I was going to take the weekend off, but with the annual delivery of Pinky’s New year’s resolutions by Mommee Mei coming up on Tuesday, I thought it would be worthwhile to study the previous presentations of resolutions.
I had really hoped the political world would have calmed down by now. But no. The state certifications are in (Biden won), the Electoral College voted (Biden won) and now most of the repugnant in the House have determined to dig their heels in and have a tantrum, as are (at last count) 11 R’s in the Senate. Oh, and let’s not forget the loss of 60 court cases brought with no evidence whatsoever, many thrown out with caustic scorn by judges, many of the them Mittens appointees.
One can only hope that the Congress will stop this madness after the certification of the EC vote on Wednesday. The damage to Democracy brought about by the power mad politicians will not subside easily.
Maybe Mommee Mei should have a word with them.

You say you want a resolution, well, you know, it is hard to change a bear….

Once again proving the intransigence of Pinky, and the omnipotence of Mommy Mei

Pinky: “rules are for other pandas.”

Bubba: my resolution was just to chew my food more, an’ mebbee not eat so much frosting.
Ping: ping!

You would think Pinky would already have improved her behavior by now…
Check out the new felties, now available! Wear a mask, stay out of the bars!
Be the Bear!
Bob T is-it-safe-to-come-out-yet? Panda