Category Archives: Pinky for President

Pinky Still Has a Plan for Dat

I am sad to hear that Elizabeth Warren is thinking of dropping out, but it seems there is no path to victory for her. I can’t get in to all my thoughts about it here. Suffice to say, that if people didn’t second guess themselves into not voting their hearts, she would be doing much better.

Who will win the nomination? Still too early to tell, but who ever it is, I’ll vote for them. I already cast my vote for Warren for next Tuesday’s WA primary, and while some may say I threw my vote away, especially if she has already dropped out by then, I don’t think I did. It made me happy to vote for a smart, dedicated public servant who I think would have made an excellent president. Now, if we take back the Senate, I could wish for her as Senate Majority leader. Then some things would get done.

But meanwhile, Pinky is still in the race!

Cocoa with liddle marshymallows?

Panda on!
Bob T Panda

BTW! Don’t forget to set your clocks ahead this weekend!

Bob explains daylight savings time to the panda kindergarten

spring back, fall forward?

What the Heck is a Caucus, Anyway?

Despite my 40 years in Washington (the one on the upper lefthand corner), I think I went to one Presidential Caucus my entire time living here. Don’t yell at me. The first 10 or so years I was here, I was usually working during those times (caucuses are not very accommodating of people who have to work evenings). The rest of the time, well, the idea that I would choose my candidate by having to actually talk to other people and couldn’t just make up my mind in private, that really doesn’t appeal to me.

I went to one in 2008, and had planned to go to the 2016 one, but the flu took care of that. But this year, WA finally got the message and now we have a “normal” primary, where we can vote whenever the heck we want (once we have our ballots and before the March 10 deadline). I love our all vote by mail state system. And my record for voting (other than caucuses) is darn near perfect!

But what were Pinky and Bubba doing at the Iowa caucuses?

Pinky is always getting Bubba in trouble! It’s more important than ever that EVERYONE votes!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

Pinky Saves America…yet again!

Well, we really dodged a terrible disaster! Yesterday, Friday the 13th came on a MONDAY!!!!! Um…I never actually admitted that my sense of humor has ever risen beyond that of a 7th grader, so, ya know…whatebber!

Meanwhile, my tiny panda Kickstarter has been chugging right along! I started making needle felted pandas because I needed a hobby that was kind of stress reducing. So what did I do? I turned it into a major production. I guess that’s just the kind of bear I am! Fortunately, I love repetitive tasks, and if needle felting is anything, it has a lot of repetition. Also fortunately, I can imagine I am stabbing certain people who must not be named right through the heart! Fun for the whole family!

Meanwhile, Pinky has firmly embraced the whole podcast thing! Stay tuned for the next episode of…

Pinky Saves America (Pinky: do I has to do EBBRYFING?????)

Mommee Mei, in her wisdom, thought Pinky needed a co-host!

Panda on ebbryone!
Bob T Panda

Everybody who’s anybody has a podcast!

Well, except for me, unless that means I’m not anybody! One of my favorite podcasts is Pod Save America, which bills itself as “a political podcast for people who aren’t ready to give up or go insane”. Another is The Daily Beans, (News with Swearing)  by the women who brought us Mueller She Wrote. Between these podcasts, and listening to the podcast version of Rachel Maddow, I am able to stay informed and outraged, even without a television!

Of course, Pinky decided she should have her OWN podcast!

BTW, it is a mere two days before I unleash my felty panda Kickstarter on the world! You can get a preview here, and sign up for launch time notification! Huzzah!

Panda on everyone
Bob T panda

Day 3 – 31 Days of Pandas

You knew it had to happen sooner or later: Pinky would declare herself above the law! It was bad enough that Mittens did it, now Pinky is getting her inner criminal on!

So what if pandas are endangered! Does that mean they are above the law?

Obeying Pinky is not in the Consditooshun!

Be the bear and Buy Stuff with Pandas!
Bob T Panda

My annual note about Panda Commerce:

I started writing these ‘toons in early 2008, after reading an article in the Atlantic Magazine about the Panda ranches in China. I did not know where this compulsion to draw pandas was going to take me, I just knew I had to draw them. And so I drew, and eventually I started this website.

Because one of the reasons I started drawing panda ‘toons was because I was depressed because the economy had crashed and no one was buying art, it was important to me that this panda portal would be forever free to anyone who wanted to read my ‘toons. If they could help me, well, maybe they would cheer up other people who needed to be cheered and might not have the resources to subscribe to something as silly as panda satire.

So here we are, 11 years later! I still keep this blog and the archives available and free to to all. I do, however, spend time and resources drawing these toons and keeping them here for you. And so, I have run several Kickstarter campaigns, I now have a page on Redbubble where you can buy things with pandas on them, and my first non-Kickstarter Sock project was a big success. Buying things with my pandas on them, through me, Kickstarter, or Redbubble helps to support my work with Panda Satire.

My ‘toon collections, which are all available on Amazon,  also help to keep me in ink and paper. I hope eventually to get my graphic novels published through traditional publishing, but that is kind of the long game. For those who really want something special, I do sell my original ‘toons, once they have been published in a book.

For those that have the means and inclination to buy things with pandas, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. For those who don’t, I hope you’ll keep coming back to read the new ‘toons, comment on the goings on of Pinky, the Meihems, Bubba, and all the rest of the pandas. Art is not art until it has been seen and appreciated. Everyone of you are welcome here. It wouldn’t be nearly so much fun without you!

Panda on! It’s time for 31 Days of Pandas!!!!

We hardly got to know you…

I know everyone is still feeling very sad, at the departure of our “little bear”. It has been bittersweet, what with all the posts on Twidder and Fezbook of Bubba when he was weally widdle. Hopefully, another round of ‘toons of Bubba’s childhood along with the trials and tribulations of being the little brother to an international super star and Smifsonian Icon, will make everyone just a little less sad.

Thanks for all who posted the pictures of him in his new home. I really loved the BFX base. We spent 2 days there visiting pandas. The yards are large (at least as large as Bubba’s yard back home) and full of mature trees. From the pictures, it looked like many of the trees in his yard did not have tree guards, so he gets to do his favorite activity, climbing. While he had a similar reaction as Pinky had to his first introduction to panda bread, he seems happy about all the bamboo shoots!

Let’s have some Bubba ‘toons, okay?

And then there was the day he had to figure out what to wear for his debut…

How IS this different from Pinky’s normal bossiness?

Funny how Pinky sneaks in to almost all of Bubba’s ‘toons!

My! You are quite the good looking fellow!

You keep using that word “share”, mommee!

Bubba: but why should I be in trubble?

I’ll talk! I’ll talk!

Pinky and the Twinkies, eh?

“If Pinky is grounded, can I have her dessert?”

uh oh…

What do you mean you left a note saying they are at my house?

Bubba is having so much fun with his new friends!

Hey! Where did Bubba and Mr. Bun go?

I hope you enjoyed this extra big Birthday Season* dose of pandas! Like bubba says, we might be da victims of a repressive regime, so we need all the pandas (and laughs) we can get! Panda on everyone!


Be da (widdle) Bear!
Bob T Panda

*Yes, it is STILL my birthday season!!!! 

A Halloween Carol

Yes, it’s time for that other holiday favorite, A Halloween Carol! (With apologies to Dickens! Sorry, Chuck!)

Let’s get right to it, shall we? Our story opens….

Bubba’s first feature role!

you…is…not…da…yawn…boss of…pinky…

Mr Wu makes a very cute ghost, don’t you think?

Hey! who said Wu could poof things?


One of Pinky’s misdeeds has come back to haunt her… can her campaign survive this?

Hmmm… Pinky still does not seem impressed. Perhaps the ghost of Halloween present will have more influence over her.

Uh oh, the ghost of halloween present just caught up with Pinky…

Was that list in small type, single spaced?

The Spirit of Halloweens yet to come is not a spirit to be messed with, right?

Surely you didn’t think she would totally reform, did you?

This series was originally broadcast in September and October of 2015.

Let that be a lesson to all who need a lesson, AmIRight?

Panda on!
Bob T Panda

And as a special bonus:

He’s small for now, but Bubba Bei Bei is shaping up to be a whole lot of panda!

Pinky Has an Opinion

…Because of course she does.

In the words of Princess Pinky: I don’ know how many times I has to tell you, you should have voted for me.

Tell us what you really think, Pinky!

Pinky: when are people gonna learn dat pinky knows da best!

Be da Bear!
Bob T Panda



Opposition Research

Pinky has enlisted Six and Sebben as her campaign staff, but there is still something of a learning curve. (Okay, maybe it’s more of a learning precipice, but whatebber!) Let’s check in as Pinky works with her new minions to achieve World Domination™!

“If there is dirt, we’ll find it!”
Motto of Six and Sebben Political consultants INC.

Panda on!
Bob T panda

Shark week!

Shark week, minion week…it’s all the same at The Panda Chronicles! After our brief interruption in service earlier this week, which resulted in no one being able to see the site, we were saved by our new web host and guru over at The Digital Reader. For someone like me, who has a tiny bit of tech knowledge, riddled with vast chasms of ineptitude, someone who actually knows what they’re doing and responds quickly to problems is a good thing indeed!

Meanwhile, Pinky has new minions, but let’s take a trip down memory lane as we recall her minions from her last presydential run!


Triple Trouble indeed!

What are Pinky and her minions getting up to?

Maybe you shouldn’t plug that many things into an extension cord, Pinky.

did someone turn out the lights?

And Zoonooz is on the job!

Cause and effects are very complicated concepts for baby pandas, don’t you think?

Mei Xiang and the Zoo Director have gotten their panties in a knot, it seems.

Proof positive of Pinky’s persuasive popularity!

Minion security: you can’t be too careful.

Thanks a lot, Leslie. I think you gave Pinky this idea.

Here’s where Panda Week intersects with Shark Week…

It’s Shark Week at the panda kindergarten! Roar!!!!

Have you done all your shopping for Pinky’s birthday????

Be the Bear!
Bob T. Panda Videos are very relaxing Panda