What lightens the weight of the world more than tiny, poofing pandas?

Sending light (and poofing) to help get you through this week.
Be the Bear
Bob T Panda
What lightens the weight of the world more than tiny, poofing pandas?
Sending light (and poofing) to help get you through this week.
Be the Bear
Bob T Panda
May 2021: Pinky’s dream of the future continues!
On to June and…Frank and Mikey go on an adventure!
I love nature stories, don’t you?
So, as neither the pandemic or the ongoing attempt to Make Fascism Great again seems to be over, I’ve been continuing work in the felty studio! Of course I have to make felty versions of Fleur and Snowy, our newest French pandas!
But I’ve also been making cats! I still need to take some photos of them, but when I do I’ll post them here. I’m thinking of doing a special thing in February, to honor Betty white and all the work she did in support of animals. I’ll let you know more about it soon, when I take photos of all the little cats.
Till then, here’s a contact form if you want to order Snowy and Fleur! (or any other pandas!) I’ll reply via email and send you a square invoice for your pandas.
Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda
Shall we see what March and April brought forth in 2021? Nothing good, I’m sure!
Bikkie begins his panda training….
…and Pinky is up to her usual tricks…
In which Pinky has a dream…
It does not end well…or end?
Remember, to see the full stories you can travel back in time via the archive listings in the sidebar! Enjoy!
Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda
Is anyone going to believe what Frank and Mikey saw?
As a special HUZZAH for Talk Like a Pirate Day, any felty orders between now and Saturday September 25 will get a bonus Mr. Wu the Pirate iron on patch! ARRRR!
Frank and Mikey want you to have it!
Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda
Yes, Frank and Mikey are home from their Alaskan adventure, (Mei Xiang: wait a minute…what do you mean by HOME????) Six and Sebben are back in PandaLanta, and Bebe Maurice has returned to France to meet his petite zizzies and turn them into internationally renowned painting models!
You might be thinking: What could they possibly be unpacking?
Silly you! Their pajamas, of course! What! Do you think they sleep au natural???? We may be animals but we’re not SAVAGES!!!!
Till Thursday,
Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda
The Unveiling of Bebe Maurice’s masterpiece….
How did she get into the picture? Artists can see things other people can’t?
Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda
Sorry for the delay in posting. For the last mebbee…I don’t know, 5 years, I’ve done really well posting to a schedule. For some reason I am lately a day late and a dollar short. Yesterday there was a terrible fire in my neighborhood, about 3/4 of a mile from my house. Maybe less. It was really traumatic, because, as you might know, I lost a house to fire about 26 years ago. It is so dry here, and without the fast action of our local fire department (which has been stressed because of the dry weather) it could have been a lot worse for our whole community. All humans and animals are okay. The house not so much.
So, I might be using someone else’s disaster to excuse my tardiness, but then again, I did have to take a walk to see if the woods were on fire. (they weren’t.
So, anyway, Mei is having her own disaster. enjoy!
Be the Bear,
Bob T Panda
It is also the birthday of the actual Princess Pinkie’s own little princess, Princess Pinky Junior, also known as Dou Ban, who has joined the family of Xi Dou, along with her brother Chao Tianjiao.
Since she is just turning a year old, I don’t have the deep archive that I have for Mr. Wu, but I DO have her introduction story for The Panda Chronicles!
We shall see what we shall see! Till next time!
Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda
I wasn’t referring to my tardiness with this ‘toon, but I guess that applies too. What with all the excitement about Frank and Mikey’s family trip, I bet you thought I forgot that BeBe Maurice was coming to visit the DC pandas, and also that Mei Xiang’s sister Lun Lun foisted off the twins, Six & Sebben, on her.
Whoever could it be? Fun art note, in my rough draft, I just had the doorbell ringing once, but then I thought, how would Mei know that it was Six & Sebben? I think the solution was obvious.
Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda
Ah, those happy Panda House memories, sitting around the kitchen table, arguing about who got the most marshmallows…
Six and Sebben are on their way! Hide all the breakable stuff!
Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda