Category Archives: the essential pandaness of being

Lunch on the Limpopo Part 2

Oh my, oh my! Seems like there may be crocodiles cruising the Potomac, looking for politicians to to chomp. The news has been very …what would you call it? Wild? Unbelievable? But in a year when so many things seem like they should be beyond belief, I’m trying not to think, “oh, this is one more thing of no consequence…something I never thought I would see, and yet, there seem to be no consequences.” Are crocodiles lunching on hunters any more unbelievable? The Limpopo seems a benevolent place, compared to what is happening in Washington DC.

Stay tuned.

But now, Lunch on the Limpopo Part 2!!!!


You just can’t trust crocodiles.

Happy Mother’s Day to all you mom’s out there, pandas and human (okay, and puppies and kittens et al) here’s a bonus Mom’s day ‘toon for you!

What goes around, comes around…

Panda On!
BobT Panda

Lunch on the Limpopo part 1

Well, wasn’t that a fun little tale, of KittySue and the Three Pandas? And for those of you who were wondering if maybe you missed an episode between episode 12 and episode unlucky 13 (aka the finale), well, you didn’t. We were employing the time honored dramatic tactic of only implying that violence was going to take place. (In my house, this is usually accomplished by putting a blanket over my head and asking Mr. Badger to tell me when the scary part is over.) But now, we turn to a real life drama that took place in Africa, on the banks of the Limpopo River.

We call this little segment, Lunch on the Limpopo


What goes around, comes around.

Anything to distract us from the fall of civilization as we know knew it.

Panda on!
Bob T Panda

The Stars Have Dimmed

Before we get to the next episode of the KittySue and the Three Pandas saga, I want to take a moment to say farewell and remember a stalwart supporter of panda satire who has crossed over the bridge to the great beyond this week. I speak of RumpyDog, who has made the life of his typer (that’s what we call those who type on the computer, for those whose paws cannot navigate a keyboard) Jen T. and several kitties, richer a thousand times over.

Those of you with pets, know of what I speak. We know that they are here for such a short time, compared to our own lifespans, but they bring so much to our lives. Rumpy had his own blog where he wrote about animal welfare issues, and life with a household full of cats. He even made a guest appearance here once or twice. Rumpy lived a good life once he found his forever home and he will be missed by all who knew him. Even the cats.

Run free, Rumpy. We won’t forget you.

Huzzah for Rumpy Dog!

Meanwhile, back at the pandas’ cottage…

Can she really DO that????

Oh my! I am on the edge of my seat, and only 2 more episodes to go!!!

How will it all end????

Meanwhile, I’ve made a change or two here. You can read the account of my pandapiphany, which is now public. Just hover the mouse over the Cast and Crew heading at the top of the page and another hidden page listing will appear, called From Pandapiphany to Princess Pinky
click on that and you can read an illustrated account of my journey into panda satire. It includes VERY early drawings that have not ever been published here. Enjoy!

From time to time, people have suggested that I put a link on the blog so that they could contribute to panda satire. I’ve thought about opening a Patreon account, but ultimately decided that it would be like running a full time Kickstarter campaign, and really, I felt it would result in far more whining than I really wanted to do. I recently set up a account as a way to do remote sales. As an experiment, I decided to set up a link so that if people wanted to, they could make small donations to this blog.

Using the public radio model, where  content is provided for free, and if people enjoy it, they can chose to support it, if they are able to do so. I feel strongly that anyone should be able to read my cartoons for free, and not have paid subscriptions or annoying ads on my site. (Well, other than me whinging to you about Buy My Books! every now and again. But you know…a bear has to buy the occasional cuppycake and pay the mortgage on her cave.)

Look for the surrealistic panda with a cuppycake in the sidebar to the right, click on it, and it will take you to my thingie.

Follow the panda. or the cuppycake, to support panda satire!

See you on Wednesday for the next exciting episode of the KittySue and the Three Pandas saga!

Panda On!
Bob T Panda

Fabulous Furry Friday

hmmm…well….We’ve already done an encore presentation about the Panda Season of Love, aaaannd, Easter is over, so, I know! WE will do a Fabulous Furry Friday random pick! And you can always ask for replays of your favorite “toons (if I can find them, or if I remember!)

Here’s today’s Fabulous Furry Friday Favorites!

Here’s a selection from March of 2015!

Um…pass the beer and poutine, please!

Okay…maybe ONE ‘toon from the Panda Season of Love!

We KNEW that was you!

I was really afraid this was going to happen.

Now where did that cat go?

Despite the fact that Bob is still wearing his vacation outfit, he’s back and ready to report!

But maybe you should be careful what you admit to, Pinky.

Mehitabel! Can you take a meeting?

Yo, don’t bogart that agenda, boys, pass it over to me….

Panda On!
Bob T Panda

Don’t be an April Fool

I can’t believe I have never (at least not to my recollection) done an April Fool’s day cartoon. Obviously, the panda kindergarten is custom made for this day. I would be an April Fool not to take advantage of the confluence of zeitgeist. Or something like that. So to make up for the lack of specifically April Tom foolery, I shall have a Fabulous Furry Friday of cartoons where the young panda set makes a fool of Bob!

I should have lots to choose from!!!!

Do we have to count panda adoption fees?

Panda Kindergarten halloween party

Trick or Trick!!!!!!!

Black friday shopping tactics

Ah, fall…or something…is in the air! Hey! Is this one of those poor joke cartoons?

new years eve party, panda kindergarten

The panda kindergarten at their best…or is that worst?


Huzzah! it’s the year of the Dragon!

Nothing like a bit of the great outdoors to straighten up the panda kindergarten.

What do you mean by “was?”

And don’t forget, you have until TOMORROW to take advantage of my one week sale on Books 1-6! Check it out HERE!

Panda On !
Bob T Panda

Voting While Dead

You Know Who swears that this is a thing. Voting while dead. Massive voting fraud. He heard it on Foxy News, so it must be true.  Um…no, it’s not. Enough verifiable sources have said voter fraud on this scale is near impossible, especially in the ways you know who said it happened. When is this election going to be over???? OH….it is? Then why is HWMNBN still campaigning?

But, if people are going to vote while dead, they should at least follow some rules.


This isn’t Nam, man! There are rules here!

Panda on!
Bob T Panda

My opening farewell

No, I’m not going anywhere, so you can stop hyperventilating right this minute. But the real life inspiration for Princess Pinky, that American icon of the Smithsonian institute, out there in the OTHER Washington, Bao Bao, daughter of Mei Xiang and Tian Tian, has to leave for China next week. So, devastated as we are, we must say farewell to that adorable ball of fluff that we love so well. All this month, Fabulous Furry Friday celebrates her royal self. So here’s today’s plethora of Pinkys!!!!

Pinky is a STAR!!!!!

Princess Pinky helps with new years resolutions

You say you want a resolution, well, you know, it is hard to change a bear….

Bao Bao is unhappy

Could Mama Mei Xiang really be contemplating letting Pinky loose on the pandy kindy?

Sochi Winter Olympics, Pandas

I keep hearing the song “bears on the Run” going through my head…the ski run, that is!

Never say “No” to a Pinky!

Those girls are a force to be reckoned with.

Tune in again on Sunday for the rest of the Book 7 cover reveal!

Panda On!
Bob T Panda


Alternative Facts

You know I couldn’t let this one go by without comment, didn’t you? The Institute for Contemporary Panda Satire strives to be the LEADER in the purveyment of alternative facts.  Also alternative words. We make up have the best words here!

Our words are the best!!!!!!

Alternative facts

We have the very best facts

Meanwhile, I am eagerly awaiting the arrival of a proof copy of The Panda Chronicles Book 7: Don’t call mee boo boo! And as promised, here is a PARTIAL cover reveal.  Heh!

And who might that be, trying to sneak onto the cover of Bubba’s book? Tune in soon for the answer and more of the cover.

I hope you notice the very calming blue, bordering on periwinkle, background color. I thought we all needed to calm down just a little bit.

A small housekeeping detail for all the very generous folks who have contributed to my “support a worthy organization of my choosing and get panda stuff” campaign. I just finished the first batch of printing and doing a small drawing on the first group of goodies. I plan to get them in the mail by week’s end. Any one who donates to either Planned Parenthood or the ACLU between now and the end of February, your prints/drawings will go out in early March. Don’t know what the heck I’m talking about? Check out the information HERE!

And I also want to give thanks to my friends Deborah and Leslie, for making donations in honor and memory of the dearly departed Mehitabel, to their favorite cat charities. I can’t think of a better way to honor my sweet kitty. Well, other than having her remain here on The Panda Chronicles as the voice of reason and authority. Someone has to keep those pandas in line!

Keep Being the bear!

Panda on!
Bob T Panda

A Farewell to Pandas

We knew this day was coming… the day when we would have to bid a fond farewell to the light and the hope of Washington DC, the inimitable Bao Bao. Here, in these pages, she is better know as Princess Pinky, the terror of Connecticut Avenue, purloiner of Banky Pigs, and tormentor of little brothers. I did not set out to make her a tyrant. It’s just how she evolved. And, I gotta say, she has been a blast to write and draw, and just because the actual Boa Boa is being sent to her ancestral homeland, it’s no reason that Pinky can’t remain here.

Sorry Bubba. She refused to go.

So, as she prepares for her journey later this month, let’s have a tribute to Princess Pinky!!!

Pinky tests her powers….

Pinky has always stood for…um…Pinky’s rights! Aw…this was a cake walk to what’s coming now.

National Zoo cub makes mom Mei Xiang disappear

Pinky gets her wand!

Princess Pinky is fooled by Mei Xiang at the National Zoo

Oh Princess Pinky, mom has a trick or two up her paw, I think…

Princess Pinky paper doll

Princess Pinky and her very first tutu, gifted to her by her big brother Tai Shan!

deleted footage from press conference

Pinky answers difficult questions from the press in her own way. So much for Fake News!

Don’t worry, we’ll bring you more of Pinky’s greatest hits all through February!

And hold on to your hats! Book 7 of The Panda Chronicles is making it’s way through production and will hopefully be available by the time of the Atlanta Cubvention! Stay tuned to this station. And in the meantime, make sure your library is up to date with all the other Panda Chronicles collections!

Panda On!
Bob T Panda!

Summit Talks

The talks between world (cough cough) leaders are not the only summit talks that are now happening around the world. The question is one that has puzzled philosophers for centuries: What do pandas talk about, when they talk about ‘boo? And more importantly, are panda moms the true power behind the curtain?

Give me a cuppycake and a bamboo lever and I will move the world!


“Why can’t my children be as well behaved as Lun Lun’s,” mused Mei Xiang

Meanwhile, my project to raise funds for Planned Parenthood and the ACLU is going very well. The offer is in effect through February and the details are here:

Donate $50 to either the ACLU or Planned Parenthood and get a signed copy of a cartoon, with a hand drawn sketch on it.
Donate $100 to either the ACLU or Planned Parenthood and get 2 signed cartoons with a hand drawn sketch on them.
Donate $500 to either the ACLU or Planned Parenthood and get an original hand drawn cartoon of my* choice (unframed) (* you can tell me who your favorite panda characters are and I will make a selection based on that info)

Just send me a screenshot of your donation receipt dated between January 31st and February 28th, along with your mailing address, and I will send them out as I receive them. US addresses only, please. Send info/receipt to Let’s see if we can raise some $$ for these organizations! Pandas are standing by!

Thanks to all who have donated so far!

Panda On!
Bob T Panda