Could we have just ONE day without further assaults on democracy, the rule of law, or our sanity? Apparently not. HWMNBN has been inciting right wing groups to protest at state capitols to “liberate” the states from the unfair shutdown. What’s a few less grannies and school kids? If it wasn’t for the fact that, given statistical probability that someone at this event is pre-symptomatic with COVID19 and that multiple people attending will then bring the virus home to their own communities, I’d say let them infect each other. But I’m not that irresponsible.
I’m staying home (mostly) and washing my hands, being careful on those rare occasions I do need to go out, and hope you are too! I need all the readers I can get! BTW, if you’re not reading Heather Cox Richardson’s excellent essays, you really should! She brings a historian’s perspective to our current national crisis, and while she doesn’t pull her punches, she manages to give me hope as well. If you read nothing else (beside my ‘toons, of course) reading these would tell you everything you need to know to exist in today’s world.
So let’s sit back and watch (okay…read) this encore presentation of Kitty Sue and the 3 Pandas! (By popular request!)

This story seems a little, but not entirely, familiar!

What a perfectly charming cottage! I wonder who lives there…

In a cabin in the woods…

These guys are so full of themselves!

unhand…um…unpaw that cuppycake!

…and she ate the just right cuppycake all up!

unauthorized search and seizure is SOOOO tiring!


Is this episode exciting? you bet it is!

The discovery of the terrible crime in the pandas’ house…

And now, for some alternative facts!

Pandas are very misunderstood, in so many ways….

What a lovely day for the 3 pandas to relax at home!
We hope you enjoyed this Encore Presentation of KittySue and the 3 Pandas! A reminder that you can find this story in Book 8 of the Panda Chronicles collections: The Pinky Defense! Get the whole set!
Panda on!
Bob T Panda