers?  As the people filed off the plane, the flight crew got ruder and ruder, and the “buh bye now!” got more sarcastic with each passenger. I think of this often, because an acquaintance of mine, who works in a local shop, and I have had an ongoing “buh bye” routine going for years.

We try to sneak up on each other so that each of us can be the first to say it. I’m afraid I’ll never top her “drive-by buh bye” that she delivered out her car window, as she saw me walking down the street. I hope that which ever one of us survives longer, at the memorial service for our departed friend, has the presence of mind to whisper “buh bye!” Who says people who live in small towns don’t know how to have fun?

It seems only natural that Pinky would deliver this line to the departing Cublanta twins!


Of course the Meihems just ignore her!

Real Life Panda Alert!

Xing Er, lately of Copenhagen Zoo, decided that his enclosure was just way too boring, and he went walkabout in the zoo. He climbed a metal pole to make his escape (I spit on your tree guards!!!!). While there have been numerous red pandas that have managed at least a temporary scamper to freedom, this is the first time that I have heard of a giant panda making an escape. (Other than Pinky, but she had a secret tunnel!) You go, Xing Er!!!

We are all getting tired of staying at home!

Be the Bear
Bob T Panda

Pinky Unleashed!

What with all the pandemic news, did you forget that Pinky was running for PRESYDENT? While the pandas are locked down in the Panda House, they are keeping busy and enjoying hot cocoa with those little marshymallows…well, SOME pandas are…

If Pinky was any more unleashed, we would be in big trouble!

Is FEMA stealing marshymallows too?

Meanwhile, if you missed Sunday’s post and the video link sent by a friend of Panda Satire, check out how this tap dancing group, The Lady Hoofers in Philadelphia is keeping their taps tapping despite the stay at home orders! Pinky makes a surprise appearance at the 1:31 and 1:42 time stamp!

Pinky socks make dancing better!

Panda On!
Bob T Panda

Mommee Mei has a Good Idea

Seriously, I consider myself extremely fortunate that I’m not trying to do my work AND trying to home school three bickering panda cubbies.What’s a panda to do? My sleeping habits are in tatters, there always seem to be piles of dishes in the sink, and I don’t know if democracy is actually over or if I can ever go back to the grocery store and not feel like everyone has a reverse magnetic force field around them. If I had to listen to Pinky and Bubba fight all day…well…

When will I wake up from this nightmare and discover that President Hilary has made Panda Satire a national treasure?

You can’t get more socially distant than sending everyone to their room!

Wands up, everyone!
Bob T Panda

Pinky Can NOT be Silenced!!!

You can’t keep a good Pinky down! 

We wisely decided to skip any April Fools Day Tomfoolery, since there is not a whole lot out in the world that is particularly funny. My days continue to be several hours too short. I don’t know where the time goes, while at the same time, time seems endless. The loss of my regular routine leaves me not knowing what day it is. At least I have the great outdoors, where I can indulge in my hobby of moving rocks from one part of the property to another.  (I bet you think I’m joking about that!)

I’m trying to keep all the balls in the air: painting, panda satire, felty panda production. It is all good work, and I have to keep reminding myself is is important that we keep our spirits as high as we can. The tweets and FB mentions of people who are sick, people who have died, people who have lost their jobs, are overwhelming and the only way to keep from being crushed by the volume of misery, is to step to the side and…think about pandas.

So that’s what I’m doing. Taking a step back for an hour or two, so I can keep carrying on.

Keep calm and Panda On!

Stay out of my airspace!

Be the Bear
Bob T Panda

Pinky’s Coronavirus Chronicles

What with the zoo being closed and no one able to come and hear Pinky’s cubpaign speeches, Pinky is going to have to come up with some other ways to get her message out. I can’t lie: (unlike some others who MUST NOT BE NAMED) This whole virus thing is damn scary.

I keep reading about well known people getting the virus and being very sick from it. I read about the doctors and nurses and first responders of all kinds facing this thing down, with less than adequate supplies and equipment. I can’t give up hope that we will come out the other side of this, but at the same time, it is very frightening.

It’s a good thing we have Pinky on our side!

It’s nothing that a little cocoa can’t fix!

Wands up, everyone!

Bob T Panda

BTW: I have ordered the Washi tape, and hope to have it in about 3-4 weeks. I’m going to get organdized and then will start taking orders for it. Stay tuned everyone!

Bubba Saves a Burrito While Pinky Saves America

What does everyone do when they are stuck at home for social distancing?

Children’s book authors and illustrators prepare and provide online content, so that all those kids who are out of school have some extra stuff to keep them engaged. While this is a wonderful contribution, keep in mind that these same people have lost what for many is a major income stream, giving school presentations. The generosity of the kid lit community is awe inspiring. If you are able to, buying their books would be a great way to thank them.

If you have kids at home who are looking for some fun content, check out the SCBWI Digital Directory for Remote Learning Resources. It is awesome! They plan to update it weekly.

Everyone else is starting a podcast!

In case you were wondering, that is a burrito sitting on the desk in front of Bubba

Panda On!
Bob T Panda