The Bears of the Baskervilles continues!

‘Toon in again tomorrow for even more from The Bears of the Baskervilles! Not to mention Bikkie’s big solo!
Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda
Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda
We’re gonna start at the beginning (’cause who can remember what happened before now? Not me!) So…to begin at the beginning…
Be the Bear
Bob T Panda
Our new character probably needs a little introduction. Last year I was messing around making felty pandas, and I made one that kind of looked like a nun (wearing pink!) I knew it couldn’t be Pinky, so I decided her name was Sister Mary Fluffy (calling her by her initials may get your mouth washed out with soap!) I also decided that she needed to go to a home that was more…um…fitting of her status than my home, so I sent her off to live in Virginia with the spiritual advisor to the Panda Chronicles.
I had hoped that she would lead a quiet contemplative life, but if you are a follower of either #TheBearchelorette or #BearchelorInParadise on the Twidders, you might have bumped into Sister M.F. (see? what did I tell you?) mixing drinks down at the bar. She has also been a regular player in a little behind the scenes Panda Improv!
Stay ‘tooned! More to come next week!
Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda