Category Archives: the essential pandaness of being

Welcome back US Congress!

It’s January 3rd and the US Congress is back in business, even if #Individual1 is still keeping the government shut down. (I’m writing this a few days before this post release, so there is always hope that all the government workers will get their jobs-and their paychecks-back before today.) Individual 1 may be under the false impression that Robert Mueller can’t work on the investigation, or other potential perils to the “president” can’t proceed. Ha!

A big pandy shout-out to all the brand new house members, particularly those who ran because they passionately wanted to make life better for those who have not had equitable representation before. Thank you for stepping up to the plate!

But enough about real life! Let’s get on with some pandas! (and cats!!!!)

Don’t forget Frank and Mikey!

Pandaing Ever Onward
Bob T Panda

PS: Just a reminder, there is no more Fabulous Furry Friday. (SAD!!!!) Encore presentations will now appear on Sundays. (Huzzah!!!!) And also a reminder that FB is becoming more and more capricious in what they show you in your news feed. If you don’t want to miss a single second of panda satire, sign up on the website via the FIRST sign up form on the top of the right hand sidebar, that says: Invite Pandas to your inbox. You’ll be glad you did!

New ‘toons will arrive on Tuesdays and Thursdays! Buckle up! Pandas are ready to prove that they are the most political animals out there!

Here We Are! 2019…Is it any better yet?

Hmmm…not so that I can tell. There is a great essay by Anne Lamott, about not making pointless resolutions for the new year, like…um…losing weight. Pandas are gonna panda, am I right? And part of being pandy is…um…being pandy, so enough with that!

That said, I do like to make goals every year, primarily to focus myself on the work I want to accomplish during the year. I only occasionally look at my list once I’ve written it, but I find the act of writing things down, with a pen on paper, and sharing them with another artist friend of mine in our annual ritual, does help me keep on track. And when I do revisit the list, I find that I have done much of it.

Haven’t sat down to do my list yet, but here are some things that I want to put on it

Visit the San Diego Pandas. (plans are already in the making and execution)
Close down my Pandyland store on Cafe Press and get my one on RedBubble up and running
Compile and publish the next edition of the Panda Chronicles books. This will be Book 9!
Do a January “100 things” Kickstarter. I have an idea, & it involves panda stuff! More soon!
Paint and garden like a tornado
Get back to work on the manuscript/storyboards for books 3 & 4 of The Pandyland Mysteries,  my graphic novel series, as yet unpublished, but when it is, I am going to be so ready to keep it moving.

I’m also going to tweak the schedule here a bit…

New cartoons will post on Tuesdays and Thursdays, at a little later in the morning than I have been posting them. Encore presentations will appear on Sundays instead of Fridays. Other than than, everything will be exactly the same. (Except with maybe some indictments and more resignations from the Mittens WH) Pinky will still torment her brother; Bubba will still strain the seems of his overalls. mei xiang will despair of ever getting Pinky to behave, and Mehitabel will still rule from her heavenly post. You’ll get used to it.

But now, I think Mei Xiang finally has Pinky’s New Year’s resolutions compiled!

Bubba: my resolution was just to chew my food more, an’ mebbee not eat so much frosting.
Ping: ping!

Panda on!
Bob T panda



31 Days of Pandas: Dating in the time of Mittens

Boy, if finding true love was not hard enough, politics has done it’s bit to make stranger bedfellows than you might ever have imagined.  New dating websites that specify political allegiance have been popping up (heh) all over the place. Lest you think I have been making all this up, I heard it first on NPR (I’m thinking Wait,Wait, Don’t Tell Me). Not that I wouldn’t make something this silly up, but this time (this time!!!!) I am innocent.

Even The Washington Post covered this story. I bet you could have an amusing time just googling Trump Dating Sites, but I would advise against setting up a fake account. At least one of these sites was hacked…um…pretty much immediately.

But what do pandas think about dating in the time of Mittens?

Love in the Time of Mittens (which, quite frankly, is a lot like the time of cholera)

Panda on!
Are we having fun yet? #31DaysofPandas

Bob T Panda

Will You Please Put That Phone Down?

We’ve all been there. You’re having a perfectly nice dinner with friends, someone brings up an old movie, a song, someone asks who the director or co-star was, and before you know it, everyone has pulled out their phone and is Googling the answer.


Little did we know that not only does it annoy (some of) us, it pisses off your dog, too.

Cats, on the other hand, weren’t paying attention to you anyway.

Thanks to all who responded to my Shameless Self Promotion! I’ll be announcing a few more as the shopping season continues. Currently, there are still 2 lithographs of Yun Zi available! Just send me a message via the Contact Us page!

Yun Zi; 2 available, framed or unframed.

Panda on!
Bob T Panda

A special guest appearance…

Every once in a while, I get a special request from a regular reader (may I say fan?) of The Panda Chronicles, for a special ‘toon. In this case, the D.C. mom of adorable doxies about town, Bella and her little sister Moneypenny, wanted them to appear in a ‘toon. She graciously allowed me to share it here. I hope you enjoy it.

Even pandas need pets!

And look! No politics whatsoebber!

Panda (and puppy) on!
Bob T Panda


Looking for a really special holiday gift? I still have several hand printed/hand colored panda lithographs. Right now I have these available:

Three Views of Bai Yang; One framed available   SOLD

The Gengda Pandy Kindy; One available, framed or unframed    SOLD

Yun Zi; 3 available, framed or unframed. 2 STILL AVAILABLE

If you are interested, please contact me via the Contact Us page for prices and shipping particulars. I also have several of the images of the panda bases themselves. I’ll share them next time.

Some Pandas for the Day After

So, since I schedule posts to appear at about 5 or 6 in the morning EST (You’re welcome!) so that you can have a little shot of panda satire before you go off to work, we don’t really know how this whole election thing has worked out. Despite some last minute maneuvering by various GOP outposts (I’m looking at you, Calvert County MD!!!! Shutting down public transportation on election day? Shame on you!) early voting numbers are way up, in some cases exceeding even the total number of votes cast for the 2014 midterms.

I am optimistically, provisionally hopeful….Sort of. 

But I will wait to hear some election news before I schedule Friday’s encore presentation ‘toons. We will either have happy pandas, or post apocalyptic pandas, or maybe we will have lalalalala-I-can’t-hear-you pandas. But one thing I am sure of.

There will be pandas! Here are some now!

Thank you to the international Panda Community! You are da bears!

Panda On!
Bob T Panda

Save the Date: A reminder that our annual Panda-Palooza, 31 Days of Pandas is just around the corner! We’ll be adding additional NEW ‘toons to our usual 2 new ‘toons a week, plus a Year in Review Roundup with my (and I hope yours) favorite ‘toons of 2018! Set your watch for December, because that’s when it all takes place! There has to be SOMETHING to look forward to, right? Stay tuned for more information about our posting schedule!

It’s Halloweenie! Trick or Trick!

We need a little fluff and humor, and as it is the favorite holiday of pandas everywhere, let’s just dive right in!

Ping already has his costume!

Make sure Pinky doesn’t try to steal Bubba and Ping’s candy!

Need to see last year’s Halloween ‘toon? See it here!

Panda On!
Bob T Panda

Update on my friend in Pittsburgh: I finally got in touch with a mutual friend, and learned that his wife was not present during the shooting. He is still in critical condition, but they are expecting him to recover. It will be a long, hard recovery, but there is hope. Thanks for everyone’s concern.


How could you have any doubts that the female of any species is willing to fight for what’s right?  Would YOU tangle with a mama bear who felt her cubbies were threatened? If the GOP (Greedy Old Poopieheads) stand by the viewpoint that #BoysWillBeBoys then we must recognize the alternative, that #WomenWillBeWarriors.

And more to the point:
Are you brave enough to stand against Pinky and the Meihems?

day after

What is old is new again. #KavaNOPE

Our story continues…

Be the Mama Bear
Bob T Panda

Breakfast with Pandas!

What could be more fun than breakfast with pandas? Of course, they’ll try to take your food, and they are kind of…um…messy eaters, so….join them at your own risk. But what’s life for, if not to throw caution to the wind, and have that second (or third!!!)plate of pan(da)cakes?

Set us up another round!

Did I just spill something on my new outfit?

Panda on and don’t spare the maple syrup!
Bob T Panda

UPDATE: I really did just return from my visit to the Canadian Pandas! I’m getting caught up on answering/approving comments, and send the ‘toons that went live while I was gone, out into the world. Of course, if you subscribed to The Panda Chronicles, you would get it in your email inbox 3 times a week, without having to look elsewhere for it.  But hey! It’s your choice!.

What is Friday if it’s not Fabulously Furry?

Indeed! We need Fabulous! We need Furry! we need a distraction from the Bread and Circus extravaganza taking place in the other Washington! Reading my ‘toons of the last few years as I look for pertinently prognosticating and prescient ‘toons to share with you, I am amazed anew about how what seemed absurd 2 + years ago (Pinky declaring war on Canada) is hardly funny now that it is not our of the realm of possibility, under the tiny paws of Mittens.

What is this country coming to? What can save us? How did we get here?

Panda satire, that’s the answer to everything!

Pinky never misses a trick!

That Pinky is too clever for her own good!

What’s that blinking red light over there?

“I thought I had until November.” -Bob T Panda

Hey! That’s not fair!!!!

Bubba: but why should I be in trubble?

I’ll talk! I’ll talk!

be the Bear!
Bob T Panda