Category Archives: the essential pandaness of being

As a former Pennsylvanian, I am required by law…

…to celebrate Groundhogs Day!

In light of that fact (because we here at The Institute for Contemporary Panda Satire know that NO ONE is above the law), we present to you, the first appearance in these ‘toons, of the one, the only, Punxutawney Phil!!!

Please hold your applause!

Phil is kind of excitable, isn’t he?

I’ve noticed that many of the smaller guest animals here are rather feisty! 

Be the bear everyone!
Bob T Panda

Pinky Saves America…yet again!

Well, we really dodged a terrible disaster! Yesterday, Friday the 13th came on a MONDAY!!!!! Um…I never actually admitted that my sense of humor has ever risen beyond that of a 7th grader, so, ya know…whatebber!

Meanwhile, my tiny panda Kickstarter has been chugging right along! I started making needle felted pandas because I needed a hobby that was kind of stress reducing. So what did I do? I turned it into a major production. I guess that’s just the kind of bear I am! Fortunately, I love repetitive tasks, and if needle felting is anything, it has a lot of repetition. Also fortunately, I can imagine I am stabbing certain people who must not be named right through the heart! Fun for the whole family!

Meanwhile, Pinky has firmly embraced the whole podcast thing! Stay tuned for the next episode of…

Pinky Saves America (Pinky: do I has to do EBBRYFING?????)

Mommee Mei, in her wisdom, thought Pinky needed a co-host!

Panda on ebbryone!
Bob T Panda

Happy Friendsgiving

It’s time for that holiday that is celebrated in the good old US of A, you know, the one where you get together with family you don’t particularly want to see, argue with Uncle George about what the current “resident” of the WH is really up to, the one where you eat way too much of food you don’t really like and then it’s time for PIE!

Once I moved far, far from home, and got to have this holiday extravaganza with friends of my own choosing, my attitude changed somewhat. (I do like pie, and why doesn’t anyone still make the sweet potato casserole with melted marshmallows on top?) I continue to be thankful for spending time with people I love.

Last Supper, Cupcakes, DaVinci

Princess Pinky says, she is thankful for cuppycakes and da panda kindygarten and her magical wand!

And now we know about all the cultural/genocidal implications of our first National Holiday, which I won’t get into here, but need to be acknowledged. That makes celebrating this holiday kind of cringe-worthy, and yet…

I think it is a good thing to be thankful for the many things that have come our way. If we can separate the history of white europeans invading these shores, and all that followed afterward (because, if you aren’t an indigenous person, you are an immigrant no matter how many generations ago your ancestors got here) I think that is okay to have a holiday in which we acknowledge what we are thankful for.

So here’s a list of some of the things I’m thankful for:

Artistic talent
Good health
A home of my own
Trees that surround my house
People who appreciate (and buy!) my art, my writing and panda satire
Did I remember to mention pandas?
Friends who like to visit pandas
Art museums
Scottish terriers
A convenient grocery store

I could go on!

Coffee tastes better when you have it with Pinky!

But meanwhile, it’s time to get ready for 31 Days of Pandas!!!!

That’s something we should all be thankful for! As we head into full on impeachment mode, we may be watching, in real time, the 45th “president” of these here United States dissolve, self destruct, maybe even burst into flames in front of our very eyes! We are going to need all the funny we can get if we want to get through this alive!

Be the Bear
Bob T Panda

PS: There is still time to get in on my fabulous felt panda-palooza! For all the info, read this post!

Who Knew Weather Could be so Controversial?

Between HWMNBN revising official weather maps with a sharpie, and the wild thunder and lightning storm that crashed through the Seattle area on Saturday night, weather is not just a boring topic for people looking for a non-controversial topic. The story that caught my eye a few weeks ago, was of a thunder storm in Florida (of course) where the lightning got a bit out of…um…hand.

Boy am I glad the lightning didn’t hit near MY house!!

Maybe if it is thundering and lightning, you may want to hold off going to the little bear’s room.

I tip of the hat and a round of cupcakes to all of you who let me know that their Mr. Wu Pins and Patches arrived! I’ll be getting to work really soon on the next round of goodies, so that they can be produced and mailed before the holidays!

For those of you who missed these offerings, I will be setting up a new page right here at Panda Chronicles headquarters, so that you can peruse the pandas and get your own!

Panda On!
Bob T Panda

More from Youverest™

Those who know me well, know that there is no joke that I won’t flog until it is laying on the ground, gasping for breath, and so, we return to our ‘toon theme of last week, pretending that you have done something monumental when you’ve actually been lying on the couch eating bon-bons!

When you care to pretend you’ve sent the very best…Youverest™.  What could possibly go wrong?

This could have serious repercussions!

Panda on!
Bob T Panda

For those of you who have ordered Pinky stickers and want to put them on a coffee cup, here are some tips! (lest you end up with it sticking your hands together or covering your face):

Thank you for supporting panda satire! Here’s some tips on putting your stickers on the mugs: 

1. Clean, dry, (and empty!) flat sided mug (aka standard boring mugs)
2. DO NOT remove backing yet
3. Put a smallish piece of removable tape on one end of the sticker, and use that to position & anchor sticker to mug
4. Starting from the taped end, smooth & hold sticker around the curve of the mug. Lay the mug on it’s side to give yourself an extra hand
5. The backing is in sections, so with one hand holding the mug down, use your other hand to remove the backing on the free end of the sticker, and carefully smooth onto the mug.
6. Remove the tape from the other end
7. Starting from the attached end of the sticker, remove the backing one section at a time and smooth down as you go.
8. I recommend hand-washing for longer Pinky life of your mug
Enjoy your favorite beverage with Pinky!

Coffee tastes better when you have it with Pinky!

It’s Better Than Being There!

There are many things (IMHO) that it is better to live through the stories told by others, through books or movies, or videos on the internet. One of the top things I would rather see pictures of than to do myself, would be climbing Mt. Everest. Jon Oliver did a hilariously funny segment on all the people who had lost all sense of proportion in their desire to climb the fabled mountain.

Of course, I borrowed shamelessly from his show to write this ‘toon!

Not to mention, I have a terrible fear of heights!

For those who have seen my little arts and crafts project over at FezBook, I have some information for you! 

First the important stuff: Stickers are $8 for the first one, and $6 for each one after that. Please double check with me before sending me money, so I can put your stickers aside for you. You can do that via the Contact Us link at the top of the page. Tell me how many you would like and your mailing address. This price includes US postage.

Once I tell you Yes, I have stickers for you, head over to my page (you can also click on the panda with the bowler hat under the heading: Buy a Panda a Cuppycake, which will take you to the same place) It will give you a spot to type in the amount of money ($8 for one sticker, $14 for two and so on) then if you have a PayPal account it will ask you to log in. I think there is the option to pay as a guest without logging in. (You can also send me a check if you don’t want to deal with PayPal)

If you were a Kickstarter supporter on the latest pin project, you are already getting one. If you’d like more than one, you can contact me (via the Contact Us link at the top of the page) and if you let me know by this weekend, I can stuff a couple more stickers in your package.

Here’s the sticker: Sized 3 in. x 8 in.

What could possibly go wrong?!?!?!?

And here’s what it looks like on the cup!

Coffee tastes better when you have it with Pinky!

My counter almost looks tidy! I’ll write up a little tutorial next time!

Panda on!
Bob T Panda

Boo Boo’s Bearday is Coming Soon…

Breaking Nooz! Hao Hao of Pairi Daiza in Belgium has given birth to twins. So far, all is going well. They look very round (yay!) and the twin switching seems to be going well! Congratulations to Hao Hao and her entire team and family!

…Now, it seems like there is another Panda Bearday coming up right around then, but I just can’t remember who it is….Heh!

What’s that? I can’t hear you!

Don’t tell me you’re surprised.

Oh yeah…Pinky has a birthday too! I guess we’ll have to feature them both!

And it was ever thus….

One for Pinky, and one for Bubba….

He’s small for now, but Bubba Bei Bei is shaping up to be a whole lot of panda!

Oh dear….are you going to leave her there?

Feed me, Mama!

Really, Pinky….It’s not nice to tease your little brother.

Bubba: i don’ fink it is fair. almost all my ‘toons has pinky in dem!
Pinky: Suck it up, boo boo!
Bubba: don’ call mee boo boo!

What the well dressed panda cub is wearing this season!

Bubba was really hitting  the frosting in this next ‘toon, but it shows the essential difference between Pinky and Bubba!


You better watch out….

Due to the excessive cruelty of the news this week, I think we deserve a couple more, don’t you?

And then there was the day he had to figure out what to wear for his debut…

I’m ready for my close up!

I didn’t THINK that Pinky knew the “share” word.

See? I told you it was broken!

I could not resist including the cute-o-meter! I hope this week is better than last week, but I really don’t have much hope of that. Hope this week’s offerings help!

Panda On!
Bob T panda

Time to run around and jump up and down!!!!

This is it! The last day of Mr. Wu’s Pin Project! You still have a few hours to head over to Kickstarter to pledge on our latest project! Huzzah! To inspire you to support our latest project, I thought I’d publish and additional day of ‘toons, celebrating…you guessed it…

Pandas for Kickstarter!

Pandas explain Kickstarter!

Send money or the cat gets it!!!

Get ready…….

Says Babette de Panda: “It’s all about MOI` “

Nobody expects the panda kindergarten!

Look out, Mr. Kitty!

More pandy explanations

And because it is almost the 50th anniversary of the moon landing…

One step for a small bear….

Houston, we have a problem…nobody expects the panda kindergarten!!!

Be the bear!
Bob T Panda

Did you forget to pledge?

July is the birthday month for the Real Wu Self and the Meihems!

…and a bunch of other pandas besides!

And it’s Sunday Funday, once again unless of course you are one of the many people and animals that are traumatized by loud exploding things going off in your neighborhood. They never seemed to both Mehitabel all that much, but I hate them. Mostly I worry that a stray firework will set the tinder dry woods on fire. Why the rights of people to blow things up and terrify animals and people with PTSD is more more important than my right not to be terrorized by fire and noise, I’ll never know.

But let’s have some pandas, and maybe we can ignore everything beyond our (closed) windows! 

Should Pandas pay their own way?

Did I mention that we’ve launched project #3 in the Panda Pin Project? I DIDN’T???? Well then!

The Wu the Pirate patch! approx size 3.5″ tall Check it out here!

What makes a panda run? Cuppycakes, of course!!!!

what will the panda kindergarten do next?

Isn’t tomorrow Panada Day?

Oh Panada, Oh Panada, how tasty are your maple leaves….

Huzzah for Rumpy Dog!

And it’s almost time for the Tour d’ France!

Sometimes real life news stories make it Just. Too. Easy

Don’t forget to check out the Mr. Wu Pin Kickstarter Project!

Panda on!
Bob T Panda

Get Ready…Get Set…NOT YET!

I think we are almost ready to launch our new Kickstarter Pin Project, featuring, the one, the only, the irresistible Real Wu Self! At noon today PDT, we are planning to be ready to launch. Despite the fact that I am a bit behind on this, due to several circumstances beyond my control, and a rather overwhelming need to take naps the last couple weeks, I am approaching readiness for this project!

Important Update!!!!:

Due to my lackadaisical attitude that “Oh, I’ve done lots of projects and they always confirmed my set up really quickly” I still don’t have all the clearances I need to go ahead and launch Wu’s project tomorrow. I’m hoping that approvals will magically take place over night and I will still be able to launch at my scheduled planned time of Noon, Thursday June 27, but if I can’t, then I will keep you posted! For those who supported the last 2 projects, I can send out messages via Kickstarter, and for the rest of you, I’ll post an update here, Twidder, and Fezbook. Sigh…that’ll learn me!

Let’s see what Mr. Wu himself has to say about this!

Mr. Wu IS a pivotal panda in the rise of panda satire!

Be the bear!
Bob T Panda

psst! want a sneak peek at the preview? Here it is!

The Panda Kindergarten Keychain! Huzzah! Final size approx. 1 3/4 inches wide