It’s another one of those weeks that has too much too do and not enough time to do everything that needs doing, so I’m going to blindfold myself and stick my hand into the old archives and see what I can find. Maybe I’ll have a new ‘toon for Thursday, maybe not. Definitely for next week, though!
I think we need something that will make us laugh, something to take our minds of that power mad mongrel that would be king.
Maybe something about another power hungry character….
I really had no idea what she was up to.See? I told you it was broken!Bubba: but why should I be in trubble?Pinky and the Twinkies, eh?Bubba is having so much fun with his new friends!Hey! Where did Bubba and Mr. Bun go?
And just to remind you, we knew 9 years ago how terrible it would be if You Know Who was ever elected even the FIRST time!!!
Be afraid. Be very afraid.
We are afraid. Honest. Pinky: you should have voted for me.
Just so we are clear here, I have never watched Game of Thrones, but if there was a version with pandas in it, Six and Sebben would be the star evil villains in it.
Things are starting to heat up in TFG’s trial schedule. Be prepared for dirty tricks, attempts to delay, obstruct, and spew crazy things on his Toxic Social network. Meanwhile, Smiling Joe will continue to keep doing his job, and doing it well. Try to tune out the naysayers. They are just trying to depress you, so you’ll stay home, even if you would never vote for TFG.
And…um…pay no attention to those drones flying around the Panda House. I’m sure it’s all…um…fine.
Taylor Swift won the Superb Owl! Because I am a football genius! We watched the replay of the last quarter (or is it an inning?) and the overtime, and mostly were all yelling “what are they doing? What’s going on? OW! That had to hurt!“
Meanwhile, Mittens is going around saying all kinds of crazy sh*t and we are all living in the age of anxiety! As Bikkie says, “It’s all too muchie!“
I managed to procrastinate to miss my 2nd ‘toon of the week last week. Will I do better this week? Who knows!
Anyway, Pinky has a new security team!
From here on, if I don’t have a new ‘toon to post, I’ll share something relevant from the archives!
I’m trying not to make any formal New Year’s resolutions this year. That said, there are things I would rather not keep doing (scrolling endlessly on social media before getting out of bed) and things I would like to do more (work outside in my yard, eat more healthy food, and not stress myself out)
In the interests of not stressing myself out so much, I do not have a brand new ‘toon for today, as I kind of took the weekend off to read and nap and then before I knew it, it was Monday afternoon and it wasn’t raining and it was kind of warm, so I went outside and now there is no new ‘toon for tomorrow.
But since what I probably would have done was a new ‘toon on the resolutions Pinky’s mommee prepared for her, and since I’ve escalated about as far as I can escalate that joke, I thought I’d share them with you here, going back as far as I can find resolutions for Pinky.
Here we go!
Okay…this first one isn’t an actual Pinky resolution ‘toon, but it’s one of my favorites and I bet it’s one of yours too…
See? I told you it was broken!Pinky: “rules are for other pandas.”Bubba: my resolution was just to chew my food more, an’ mebbee not eat so much frosting.
Ping: ping!You would think Pinky would already have improved her behavior by now…It was either this or a double semi-tractor trailer!
This year I think Pinky is going to resolve to do all she can to get Mittens out of our lives, even if it means she needs to support Joe Biden for president.
(Pinky: as if!!!)
If you are in the mood to see what last year in ‘toons were the ones that stuck out to me as the most emblematic ‘toons of the year, panda hop on over to my Substack page (Nazi-free since 2022!) and see my year in Review posts. The first one is tomorrow!
Thanks to all of you who have hung in here with me, all these years. We are going to need each other more than ever in the year coming up!
Be the bears! Bob T I’m not scared if you’re here Panda
Uh oh. It’s another election cycle and guess who else is running (besides the usual suspects?)
Stay ‘tooned for next week’s Holiday Encore presentation, of The 12 Days of CrispMoss. (Pinky thinks it should be the 12 days of Pinky…what do you think?)
There is some stuff going on over at Substack that needs to be sorted out. If you are a follower over there, I am going to be asking you for your input. I try to stay off the computer most of the day, so sometimes stuff starts happening and then I’m like, “Huh? WTF?” anyway…stay ‘tooned! One thing that is certain, The Panda Chronicles is controlled by me, so you will always have a home here.
Be the Bear Bob T Why do we always have to contend with nazis Panda
In case you were wondering, Six and Sebben turned sebben…um…I mean seven this year on Sunday. I’m going to put together a little retrospective for them over at the Substack, maybe around Wednesday…
Anyway, due to recent events taking place down in Pandalanta, they decided to give Pinky back her suite as they have VERY IMPORTANT things to do!
I’m sure Six and Sebben will be a HUGE help to D.A. Fani Willis!
Be the Bear! Bob T Is not an un-indicted co-conspirator Panda
The GQP are in equal parts enraging and hilarious. A recent news story about ol’ Smokey Eye Sarah, revealed that on the website, a requirement for people wishing jobs or to be on commissions, must write a 500 word essay about what they admired most about their dominatrix…um…I mean governor.
As you might imagine, Pinky had some thoughts.
It really should be illegal to steal ideas from a panda.
Be the Bear Bob T what do you like most about me Panda
I mean…what with them finding classified documents at just about every former official’s house, it was only a matter of time before they came looking for what Pinky might have! I’m sure they will be taken in by her “innocent Pinky” look!
Whatever and however you celebrate, remember, it is always better to celebrate with pandas! Yes, even with Pinky.
I’m sure absolutely no one will be offended by today’s ‘toon. ( I ran it past my spiritual advisor and she said it…um…now what was it she said? Oh well. Here it is anyway!)
Remember! Every time a bell rings, a panda gets a cuppycake! I’m doing a three part Encore Presentation of Beary Poppins over at my Finding Your Inner Panda Noozletter on Substack. Check out the first installment here!
And do check in on Crispmoss Morning here, for an Encore Presentation of The Twelve Days of Crispmoss, starring you know who!
Till then, Be the Bear! Bob T I’ve been very good Panda