Category Archives: Pinky for President

Minions are a Many Splendored Thing…

The fogs of August are almost upon us, and while Congress goes on a six week vacation, (seriously?) the rest of us wish that we could do the same. But there is no escaping the relentless wave that is going to come upon us, and of course, by that, I mean…

Pinky’s cubpaign for President! Um…what did you think I meant?

I don’t think this crew of minions is going to be quite as devoted as her last ones.

Wasn’t it nice of Six and Sebben to come up with this brilliant cubpaign slogan? Those who signed on to Mr. Wu’s Kickstarter campaign will be getting one of these, but I’m guessing there will be a few extra. Stay tuned to learn how you can get one for your very own!

What could possibly go wrong?!?!?!?

Panda On
Bob T Panda

Pinky’s Progress

Pinky has new minions, but can she get them to stop fighting with one another and concentrate on the serious business of getting Pinky elected president next year? It’s gonna be a long cubpaign!

Pinky calls the meeting of her cubpaign staff to order…

Pinky and her new minions get down to serious business

Meanwhile the ordering process for the pins is now complete, and I’m hoping they will be in my hot liddle paws by the end of August. I’m making my lists and checking them twice…no make that 3 times. Stay tuned for more news of Pandas coming your way!

Panda On
Bob T Panda

Pandas have to fill out census forms too…

All the kerfuffle over the census form (“WHY WON’T THE SUPREME COURT LET ME DO WHAT I WANT? THAT’S WHAT I PICKED THEM FOR!!!!”) reminded me of this ‘toon from the last Panda Census:

Do we have to count panda adoption fees?

Pinky’s attempt to recruit Six and Sebben as her new minions reminded me of her previous collusion with small pandas….you could ALMOST have sympathy for the difficulty the WH has to find staff that doesn’t crime….


Triple Trouble indeed!

What are Pinky and her minions getting up to?

Minion security: you can’t be too careful.

Maybe you shouldn’t plug that many things into an extension cord, Pinky.

did someone turn out the lights?

And Zoonooz is on the job!

Pinky is so good at “Evade the Question”, that she is obviously a natural politician!

Cause and effects are very complicated concepts for baby pandas, don’t you think?

Panda on!
Bob T Panda

Don’t forget! We have 3 more days on our Kickstarter campaign!


I’m Late (but not as in “THE late”)

I got so excited checking in on the Mr. Wu: Put a Panda on It pin project yesterday, that I completely forgot to set up today’s post, which I usually set up to go out around 6 AM PDT. I hope I can be excused, just this once. We reached our funding goal, so the Mr. Wu pin and patch, as well as the panda kindergarten key chain will be a reality in the not too distant future!


Now, we just have to get a little farther in our funding goal to make Pinky’s 2020 bumperstickers a reality! You don’t want to disappoint Pinky do you?

But now, let’s have TODAY’S pandas, in an episode we call: Pinky gets new minions!

Pinky’s previous minions are all grown up now, and know better than to listen to her, but…

Please help make Pinky’s bumper stickers a reality!

What could possibly go wrong?!?!?!?

Be da Bear!
Bob T Panda

PS: if you’d like to support another panda artist’s work, there’s still time to support Nolan Lee’s book publication,  The Panda is Still Fat, over on Indegogo! (Ironically, Nolan is a cute young, skinny guy who might be as obsessed with pandas as I am! )

Pinky is not amused…

We are barely halfway through 2019 and we’ve had the first drop out from the Democratic field. (Not Pinky! Or Bob) While some might think that there are far too many people running for the Democratic nomination, I think the large field is a good thing. I think it helps each of us to clarify what the most important things are to us, as each candidate articulates what they want for this country of ours.

Each of the candidates has something to offer. Their focuses are different, even with a certain amount of overlap. I believe that by encouraging all to participate, we, the people, get to think about what are the issues that are important to us. And frankly, many of their policy ideas are needed now. Eric Swalwell was the first to leave the race, but his central issue, dealing with the over abundance of guns in our country and lack of sensible regulations, is an important one.

I hope as each of these candidates who fail to gain traction step aside, they will leave these important issues for the remaining candidates to pick up and add to the things they are passionate about. One thing is certain. This needs to be the final days of 45’s reign of contemptuous lawlessness.

But that’s enough of being serious! Bring on the pandas!

get out of the way! There is a Pinky coming through!

And don’t forget! only one more week for our Kickstarter campaign! Did we mention our fabulous Stretch Goal reward? You know you want this!

What could possibly go wrong?!?!?!?

Panda on
Bob T Panda

Pinky is at it again!

Back when I was freshly out of college, I had moved up to Western MA, and worked in a variety of restaurants, while trying to keep painting. The split shift I usually worked, didn’t leave a lot of time for painting on work days, so I fell into watching soap operas during my several off hours. The Young and the Restless was one show I remember.

But in Pinky’s case, it should be The Young and the Relentless!

Watch out, Bubba! Pinky is on the loose!

Bubba and Ping pins should be arriving soon! If you missed an opportunity, send me a message or comment!

Be the Bear
Pinky 2020
Bob T Panda

Up in the Air, Junior Pandas!

I just saw a picture of the Bubba and friends patches, one of the rewards for my recent Kickstarter pin (and patch) project! They look BOOTIFUL!!! They won’t arrive until the pins do, and hopefully, they won’t be too much longer. meanwhile I’m trying to get all the addresses (So is you haven’t filled out your survey, please do!)

But Pinky is still at work at her newest fundraising endeavor!

“don’ call mee boo boo!”

Mittens is NOT a role model!!!

Panda On!
Bob T Panda

Pinky is at it again…

Uh oh. I knew when I saw her new tiara (Pinky 2020) that it was a sign of trouble. Big trouble. Mommee Mei might have hoped that Pinky had  learned something from her experience 4 years ago, and she did, they were just not the things Mommee Mei wanted her to learn.

I’m almost afraid to look…


Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

Pinky is in the HOUSE! (At least till Mommee talks to Nancy)

Oopsie. I think maybe Pinky is in the wrong House.

Surely you knew there would be a phone call from THE House to the PANDA House.

Pinky is in the House!!!!

Get Speaker Nancy on the phone!

Be the Bear!
Bob T panda


It’s Sunday Funday!

Faithful Panda fan Vicky V reminded me of a series of ‘toons, about one of Pinky’s fundraising schemes, which lead me to re-read that series so I decided to share them here. We all need a good laugh, right? Oy Vey! I don’t know how much more craziness I can take!

So here we go, down memory lane…

Aren’t you already in enough trouble, Pinky?

Pinky enlists her brother's help in her scheme

“Just run along and put these brochures where people will see them!”

You knew Mommee was going to get angry, didn’t you?



Bubba flunks “cake”

cunning plan

Pinky has taught you well, Bubba!

computer whiz

When did Bubba get to be so smart!

sibling cooperation

Bubba is such a smart little panda

Pandas for Everyone!
Bob T Panda